The Tragedy of Southern Culture

Thankfully the rotting corpse of the confederacy is being exhumed and cremated in today's America and flushed down the sewer where it rightfully belongs

"White Southerners who defend Confederate symbols from most of the rest of us is their devotion to a heritage that they perceive as being much more noble than it really was".

The Tragedy of Southern Cultural Obsession Psychology Today
The confederate culture is returning strong as ever with the rise of Trump.
Because there is no greater Son of the South than Donald Trump?
I like some of the Southern cuisine. I love the literature of Southern writers. But after that, there's not much about Southern culture to admire.

NASCAR? Please. That's only 150 mph billboards turning left. And if NASCAR is a cornerstone in the over all Southern culture, it's not worthy of being called 'culture at all.
Okay- what pisses me off about this thread is the South is not the Confederacy and vice versa.

Many of the Confederate Fan Boys here are not Southerners, and many Southerners do not admire the Confederacy- and most Southerners do not define the South in regards to Confederate history.

There is plenty of Southern culture to enjoy without listening to the yahoos tell us how happy all the darkies were on the plantation while Massa went off to war to protect his right to own human property.

you just don't get it

all white people owned slaves and all blacks were slaves

all blacks are still oppressed, just ask them , they will tell you.

provided they can put down their $600 phone for that long

You just don't get it.

Confederate fan boys don't represent the South- they represent those who have fantasies about a time that never was- and want to return to that imaginary time.

My ancestors were Irish and came over around the end of the Civil War. They had to work their way up to black.

And yeah, most southerners I know are glad the confederacy lost and are not racist assholes.
I like some of the Southern cuisine. I love the literature of Southern writers. But after that, there's not much about Southern culture to admire.

NASCAR? Please. That's only 150 mph billboards turning left. And if NASCAR is a cornerstone in the over all Southern culture, it's not worthy of being called 'culture at all.

It may be a cornerstone of the southern redneck culture, but it is far from being a cornerstone of southern culture in general.

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