The trash on the border is enormous!!!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
This is really eye opening. Where are the environmentalists?

[ame=]Trash On The Border - YouTube[/ame]
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Have you seen the trash along the roads and in the ditches across this county? I see chairs couches refrigerators and who knows what else out here in the countryside. People have no respect for their neighbors and I am talking about Americans here. If they have no respect for their neighbors or fellow countrymen how can they have respect for themselves?

Its not everybody but a small segment of our society but the question is how small is this segment?
Have you seen the trash along the roads and in the ditches across this county? I see chairs couches refrigerators and who knows what else out here in the countryside. People have no respect for their neighbors and I am talking about Americans here. If they have no respect for their neighbors or fellow countrymen how can they have respect for themselves?

Its not everybody but a small segment of our society but the question is how small is this segment?
Now that is precisely what I am referring to. Instead of focusing on the filthy habits of illegals violating our border, you go one a mission to deflect.
Not today, pal. Stay on point!
As a conservative constituent and activist,i am doung my part. I sponsored and created a proposal that,here in georgia,will eliminate the needs of the businesses having to hire thus vermin,increase profitability,and also,defer any lag of productivity its called THE GEORGIA AGRICULTURAL INITIATIVE OF 2012.anyone wanting to read it,i can email PDF.have lots of signatures and lawmakers and even the department of labor is reviewing it.takes actions from all of us,at all ends,to stop the problem.
I was involved in helping deport a bunch that tried bringing 187 gang members here with the migrant workers. Not on my watch,theyre history.
Have you seen the trash along the roads and in the ditches across this county? I see chairs couches refrigerators and who knows what else out here in the countryside. People have no respect for their neighbors and I am talking about Americans here. If they have no respect for their neighbors or fellow countrymen how can they have respect for themselves?

Its not everybody but a small segment of our society but the question is how small is this segment?

Where do you live? It sounds like you live in a pigsty!

P.S. Trying to deflect this outrage doesn't work. :rolleyes:

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Try driving through the Dakotas... or really anywhere rural in this country. The amount of unsightly shit people have on their property in rural areas is astounding.
Have you seen the trash along the roads and in the ditches across this county? I see chairs couches refrigerators and who knows what else out here in the countryside. People have no respect for their neighbors and I am talking about Americans here. If they have no respect for their neighbors or fellow countrymen how can they have respect for themselves?

Its not everybody but a small segment of our society but the question is how small is this segment?

Where do you live? It sounds like you live in a pigsty!

P.S. Trying to deflect this outrage doesn't work pal. :rolleyes:


If you would get out and travel this country, not the interstates or in the cities but the back roads you would see what I was talking about. And it was not a deflection but a simple observation that trash is not an illegal monopoly. If your against illegals get to the point and stop painting them as sub human. They are just as human as you are. Personally I am against illegal immigration, but they are still men and women and children not some sub human race. Some of you sound like the Schutzstaffe!
Arrest and/or fine the people who are hiring them. Part of the problem would be solved.
Let's get our troops out of foreign countries, and have them actually do what a military is supposed to do: defend our borders from those who would invade our territory. Then, we need to pass a law that actually criminalizes illegal entry into the country, incarcerate those who try to do it for 10 years, and organize them into chain gangs forced to clean up these areas. Then, we need to deport the trash to Mexico. Oh, and all those clothes left behind too.
Let's get our troops out of foreign countries, and have them actually do what a military is supposed to do: defend our borders from those who would invade our territory. Then, we need to pass a law that actually criminalizes illegal entry into the country, incarcerate those who try to do it for 10 years, and organize them into chain gangs forced to clean up these areas. Then, we need to deport the trash to Mexico. Oh, and all those clothes left behind too.

We should using elite teams and better weapons tech overseas..daisy cutters to the taliban.......

The Hispanic Experience - Stolen Birthright

Texas revolted against Mexico in 1836, waged war against Mexico, and won its independence. A couple decades later, Texas asked to become part of the US. Mexico initiated hostilities against the US by invading its territory and attacking US forces, which resulted in a declaration of war. During the course of that war, California also revolted against Mexico, with the first hostilities there being Californios who overtook Mexican military facilities (though this was accomplished without any blood shed), over threw Mexican governance and established new government, and welcomed American forces to secure the region, and consented to becoming part of the US. After the war, the US paid $15 million in compensation to Mexico to official purchase the region.
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This is really eye opening. Where are the environmentalists?

Trash On The Border - YouTube

Hiding from this because like other libs, favor an open border with Mexico...More potential democrat voters.

You know, that is an absolutely idiotic thing to say. And I'm not kidding when I say idiotic. You try to change the subject to somehow besmirch Democrats and it just make you look like a vindictive idiot to the whole world. If you don't have anything useful to say about the subject, which is trash at the border, then why don't you just sit there with your thumb up your ass, at least it would keep your hands away from the keyboard. I hate to be so rude about it, but your post was so out of of line it deserves it.
This is really eye opening. Where are the environmentalists?

Trash On The Border - YouTube

Hiding from this because like other libs, favor an open border with Mexico...More potential democrat voters.

You know, that is an absolutely idiotic thing to say. And I'm not kidding when I say idiotic. You try to change the subject to somehow besmirch Democrats and it just make you look like a vindictive idiot to the whole world. If you don't have anything useful to say about the subject, which is trash at the border, then why don't you just sit there with your thumb up your ass, at least it would keep your hands away from the keyboard. I hate to be so rude about it, but your post was so out of of line it deserves it.

You're right. That has been the farthest thing from my mind-more crossing the border, for more votes. It is absolutely ridiculous, and I'm sure that you and I are not the only ones who would think this.

For some people, it's just easier to label and categorize people whom they don't agree with.

It's as if ALL Democrats are the same. We're not. I don't know if you are or not, but I am...and I don't like to be described/labeled as a brainwashed cult follower; and am well aware of the border issue, and agree that it is indeed a problem that needs to be dealt with.

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