The Trophy Collector*


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
An homage not just to writing, but to hobbies in general! Enjoy,


The United Nations building was where people gathered to discuss very important geopolitical matters on Earth. It had become a sign of a human management of competitive instincts. So where do such instincts lead and what are the highways of human imagination regarding customs?


A young man named Isaac Satan, an Algerian-American, ex-CIA and former diamond-thief working against barons in the UK using smuggled blood-diamonds to finance terrorism, was now pensive about this issue. The issue of world customs is important. Isaac was retired from politics at the age of 40 and was now a trophy collector. He collected and customized trophies. It had become his new artistic hobby, a labor of love for this nerdist.


ISAAC: I used to collect diamonds for Interpol, and now I collect trophies for myself.


Isaac played junior-league soccer as a youth in Algeria, for a team called Fury, and won a gold medal in their division, which was a great boost for his city at the time, and he never forgot the great triumph.


He collected and customized trophies ravenously now, making inscriptions and personalized messages meant to convey the symbolism behind these prize-diadems and why they reflected the negotiation power of customs under the umbrella of human competitiveness. Trophies were to competition what roses were to romance!


He collected so many trophies and made a showcase of the items to show to his friends and peers at the CIA. These prize-diadems, customized with great symbolic messages, intended to reflect his investments in the anthropology of human competitiveness and customs.


FIANCEE: Trophies are excellent, and anthropology is stirring, but no woman wants to be a trophy, right?


ISAAC: Well, I don't just collect trophies or women, because of political obsessions; I also used to collect great toys!


Nevertheless, Isaac Satan's preoccupation with the anthropology of trophies inevitably represented and re-presented his youthful newfound fascination with the characterization of human competition...and splendor.


ISAAC: I don't want to be remembered as a pirate...but as a historian...or poet!


Isaac's fiancee perhaps wonders how all this trophy-theatricality will impact realms of gender free-speech in modern times, since he's somewhat famous in the political underground and has special influence suddenly in the world of youthful customs pageantry!


ISAAC: I studied at a very fine school, so I'm aware of the weight of dispersed responsibilities regarding customs fashions!


Isaac may take his fiancee to Romania and tell her about the 'trophy' of vampire-folklore in iconic Transylvania, so she doesn't think he's become preoccupied with the 'trophies' of anthropological dictionaries.


ISAAC: I may never stop collecting trophies, but who doesn't appreciate the 'magic' of hobby-dollars?


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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