The true enemy of the Israeli people.


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Where the wild things are
I, like hundreds of thousands of Israelis, felt appalled and disgusted by the op-ed published on "Ha'aretz" website, a couple of days ago.

The writer, Yossi Klein, used one of the most basic rights given to us, the freedom of speech, and delivered an article filled with hate, generalization and political-incorrectness. Unfortunately, it's not a rare event when public figures and people of culture, from different side of the ideological map, fall into the clutches of demonization. This time, the direct target of said demonizatrion was the religious Zionism.

Under the title of "Our Righteous Elite", Mr Klein spills his heart regarding what he believes, is the source of all wrong- religious Israeli Jews. He spares no words and sugarcoat nothing when saying, out for everyone to read, that religious Israeli Jews are worse than Hezbollah. Yes, the same Hezbollah that is responsible for killing many Israelis, Syrians, Europeans and Lebanese. The same Heazbollah that backs up Assad Regime and turned entire Lebanese cities into a battlefield, is less dangerous to the everyday Israelis than the horror that is the knitted Kippah.

"Yes, the natinalist religious citizens are dangerous. More dangerous than the Palestinian ramming-attackers, girls with scissors, more dangerous than Hezbollah. Arabs are legitimate target. Not so the religious Zionists.What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Arab-rein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

He keeps saying that- "They will support delusional media laws, thieving gas organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the prime minister and his government around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of human rights."

Sparing no words he continues, "Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Judaism long ago. Now say- rights for Jews alone."

He later concludes, "Is their any point of dialogue? No, it's too late now. There could have been, if their patriotism was to be separated from their Judaism. There is no bridge that can bring us together now."

Those were harsh words, dipped with poison and Sin'at Chinam, what we call- baseless hate. Ask any common Israeli, they could not deny the great contribution given to us be religious Zionists. They well pay their duties, come first in culture, science, important discoveries. They'll be the firsts to speak against injustice.

Yes they're more dangerous to the 'enlightened' and 'liberal' Israelis than the enemies from north and south. Ro'i Klein, an Israeli commander who jumped on a grenade to save the lives of fellow soldiers, is more dangerous than Hezbollah. Daphna Meir, a religious Zionists, mother of five adopted children, who fought for understanding between religious and secular women and was killed by a Palestinian teen, is more dangerous than Hezbollah.

This kind of hate, mixed with disinformation and prejudice, is something I don't understand. I just as well don't understand those who automatically call all liberal Israelis "traitors" or "Those who forgot the meaning of being Jews". Those who incite against homosexuals, or try to fight of women's rights in the army. All those type of conversations do not help the Israeli people in anyway. We need to ask ourselves, how did we get here?

3 years before the Nazis rose to power, a Jewish phylosopher wrote a book about "Self Jewish hatred" ("Der jüdische Selbsthaß"). About autoantisemitism and rift between Jews. Sad that this book is still relevant today, when we read articles like the one of Yossi Klein. We should say thank you we didn't reach bloodshed, but is it how Israelis supposed to behave?

No. The true enemy of the Jewish people is what is known as "baseless hate". It is something I want to believe we can cure ourselves from. Starting by using words which are less hateful and more reaching.

I hope it's not too late for us.
He seems to be quite accurate in his analysis. Nothing self-hating about stating the truth.
He seems to be quite accurate in his analysis. Nothing self-hating about stating the truth.

I guess if I changed the terminology it would have made the exact same sense?

"Yes, the Muslims religiousare dangerous. More dangerous than the Kach Movements, more dangerous than any Baruch Goldsteins, What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Judenrein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

"They will support delusional Sharia laws,so called 'human rights' organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the the world and the UN around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of a Jewish state."

"Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Islam long ago. Now say- rights for Muslims alone."
He seems to be quite accurate in his analysis. Nothing self-hating about stating the truth.

I guess if I changed the terminology it would have made the exact same sense?

"Yes, the Muslims religiousare dangerous. More dangerous than the Kach Movements, more dangerous than any Baruch Goldsteins, What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Judenrein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

"They will support delusional Sharia laws,so called 'human rights' organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the the world and the UN around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of a Jewish state."

"Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Islam long ago. Now say- rights for Muslims alone."
I love when you idiots derail your own failed threads.

And you transparent idiots who use the term self-hating Jew instead of HONEST Jew fool nobody.
I, like hundreds of thousands of Israelis, felt appalled and disgusted by the op-ed published on "Ha'aretz" website, a couple of days ago.

The writer, Yossi Klein, used one of the most basic rights given to us, the freedom of speech, and delivered an article filled with hate, generalization and political-incorrectness. Unfortunately, it's not a rare event when public figures and people of culture, from different side of the ideological map, fall into the clutches of demonization. This time, the direct target of said demonizatrion was the religious Zionism.

Under the title of "Our Righteous Elite", Mr Klein spills his heart regarding what he believes, is the source of all wrong- religious Israeli Jews. He spares no words and sugarcoat nothing when saying, out for everyone to read, that religious Israeli Jews are worse than Hezbollah. Yes, the same Hezbollah that is responsible for killing many Israelis, Syrians, Europeans and Lebanese. The same Heazbollah that backs up Assad Regime and turned entire Lebanese cities into a battlefield, is less dangerous to the everyday Israelis than the horror that is the knitted Kippah.

"Yes, the natinalist religious citizens are dangerous. More dangerous than the Palestinian ramming-attackers, girls with scissors, more dangerous than Hezbollah. Arabs are legitimate target. Not so the religious Zionists.What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Arab-rein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

He keeps saying that- "They will support delusional media laws, thieving gas organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the prime minister and his government around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of human rights."

Sparing no words he continues, "Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Judaism long ago. Now say- rights for Jews alone."

He later concludes, "Is their any point of dialogue? No, it's too late now. There could have been, if their patriotism was to be separated from their Judaism. There is no bridge that can bring us together now."

Those were harsh words, dipped with poison and Sin'at Chinam, what we call- baseless hate. Ask any common Israeli, they could not deny the great contribution given to us be religious Zionists. They well pay their duties, come first in culture, science, important discoveries. They'll be the firsts to speak against injustice.

Yes they're more dangerous to the 'enlightened' and 'liberal' Israelis than the enemies from north and south. Ro'i Klein, an Israeli commander who jumped on a grenade to save the lives of fellow soldiers, is more dangerous than Hezbollah. Daphna Meir, a religious Zionists, mother of five adopted children, who fought for understanding between religious and secular women and was killed by a Palestinian teen, is more dangerous than Hezbollah.

This kind of hate, mixed with disinformation and prejudice, is something I don't understand. I just as well don't understand those who automatically call all liberal Israelis "traitors" or "Those who forgot the meaning of being Jews". Those who incite against homosexuals, or try to fight of women's rights in the army. All those type of conversations do not help the Israeli people in anyway. We need to ask ourselves, how did we get here?

3 years before the Nazis rose to power, a Jewish phylosopher wrote a book about "Self Jewish hatred" ("Der jüdische Selbsthaß"). About autoantisemitism and rift between Jews. Sad that this book is still relevant today, when we read articles like the one of Yossi Klein. We should say thank you we didn't reach bloodshed, but is it how Israelis supposed to behave?

No. The true enemy of the Jewish people is what is known as "baseless hate". It is something I want to believe we can cure ourselves from. Starting by using words which are less hateful and more reaching.

I hope it's not too late for us.

I tried, sadly it nearly cost me my life.

We can wish, but we should also be realistic.
He seems to be quite accurate in his analysis. Nothing self-hating about stating the truth.

I guess if I changed the terminology it would have made the exact same sense?

"Yes, the Muslims religiousare dangerous. More dangerous than the Kach Movements, more dangerous than any Baruch Goldsteins, What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Judenrein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

"They will support delusional Sharia laws,so called 'human rights' organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the the world and the UN around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of a Jewish state."

"Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Islam long ago. Now say- rights for Muslims alone."
I love when you idiots derail your own failed threads.

And you transparent idiots who use the term self-hating Jew instead of HONEST Jew fool nobody.

It's always interesting how converts and the islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers so frequently do their Pom Pom flailing while safely ensconced in the Great Satan™. How curious none of you will actually spend time in your islamic paradises.
It's always interesting how converts and the islamic terrorist Pom Pom flailers so frequently do their Pom Pom flailing while safely ensconced in the Great Satan™. How curious none of you will actually spend time in your islamic paradises.
Its a dream of the 'thousand year' dillibob resurfacing and few see it on the rise. Empathy is great but not mandatory when its a viper at your heels.
The most religious people of any group are always the worst. Take the most religious people away from Iran, for example, and suddenly they become a sensible country.
Israeli terrorist anywhere as of late that you know of? I have seen some Israeli professors writing on how to combat evangelism but that was with words not rockets and rebels with Saran gas, etc...
I almost got killed wandering around Arab East Jerusalem one bright afternoon after visiting the Old City.

Finally hitched a ride on a UN Jeep and got out of there.
I, like hundreds of thousands of Israelis, felt appalled and disgusted by the op-ed published on "Ha'aretz" website, a couple of days ago.

The writer, Yossi Klein, used one of the most basic rights given to us, the freedom of speech, and delivered an article filled with hate, generalization and political-incorrectness. Unfortunately, it's not a rare event when public figures and people of culture, from different side of the ideological map, fall into the clutches of demonization. This time, the direct target of said demonizatrion was the religious Zionism.

Under the title of "Our Righteous Elite", Mr Klein spills his heart regarding what he believes, is the source of all wrong- religious Israeli Jews. He spares no words and sugarcoat nothing when saying, out for everyone to read, that religious Israeli Jews are worse than Hezbollah. Yes, the same Hezbollah that is responsible for killing many Israelis, Syrians, Europeans and Lebanese. The same Heazbollah that backs up Assad Regime and turned entire Lebanese cities into a battlefield, is less dangerous to the everyday Israelis than the horror that is the knitted Kippah.

"Yes, the natinalist religious citizens are dangerous. More dangerous than the Palestinian ramming-attackers, girls with scissors, more dangerous than Hezbollah. Arabs are legitimate target. Not so the religious Zionists.What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Arab-rein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

He keeps saying that- "They will support delusional media laws, thieving gas organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the prime minister and his government around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of human rights."

Sparing no words he continues, "Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Judaism long ago. Now say- rights for Jews alone."

He later concludes, "Is their any point of dialogue? No, it's too late now. There could have been, if their patriotism was to be separated from their Judaism. There is no bridge that can bring us together now."

Those were harsh words, dipped with poison and Sin'at Chinam, what we call- baseless hate. Ask any common Israeli, they could not deny the great contribution given to us be religious Zionists. They well pay their duties, come first in culture, science, important discoveries. They'll be the firsts to speak against injustice.

Yes they're more dangerous to the 'enlightened' and 'liberal' Israelis than the enemies from north and south. Ro'i Klein, an Israeli commander who jumped on a grenade to save the lives of fellow soldiers, is more dangerous than Hezbollah. Daphna Meir, a religious Zionists, mother of five adopted children, who fought for understanding between religious and secular women and was killed by a Palestinian teen, is more dangerous than Hezbollah.

This kind of hate, mixed with disinformation and prejudice, is something I don't understand. I just as well don't understand those who automatically call all liberal Israelis "traitors" or "Those who forgot the meaning of being Jews". Those who incite against homosexuals, or try to fight of women's rights in the army. All those type of conversations do not help the Israeli people in anyway. We need to ask ourselves, how did we get here?

3 years before the Nazis rose to power, a Jewish phylosopher wrote a book about "Self Jewish hatred" ("Der jüdische Selbsthaß"). About autoantisemitism and rift between Jews. Sad that this book is still relevant today, when we read articles like the one of Yossi Klein. We should say thank you we didn't reach bloodshed, but is it how Israelis supposed to behave?

No. The true enemy of the Jewish people is what is known as "baseless hate". It is something I want to believe we can cure ourselves from. Starting by using words which are less hateful and more reaching.

I hope it's not too late for us.
Well I suppose everybody is entitled to their own opinion of anything.

There are of course 3 or 4 flavors of Jews these days --

- the ultra Orthodox

- the Conservative

- the Reform

- the uninterested in Religion who are merely culturally Jewish.

It's rather hard to pour all these into one bucket and expect to say anything intelligent about any and all of them.

Jews are really no different than Catholics or than Eastern Orthodox or even than many of the Protestant Evangelical's.

It is really the moosleem threat to the world and their foul perverted doctrines of 72 virgins for acts of mass murder that is the worst threat, actually.

Currently with moosleem attention on Europe that is somewhat of a relief on Israelis -- the silver lining to a very dark ominous cloud -- the moosleems.
I, like hundreds of thousands of Israelis, felt appalled and disgusted by the op-ed published on "Ha'aretz" website, a couple of days ago.

The writer, Yossi Klein, used one of the most basic rights given to us, the freedom of speech, and delivered an article filled with hate, generalization and political-incorrectness. Unfortunately, it's not a rare event when public figures and people of culture, from different side of the ideological map, fall into the clutches of demonization. This time, the direct target of said demonizatrion was the religious Zionism.

Under the title of "Our Righteous Elite", Mr Klein spills his heart regarding what he believes, is the source of all wrong- religious Israeli Jews. He spares no words and sugarcoat nothing when saying, out for everyone to read, that religious Israeli Jews are worse than Hezbollah. Yes, the same Hezbollah that is responsible for killing many Israelis, Syrians, Europeans and Lebanese. The same Heazbollah that backs up Assad Regime and turned entire Lebanese cities into a battlefield, is less dangerous to the everyday Israelis than the horror that is the knitted Kippah.

"Yes, the natinalist religious citizens are dangerous. More dangerous than the Palestinian ramming-attackers, girls with scissors, more dangerous than Hezbollah. Arabs are legitimate target. Not so the religious Zionists.What is it that they want? to take over the state and make it Arab-rein. They know it's too soon to be so up-front. They will deny it if you ask, but don't believe them. Their National-religion is radical nationality, covered with the righteousness of fearing God."

He keeps saying that- "They will support delusional media laws, thieving gas organizations, teethless supreme court. They wrap the prime minister and his government around their fingers. They wink when speaking of democracy, but left speechless when reminded of the existance of human rights."

Sparing no words he continues, "Lies are their way of life, deciet is their principle. Democracy and human rights converted to Judaism long ago. Now say- rights for Jews alone."

He later concludes, "Is their any point of dialogue? No, it's too late now. There could have been, if their patriotism was to be separated from their Judaism. There is no bridge that can bring us together now."

Those were harsh words, dipped with poison and Sin'at Chinam, what we call- baseless hate. Ask any common Israeli, they could not deny the great contribution given to us be religious Zionists. They well pay their duties, come first in culture, science, important discoveries. They'll be the firsts to speak against injustice.

Yes they're more dangerous to the 'enlightened' and 'liberal' Israelis than the enemies from north and south. Ro'i Klein, an Israeli commander who jumped on a grenade to save the lives of fellow soldiers, is more dangerous than Hezbollah. Daphna Meir, a religious Zionists, mother of five adopted children, who fought for understanding between religious and secular women and was killed by a Palestinian teen, is more dangerous than Hezbollah.

This kind of hate, mixed with disinformation and prejudice, is something I don't understand. I just as well don't understand those who automatically call all liberal Israelis "traitors" or "Those who forgot the meaning of being Jews". Those who incite against homosexuals, or try to fight of women's rights in the army. All those type of conversations do not help the Israeli people in anyway. We need to ask ourselves, how did we get here?

3 years before the Nazis rose to power, a Jewish phylosopher wrote a book about "Self Jewish hatred" ("Der jüdische Selbsthaß"). About autoantisemitism and rift between Jews. Sad that this book is still relevant today, when we read articles like the one of Yossi Klein. We should say thank you we didn't reach bloodshed, but is it how Israelis supposed to behave?

No. The true enemy of the Jewish people is what is known as "baseless hate". It is something I want to believe we can cure ourselves from. Starting by using words which are less hateful and more reaching.

I hope it's not too late for us.
Well I suppose everybody is entitled to their own opinion of anything.

There are of course 3 or 4 flavors of Jews these days --

- the ultra Orthodox

- the Conservative

- the Reform

- the uninterested in Religion who are merely culturally Jewish.

It's rather hard to pour all these into one bucket and expect to say anything intelligent about any and all of them.

Jews are really no different than Catholics or than Eastern Orthodox or even than many of the Protestant Evangelical's.

It is really the moosleem threat to the world and their foul perverted doctrines of 72 virgins for acts of mass murder that is the worst threat, actually.

Currently with moosleem attention on Europe that is somewhat of a relief on Israelis -- the silver lining to a very dark ominous cloud -- the moosleems.
Just curious if anyone knows what those '72 virgins' represent or a clue of how Muhammad got that idea?
The most religious people of any group are always the worst. Take the most religious people away from Iran, for example, and suddenly they become a sensible country.
Israeli terrorist anywhere as of late that you know of? I have seen some Israeli professors writing on how to combat evangelism but that was with words not rockets and rebels with Saran gas, etc...
Evangelicals and zealot Jews desire about as much peace as terrorists do
The most religious people of any group are always the worst. Take the most religious people away from Iran, for example, and suddenly they become a sensible country.
Israeli terrorist anywhere as of late that you know of? I have seen some Israeli professors writing on how to combat evangelism but that was with words not rockets and rebels with Saran gas, etc...
Evangelicals and zealot Jews desire about as much peace as terrorists do
There ya' go refusing to answer a direct question. Is it your delusional mind or are you attached to these radical Islamist types and the one's that they have sold their souls to?
The most religious people of any group are always the worst. Take the most religious people away from Iran, for example, and suddenly they become a sensible country.
Israeli terrorist anywhere as of late that you know of? I have seen some Israeli professors writing on how to combat evangelism but that was with words not rockets and rebels with Saran gas, etc...
Evangelicals and zealot Jews desire about as much peace as terrorists do
There ya' go refusing to answer a direct question. Is it your delusional mind or are you attached to these radical Islamist types and the one's that they have sold their souls to?

Some would say the actions of the IDF are terrorist acts. But for war to continue, as you and religious nutjobs desire, you have to vehemently declare anybody who says that to be the enemy.
The most religious people of any group are always the worst. Take the most religious people away from Iran, for example, and suddenly they become a sensible country.
Israeli terrorist anywhere as of late that you know of? I have seen some Israeli professors writing on how to combat evangelism but that was with words not rockets and rebels with Saran gas, etc...
Evangelicals and zealot Jews desire about as much peace as terrorists do
There ya' go refusing to answer a direct question. Is it your delusional mind or are you attached to these radical Islamist types and the one's that they have sold their souls to?

Some would say the actions of the IDF are terrorist acts. But for war to continue, as you and religious nutjobs desire, you have to vehemently declare anybody who says that to be the enemy.
So you find Christian evangelism, Rabbi's teaching the Torah, and Islamic terror of Mullah's and Imam's comparable. Excellent admission on your part to supporting terrorism like the link below has, thanks!

The lovely Clinton supporter anti-crowd should be disgustedly proud of its self. The REAL Srebrenica Genocide, not reported by the corrupted media, was the brutal mass murder!

"Clinton-approved Iranian arms transfers help turn Bosnia into militant Islamic base"
So you find Christian evangelism, Rabbi's teaching the Torah, and Islamic terror of Mullah's and Imam's comparable.

If they are zealots. All of them desire war. And all of them think it's justified because theirs is the "correct" magical belief system. So yes. Very comparable.
Wrong but you are too ignorant to understand that. Killing in the name of God is "the destroyer" spoken of in Revelation. Shooting some dickhead that breaks into your home and lands on top of you saying he is going to rape you and is a threat to your family is self defense. Too bad you do not know or recognize the difference.
So you find Christian evangelism, Rabbi's teaching the Torah, and Islamic terror of Mullah's and Imam's comparable.

If they are zealots. All of them desire war. And all of them think it's justified because theirs is the "correct" magical belief system. So yes. Very comparable.
Wrong but you are too ignorant to understand that. Killing in the name of God is "the destroyer" spoken of in Revelation. Shooting some dickhead that breaks into your home and lands on top of you saying he is going to rape you and is a threat to your family is self defense. Too bad you do not know or recognize the difference.
When evangelical warhawks and extremist Jews order families to be killed, those families lack the capability to shoot them like a "dickhead" in defense.

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