The true meaning of feminism

Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.
What you just said is totally sexist.

It's actually not. It's just really biased and exclusionary.
Many men in positions of power are assholes

Today's feminists are holding them accountable
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.
What you just said is totally sexist.

Really?? Good!!
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.

No one really cares . We just put up with the paranoid feminist rambling because it's easier than fighting about it.

As long as you continue to use flawed stats and pretend men are walking on rainbows and have absolutely no intrinsic disadvantages, no one is going to care what you have to say. That's just the way it is.

As long as you continue to pretend that issues of concern to half the population don’t matter, these things will fester and get worse. This is why the US is falling in the rankings liveability, personal freedom, and individual rights.

I accept that there are some issues men have as well, but to deny and ignore white male privilege or claim any kind of victimhood for white males just isn’t going to fly.

The most successful nations in the world are the ones where people work together as a community, and where women’s rights and issues are taken seriously, and where women are well represented at the highest levels in government and business.
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.
What you just said is totally sexist.

Really?? Good!!
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.

No one really cares . We just put up with the paranoid feminist rambling because it's easier than fighting about it.

As long as you continue to use flawed stats and pretend men are walking on rainbows and have absolutely no intrinsic disadvantages, no one is going to care what you have to say. That's just the way it is.

As long as you continue to pretend that issues of concern to half the population don’t matter, these things will fester and get worse. This is why the US is falling in the rankings liveability, personal freedom, and individual rights.

I accept that there are some issues men have as well, but to deny and ignore white male privilege or claim any kind of victimhood for white males just isn’t going to fly.

The most successful nations in the world are the ones where people work together as a community, and where women’s rights and issues are taken seriously, and where women are well represented at the highest levels in government and business.

I wake up every day and "thank" the good Lord that I am not as clueless as you are. You don't have even the slightest clue....and because of that? I wouldn't have a starting point in order to begin your education. Sad....very, very sad.
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

This may be a shocker to you, but this is one of the few times we'll agree on something. Feminism is killing the democratic party as it is scaring off millions of men and turning the focus to stupid issues instead of rebuilding our middle class, helping the worker or effectively defending against the republican advances. You don't slap half of the country and expect to win elections.

Modern feminism is being used a female superiority movement as it is no longer about being equal. They want men completely chased into caves and to be silent.
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.
What you just said is totally sexist.

Really?? Good!!
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.

No one really cares . We just put up with the paranoid feminist rambling because it's easier than fighting about it.

As long as you continue to use flawed stats and pretend men are walking on rainbows and have absolutely no intrinsic disadvantages, no one is going to care what you have to say. That's just the way it is.

As long as you continue to pretend that issues of concern to half the population don’t matter, these things will fester and get worse. This is why the US is falling in the rankings liveability, personal freedom, and individual rights.

I accept that there are some issues men have as well, but to deny and ignore white male privilege or claim any kind of victimhood for white males just isn’t going to fly.

The most successful nations in the world are the ones where people work together as a community, and where women’s rights and issues are taken seriously, and where women are well represented at the highest levels in government and business.

The US's issues have little to do with gender inequality and much more to do with goddawful education. But thank you, Ms. Canada, for raining your wisdom down upon we mere foolish American white males. We couldn't tie our shoes in the morning without it!!!
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

This may be a shocker to you, but this is one of the few times we'll agree on something. Feminism is killing the democratic party as it is scaring off millions of men and turning the focus to stupid issues instead of rebuilding our middle class, helping the worker or effectively defending against the republican advances. You don't slap half of the country and expect to win elections.

Modern feminism is being used a female superiority movement as it is no longer about being equal. They want men completely chased into caves and to be silent.

As long as men continue to treat women as “others” you’re pulling in opposite directions and rights for women are just another wedge issue.

Simply stated, you’ve made a right mess of your country, and your solution to the problems is to cease sharing what little rights and power you deignef to share with women and minorities and take back white male supremacy.

Good luck with that.
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

This may be a shocker to you, but this is one of the few times we'll agree on something. Feminism is killing the democratic party as it is scaring off millions of men and turning the focus to stupid issues instead of rebuilding our middle class, helping the worker or effectively defending against the republican advances. You don't slap half of the country and expect to win elections.

Modern feminism is being used a female superiority movement as it is no longer about being equal. They want men completely chased into caves and to be silent.

As long as men continue to treat women as “others” you’re pulling in opposite directions and rights for women are just another wedge issue.

Simply stated, you’ve made a right mess of your country, and your solution to the problems is to cease sharing what little rights and power you deignef to share with women and minorities and take back white male supremacy.

Good luck with that.

Where are ya, Dragonlady? I replied to your post...........are you substantiating my claims????
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

This may be a shocker to you, but this is one of the few times we'll agree on something. Feminism is killing the democratic party as it is scaring off millions of men and turning the focus to stupid issues instead of rebuilding our middle class, helping the worker or effectively defending against the republican advances. You don't slap half of the country and expect to win elections.

Modern feminism is being used a female superiority movement as it is no longer about being equal. They want men completely chased into caves and to be silent.
How are some women wanting to be treated in a way superior to males?
Modern feminists are nothing but a bunch of man-hating strident bitches, who know nothing about true feminism. BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The true meaning of feminism (and how some in my generation are ruining it) - The Eastern Echo

The articles is written by Jacques Vorves. He’s a man, not a woman.

And he’s wrong.

Wrong about what? Calling himself a feminist? I agree; that is wrong.

You posted:

BTW, this article was written by a woman. A woman who know the true meaning of feminism.

The article was written by a man. He’s “mansplaining” feminism and telling women what wrong they’re doing wrong. He can go fuck himself.

For starters women are dealing with entirely different issues than we faced 30 years ago. This guy doesn’t know jack shit and has no clue about modern feminist issues. So him explaining what we should be about is both condescending and wrong.

No one really cares . We just put up with the paranoid feminist rambling because it's easier than fighting about it.

As long as you continue to use flawed stats and pretend men are walking on rainbows and have absolutely no intrinsic disadvantages, no one is going to care what you have to say. That's just the way it is.

they will care when we show up at the polls.
Today's feminists wear pussy hats in front of our kids and shit on street corners.
Hillary supporters.

your president brags about grabbing pussy & parents can't even let their kids watch him on TV without fear of him saying or doing something childish or vile.
Many men in positions of power are assholes

Today's feminists are holding them accountable

And becoming the assholes themselves. We already know the story.

awwww..... you mean we aren't acting like meek little subordinates?

tough shit. females have been pushed too far for too long & we are pushing back.

with long fingernails.

Many men in positions of power are assholes

Today's feminists are holding them accountable

And becoming the assholes themselves. We already know the story.

awwww..... you mean we aren't acting like meek little subordinates?

tough shit. females have been pushed too far for too long & we are pushing back.

with long fingernails.

View attachment 177204 View attachment 177206
I find the costuming to be a bit much, and the Oranguton is quite fond of vaginas ... so long as they have no opinions or rights. I though the noticing of Mike Pence with information about individual women's reproductive cycles was brilliant though.

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