The Trump Administrationā€™s Looming Political Crisis

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
The truth is so inconvenient for Trump.

The Trump Administrationā€™s Looming Political Crisis

Itā€™s been a chaotic year since the election. But the Mueller investigation signals that the most eventful days are still ahead.

It was only a year ago that voters delivered Donald Trump to the Presidency. It feels much longer. Trumpā€™s Twitter storms and erraticism can seem to slow time. There was his initial travel ban, last January, followed by protests at airports, court injunctions, a new travel ban, further injunctions, and an intervention by the Supreme Court. Add to this his adventures in nuclear brinkmanship; his assault on Obamacare; his moves to tear apart the worldā€™s free-trade system; and his use of the White House bully pulpit to normalize white supremacy. It may seem many months ago, yet it was only in mid-August that he took note of the ā€œvery fine peopleā€ attending a neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, where a white nationalist murdered a counter-protester. Steve Bannon may think of all this as a strategy of disruption. But Trumpā€™s conduct rarely suggests deliberation; it more often seems to express his anger, his tiresome ego, and his instincts for performance.
The truth is so inconvenient for Trump.

The Trump Administrationā€™s Looming Political Crisis

Itā€™s been a chaotic year since the election. But the Mueller investigation signals that the most eventful days are still ahead.

It was only a year ago that voters delivered Donald Trump to the Presidency. It feels much longer. Trumpā€™s Twitter storms and erraticism can seem to slow time. There was his initial travel ban, last January, followed by protests at airports, court injunctions, a new travel ban, further injunctions, and an intervention by the Supreme Court. Add to this his adventures in nuclear brinkmanship; his assault on Obamacare; his moves to tear apart the worldā€™s free-trade system; and his use of the White House bully pulpit to normalize white supremacy. It may seem many months ago, yet it was only in mid-August that he took note of the ā€œvery fine peopleā€ attending a neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, where a white nationalist murdered a counter-protester. Steve Bannon may think of all this as a strategy of disruption. But Trumpā€™s conduct rarely suggests deliberation; it more often seems to express his anger, his tiresome ego, and his instincts for performance.
On another important issue rumor has it that two-ply flushes easier than three-ply.
You need to seek mental help pal.
Given the way Hillary has fucked over the DNC and Bernie Sanders and literally bought the DNC the DEMs can forget 2018. When members of Hillary's campaign are going the prison for having Seth murdered the DNC can forget about 2020.
Have a nice continuing 'LOSER LIFE' asshole!
The Stink of Russian intervention hangs over the Trump presidency

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