The Trump-Putin Peace Conference...

Exactly what are all these critics- from all across the phony “left” and “right” spectrum, so upset about? Was Trump scheming to turn over the reigns of government to Putin? Was he advocating Russian as the new American language? Was he promising massive amounts of foreign aid to Russia?

I watched the Trump-Putin press conference. Aside from Trump’s predictable lapses into mindless, juvenile boasting and off-the-cuff embarrassing articulation, both of them sounded reasonable and refreshingly sane. If this had been Obama or Clinton on the stage, with any of China’s totalitarian rulers, the same kept press and deluded celebrities would have been just as over-the-top in their effusive praise...

The Trump-Putin Peace Conference - LewRockwell

The main thing they were screaming about was Putin's "incredible offer" (Trump's words, not mine), and he called it that TWICE in the presser, of sending US citizens to Russia to be interrogated, while Russia would send the people we want over here.

Only problem is, we don't have an extradition treaty, and the chances of those people making it back home from Russia if they were sent, would be extremely low. You think Puntin's gonna let them come back once he gets ahold of them?

That is what the bitching is about. And, there was enough of it because Trump changed his mind, but that was probably due to the Senate voting 98 to 0 to prevent it from happening.
Obama has nothing to do with his NOW. That kind of deflection is simply pissed on.

Trump needs to stand up to Putin, and the UN/US need to pile on with sanctions on Putin and his buddies personally.

They will change their attitudes; they won't go to war.

You're an idiot. Obama let them get away with murder and because of that NOW you want to start a War. The great and mighty Snarkey predictions aren't worth anything at all. While I'd be willing to bet the lives of your family they wouldn't go to war I wouldn't with mine. We are in this situation because Obetamale didn't stop them in the Ukraine and he KNEW what was happening during the election he did nothing to stop that either.
Doc1 continues the Alt Right way: fake news, alt facts, and outright lies.

No one wants a war.

Doc1 wants Trump to act like earlier presidents.
who knows what Putin and Trump talked about in their closed door meeting ?

obviously they had something to hide or they wouldnt be hiding..
sending US citizens to Russia to be interrogated

What is your source for this assertion?

It's been all over the news today, haven't you been paying attention? Actually, it's been in the news ever since the summit press conference. Just because you don't want to believe it happened, doesn't mean it didn't.

BTW, the Senate passed a resolution banning it from happening by 98 to 0.

Senate approves resolution warning Trump not to hand over US officials

The Senate on Thursday unanimously approved a resolution warning President Trump not to let the Russian government question diplomats and other officials, shortly after the White House released a statement backpedaling on a proposal to allow Moscow to help interrogate U.S. citizens such as former Ambassador Michael McFaul.

Senators voted 98-0 on the resolution spearheaded by Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Democratic Sens. Bob Menendez (N.J.), Dick Durbin (Ill.) and Brian Schatz (Hawaii).
“That President Trump would even consider handing over a former U.S. ambassador to Putin and his cronies for interrogation is bewildering. …This body must agree on the importance of protecting our ambassadors. We should pass it today, not wait, not show any equivocation,” Schumer said ahead of the vote, which was scheduled before the White House backtracked.

The nonbinding resolution comes amid growing frustration in the Senate over the White House's warmer stance toward Moscow, especially after the joint summit between Russian President Vladimir Putin and Trump earlier this week.

The potential that Trump could allow Russia to question U.S. officials had been in the headlines since the summit in Helsinki.
who knows what Putin and Trump talked about in their closed door meeting ?

obviously they had something to hide or they wouldnt be hiding..

Putin was giving Trump his next set of instructions and setting up a meeting with Mueller so the next phase of the Special Council investigation can be mapped out.
Peaceful dialogue what equate to appeasement and the empowerment of dictators is definitely wrong. Yes, TrumPutin was doing it for personal gain.

You're opposing peace to only to get your Democratic Party Masters back in power. It's very selfish and small-minded. We don't need another Cold War, or possibly WWIII.
Not surprising you’re pushing the discredited Fox News narrative. From Fox to your ears to this forum.
I see you’re devoid of any original thought.
sending US citizens to Russia to be interrogated

What is your source for this assertion?

It's been all over the news today, haven't you been paying attention? Actually, it's been in the news ever since the summit press conference. Just because you don't want to believe it happened, doesn't mean it didn't.

I asked you TWICE to support your assertion that Trump was in favor of "sending US citizens to Russia to be interrogated." Are you illiterate, dyslexic, dishonest or just plain stupid? No one has suggested that U.S. citizens be sent to Russia, much less "interrogated" by them. The issue is whether the Russians should be allowed to question them here on U.S. soil.
who knows what Putin and Trump talked about in their closed door meeting ?

obviously they had something to hide or they wouldnt be hiding..

Putin was giving Trump his next set of instructions and setting up a meeting with Mueller so the next phase of the Special Council investigation can be mapped out.

Putin gave Trump a set of knee pads and a bib.
Americans just don't wanna give peace a chance. They're addicted to war. Sadly, it's all they know.
Americans just don't wanna give peace a chance. They're addicted to war. Sadly, it's all they know.

I don't have a problem with giving peace a chance. I have a problem with Trump selling out to Putin. And, interestingly enough, Russia has already started to talk about a verbal agreement that Trump made with Putin concerning Syria, but nobody in the Pentagon knows what went down.

As Russians describe ‘verbal agreements’ at summit, U.S. officials scramble for clarity

Two days after President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian officials offered a string of assertions about what the two leaders had achieved.

“Important verbal agreements” were reached at the Helsinki meeting, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday, including preservation of the New START and INF agreements, major bilateral arms control treaties whose futures have been in question. Antonov also said Putin had made “specific and interesting proposals to Washington” on how the two countries could cooperate on Syria.

But officials at the most senior levels across the U.S. military, scrambling since Monday to determine what Trump may have agreed to on national security issues in Helsinki, had little to no information Wednesday.
Americans just don't wanna give peace a chance. They're addicted to war. Sadly, it's all they know.

I don't have a problem with giving peace a chance. I have a problem with Trump selling out to Putin. And, interestingly enough, Russia has already started to talk about a verbal agreement that Trump made with Putin concerning Syria, but nobody in the Pentagon knows what went down.

As Russians describe ‘verbal agreements’ at summit, U.S. officials scramble for clarity

Two days after President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian officials offered a string of assertions about what the two leaders had achieved.

“Important verbal agreements” were reached at the Helsinki meeting, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday, including preservation of the New START and INF agreements, major bilateral arms control treaties whose futures have been in question. Antonov also said Putin had made “specific and interesting proposals to Washington” on how the two countries could cooperate on Syria.

But officials at the most senior levels across the U.S. military, scrambling since Monday to determine what Trump may have agreed to on national security issues in Helsinki, had little to no information Wednesday.

Seeking Peace doesn't = 'Selling Out.' Seeking more War does.
Americans just don't wanna give peace a chance. They're addicted to war. Sadly, it's all they know.

I don't have a problem with giving peace a chance. I have a problem with Trump selling out to Putin. And, interestingly enough, Russia has already started to talk about a verbal agreement that Trump made with Putin concerning Syria, but nobody in the Pentagon knows what went down.

As Russians describe ‘verbal agreements’ at summit, U.S. officials scramble for clarity

Two days after President Trump’s summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Russian officials offered a string of assertions about what the two leaders had achieved.

“Important verbal agreements” were reached at the Helsinki meeting, Russia’s ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, told reporters in Moscow Wednesday, including preservation of the New START and INF agreements, major bilateral arms control treaties whose futures have been in question. Antonov also said Putin had made “specific and interesting proposals to Washington” on how the two countries could cooperate on Syria.

But officials at the most senior levels across the U.S. military, scrambling since Monday to determine what Trump may have agreed to on national security issues in Helsinki, had little to no information Wednesday.

Seeking Peace doesn't = 'Selling Out.' Seeking more War does.

I guess you didn't read the post. Russia is saying that there were verbal agreements made with Trump that he is supposed to honor concerning the military and Syria. Only problem is, the Pentagon still doesn't know what was agreed to.

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