The Truth About Hillary Clinton (and Bill)


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
So I'm reading this book. It's a hard read, because the writer loathes the Clintons, and it shows.

[ame=]The Clinton Crack-Up: The Boy President's Life After the White House: R. Tyrrell Jr.: Books[/ame]

HOWEVER: I know there is some truth to what he is saying, about Hillary's temper, and their marriage being open provided Bill is discreet.

Bill is many things, but discreet is not one of them.

Then there's the trashing of the White House, the lies that didn't need to be told that were anyway, Pardongate. Lots and lots of bad, wrong and ugly. My only objection to this book is his inflammatory writing style.

Does anybody have a better book to recommend.

And does anybody want to defend the Clintons in light of what I've been reading.

Or add to the post. But please. Don't talk about ugly, old or cankles. That's got NOTHING to do with whether or not she should be the next PotUS.
Clintons get what they deserve in this book.
Thanks for the bump. Nothing helpful added, but I hope more will see and respond to this thread.
Why would I want to be helpful to you or the clintons.
So I'm reading this book. It's a hard read, because the writer loathes the Clintons, and it shows.

The Clinton Crack-Up: The Boy President's Life After the White House: R. Tyrrell Jr.: Books

HOWEVER: I know there is some truth to what he is saying, about Hillary's temper, and their marriage being open provided Bill is discreet.

Bill is many things, but discreet is not one of them.

Then there's the trashing of the White House, the lies that didn't need to be told that were anyway, Pardongate. Lots and lots of bad, wrong and ugly. My only objection to this book is his inflammatory writing style.

Does anybody have a better book to recommend.

And does anybody want to defend the Clintons in light of what I've been reading.

Or add to the post. But please. Don't talk about ugly, old or cankles. That's got NOTHING to do with whether or not she should be the next PotUS.
Tyrell is a horrible, horrible man.

He was the one behind the the Arkansas Project - He's also the guy who hired David Brock as hit man to write lies including shit like the Clinton Body Count and drug running.

Tyrell is not above writing any slimy, concocted bullshit. If you want to see the low level of integrity he works at, read Blinded by the Right: The Conscience of an Ex-Conservative
Yes, I can see that.

But I do believe there is some element of truth to what he is saying, and so I want a factual account. Not a ... Vaseline® on the lens, everybody is rosy beautiful. Factual.
Bill and Hill looked all cozy sitting together during the swearing in ceremony of the new ultra progressive NY mayor. I guess Hillary intends to pose as the loving spouse of her philandering sleaze bag husband. That would take a better act than she can come up with.
Yes, I can see that.

But I do believe there is some element of truth to what he is saying, and so I want a factual account. Not a ... Vaseline® on the lens, everybody is rosy beautiful. Factual.

My views on the Clintons have changed over the years.

I honestly wish that we had Bill's economy back.

But some of his behavior was unacceptable, particularly his sending his minions to trash the reputations of the women who came forward.

He escalated a nuscience civil suit into a constitutional crisis. That is one very large ego.
Yes, I can see that.

But I do believe there is some element of truth to what he is saying, and so I want a factual account. Not a ... Vaseline® on the lens, everybody is rosy beautiful. Factual.

My views on the Clintons have changed over the years.

I honestly wish that we had Bill's economy back.

But some of his behavior was unacceptable, particularly his sending his minions to trash the reputations of the women who came forward.

He escalated a nuscience civil suit into a constitutional crisis. That is one very large ego.
Paula Jones turned out to be every bit the skank she first appeared to be.
Yes, I can see that.

But I do believe there is some element of truth to what he is saying, and so I want a factual account. Not a ... Vaseline® on the lens, everybody is rosy beautiful. Factual.

My views on the Clintons have changed over the years.

I honestly wish that we had Bill's economy back.

But some of his behavior was unacceptable, particularly his sending his minions to trash the reputations of the women who came forward.

He escalated a nuscience civil suit into a constitutional crisis. That is one very large ego.
Paula Jones turned out to be every bit the skank she first appeared to be.

I think she let herself get used by people, but do you honestly think that what her initial complaint was, that Clinton made a really sloppy play for her, wasn't the case?
My views on the Clintons have changed over the years.

I honestly wish that we had Bill's economy back.

But some of his behavior was unacceptable, particularly his sending his minions to trash the reputations of the women who came forward.

He escalated a nuscience civil suit into a constitutional crisis. That is one very large ego.
Paula Jones turned out to be every bit the skank she first appeared to be.

I think she let herself get used by people, but do you honestly think that what her initial complaint was, that Clinton made a really sloppy play for her, wasn't the case?
I think something went on in that hotel room, (yes, I think Bill is a horndog) but she came out of that room giggling like a schoolgirl. Not the mark of someone who had been so accosted.

She also visited Clinton after, asking if Bill was now going to be "her boyfriend."

Again, not the mark of someone who was sexually harassed.

Her case was thrown out and would never have survived appeal.

After Clinton paid the "get out of my hair" money -- it took all of about what? 5 minutes before she spread her legs and popped her tits for the glossy pages of Penthouse so all the creeps could ogle her --

this from a woman who was only named as "Paula" in the American Spectator, and she supposedly came out "to protect her honor." Ha!
Paula Jones turned out to be every bit the skank she first appeared to be.

I think she let herself get used by people, but do you honestly think that what her initial complaint was, that Clinton made a really sloppy play for her, wasn't the case?
I think something went on in that hotel room, (yes, I think Bill is a horndog) but she came out of that room giggling like a schoolgirl. Not the mark of someone who had been so accosted.

She also visited Clinton after, asking if Bill was now going to be "her boyfriend."

Again, not the mark of someone who was sexually harassed.

Her case was thrown out and would never have survived appeal.

After Clinton paid the "get out of my hair" money -- it took all of about what? 5 minutes before she spread her legs and popped her tits for the glossy pages of Penthouse so all the creeps could ogle her --

this from a woman who was only named as "Paula" in the American Spectator, and she supposedly came out "to protect her honor." Ha!

I see character assasination of a female is perfect acceptable for progressives as long as they are defending another progressive.

Bill gets a pass for being a manwhore, but the woman gets demeaned due to her threat towards said manwhore.

Its amazing how many rules progressive make that they refuse to follow.
Paula Jones turned out to be every bit the skank she first appeared to be.

I think she let herself get used by people, but do you honestly think that what her initial complaint was, that Clinton made a really sloppy play for her, wasn't the case?
I think something went on in that hotel room, (yes, I think Bill is a horndog) but she came out of that room giggling like a schoolgirl. Not the mark of someone who had been so accosted.

She also visited Clinton after, asking if Bill was now going to be "her boyfriend."

Again, not the mark of someone who was sexually harassed.

Her case was thrown out and would never have survived appeal.

After Clinton paid the "get out of my hair" money -- it took all of about what? 5 minutes before she spread her legs and popped her tits for the glossy pages of Penthouse so all the creeps could ogle her --

this from a woman who was only named as "Paula" in the American Spectator, and she supposedly came out "to protect her honor." Ha!

Well, first, the thing was, after her case was thrown out, SCOTUS ruled on Ellerth v. Burlington, which effectively nullified the point Judge Walker threw the case out on. (I.E. that she had to show actual retribution and not just the fear of retribution).

This is why Clinton settled with her for $850,000, which is more than three times what she originally asked for.

It wasn't "Get out of my hair" money, it was "The Congress is about to vote on Impeachment, I need to resolve this case" money.

Also, the "Giggling like a schoolgirl" statement came not from Paula, but from the State Troopers who were on Clinton's security detail that were happy to tell tales for money to David Brock.

Look, I don't have a dog in this fight, but liberals knew from day one what they were getting with Clinton, a guy with a wandering eye who was going to accomplish things they wanted.

On a personal level, the man's a creep, but he was a much more effective president than the two guys who followed him.
Does the book touch on the sordid episode of the Mena, Arkansas airport as a CIA way station for South American arms and drug running into the U.S. while Bill was governor and later president? .... :cool:
Yes, I can see that.

But I do believe there is some element of truth to what he is saying, and so I want a factual account. Not a ... Vaseline® on the lens, everybody is rosy beautiful. Factual.

My views on the Clintons have changed over the years.

I honestly wish that we had Bill's economy back.

But some of his behavior was unacceptable, particularly his sending his minions to trash the reputations of the women who came forward.

He escalated a nuscience civil suit into a constitutional crisis. That is one very large ego.
Paula Jones turned out to be every bit the skank she first appeared to be.

That's true. She was a skank. So you get to the question of whether or not a prostitute can be raped? Even if she was a skank, were the allegations she made against Bill Clinton true or not?

They were true.
Does the book touch on the sordid episode of the Mena, Arkansas airport as a CIA way station for South American arms and drug running into the U.S. while Bill was governor and later president? .... :cool:

Probably. I'm not that far along.
All you need to know about the Clinton sleezeballs.

It's slick Willie's 1st presidential campaign and the Hildebeast appoints one of her long time pals to oversee Bimbo Eruptions, a position necessitated because of the junkyard dog's inability to keep his zipper up for years. Hillary and other staffers knew all about his penchant for strange stuff, hence the appointment.

Fastforward a few years to the breaking allegations that the president was now horsing around inside our White House and there's the bitch on 60 Minutes standing by her man and blaming the 'lies' on a vast right wing conspiracy out to get her loving husband.
For years, I flew out of the White Plains FBO the Clintons used when they took a corporate jet. (I won't mention which one). Everyone there, customer service reps, linemen, even the refueling guys said the same thing about the pair.

Bill is like an old affable hound dog. He wanted everyone to like him. Glad handing and talkative to any and all.

Hillary is an angry, shrill, foul-mouthed harpy. She berates all around her--close staff included with loud, vulgar screeching. She has a mouth like a sewer and completely absent of manners. Rude to the extreme.

I trust and deeply respect the guys and gals of that FBO. I've worked and socialized with them for many years. They are a great crew of truly professional and polite folks. I'll take their opinion of the Clintons. It's especially telling that the opinion is uniform and shared by all the employees.

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