The truth about Ray Epps, right wing punching bag

The lack of self-awareness from the MSM is......something.
Look, you guys need to understand that prosecuting incitement to riot is actually really hard. Incitement is criminalizing speech and SCOTUS has (I think rightly) narrowed what can count as incitement. The speech must be specific and the lawlessness must be imminent. Neither of these apply to Epps.
60 Minutes and truth haven't been on the same planet since Mike Wallace.

People have been rotting in jail for over two years -WITHOUT CHARGES- for doing less than that wormy agent provocateur did.

Why is it that Epps is the only "insurrectionist" that you leftist loons are willing to make fools of yourselves, in order to make any and every excuse for?

Let's break down your oddball reply and see where you went wrong, shall we?

Ad hominem attack: You went after 60 Minutes and Mike Wallace. Try addressing the actual content of the argument, rather than taking a cheap shot at the source. It might just make your response a little more credible

Unsupported claims: You say people are "rotting in jail" for over two years without charges? That's a pretty wild claim, but where's the evidence? If you're going to throw accusations around like confetti, you better have some proof to back it up. Otherwise, it's just noise.

Strawman argument: First, 'leftist loon' is a tired cult-trope, aka a 'thought-terminating cliché. Did you even read the OP? It's not about making excuses for Epps; it's about presenting the facts. But you're busy attacking a make-believe version of the argument. Let's try staying in reality, huh?

Overgeneralization: You're making quite the leap, assuming Epps is the only "insurrectionist" the OP cares about. One case doesn't define an entire group, my friend. It's like saying all dogs are Chihuahuas just because you saw one at the park. Doesn't quite add up, does it?
One would think when you post a thread, you’ve done at least some research on the topic.

If you'd done any research, you'd know that Carlson is one of the biggest liars on Fox News.

Not to mention he was fired, and he wasn't fired for telling the truth.

Since you just ignore what you don’t want to hear, and reply with non-sequitors, discussion cannot occur.

Not until you change your ways.
Put the MFer on ignore, that's what I did.
Let's break down your oddball reply and see where you went wrong, shall we?

Ad hominem attack: You went after 60 Minutes and Mike Wallace. Try addressing the actual content of the argument, rather than taking a cheap shot at the source. It might just make your response a little more credible
Truth is the truth...60 Minutes has turned into the National Enquirer of "news", while pantomiming otherwise....Their shameless bias is beyond obvious.
Unsupported claims: You say people are "rotting in jail" for over two years without charges? That's a pretty wild claim, but where's the evidence? If you're going to throw accusations around like confetti, you better have some proof to back it up. Otherwise, it's just noise.
It's plenty substantiated....Your refusal to accept the fact is your problem.
Strawman argument: First, 'leftist loon' is a tired cult-trope, aka a 'thought-terminating cliché. Did you even read the OP? It's not about making excuses for Epps; it's about presenting the facts. But you're busy attacking a make-believe version of the argument. Let's try staying in reality, huh?
The "facts" about Epps are agitprop....The agent provocateur hasn't been asked one, single probing question.
Overgeneralization: You're making quite the leap, assuming Epps is the only "insurrectionist" the OP cares about. One case doesn't define an entire group, my friend. It's like saying all dogs are Chihuahuas just because you saw one at the park. Doesn't quite add up, does it?
He's the only one you leftist fruitcakes are going to the mattresses to defend at all costs.....Try naming another....Oh, you can't.
It's a done deal that Epps was a federal informant. Everybody knows it and the Feds don't deny it. Targeted investigations are the norm these days. They put a white witch doctor in the slammers for four years even though they escorted him around the building. Meanwhile they ignore the Capital Officer who had a history of careless use of a firearm and possibly mental problems. Ashley Bobbitt was unarmed and posed no threat. Why was she shot?
Look, you guys need to understand that prosecuting incitement to riot is actually really hard. Incitement is criminalizing speech and SCOTUS has (I think rightly) narrowed what can count as incitement. The speech must be specific and the lawlessness must be imminent. Neither of these apply to Epps.
The guy is on video inciting insurrection.
No amount of your denial and gaslighting can deny that FACT!

Open the pod doors HAL!!!
Anyone backing Trump goes under the bus eventually. It's only a matter of when.

Think about it, Trumpsuckers. Just like Epps, you'll have devoted your life to DearLeaderTrump ... only to be stabbed in the back whenever it's convenient for TheParty. That's your fate. You joined the FaceEatingLeopards party, so eventually it will be your face that the leopards eat.

Does a disgusting human like Trump deserve your bootlicking loyalty?
Anyone backing Trump goes under the bus eventually. It's only a matter of when.

Think about it, Trumpsuckers. Just like Epps, you'll have devoted your life to DearLeaderTrump ... only to be stabbed in the back whenever it's convenient for TheParty. That's your fate. You joined the FaceEatingLeopards party, so eventually it will be your face that the leopards eat.

Does a disgusting human like Trump deserve your bootlicking loyalty?
Kinda like Trotsky, right?
Beware the ICE AXE!
What contradictory behavior? He incited a riot. He told them to go into the capitol. The only contradiction is that he is not in jail with other protestors. If you mean is is a government plant then I guess I agree, his behavior was contradictory. IOW he's a liar.
No other person went to jail for what Epps did. None

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