The TRUTH about slavery in the U.S.A.


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Sadly, progressive leaders on the left have managed to dupe their followers into one of the most egregious lies ever perpetrated on the world: that the U.S. Constitution is irrelevant because it was created by racist and oppressive wealthy white men.

Absolutely nothing could be further from the truth. The sad reality is the leaders on the left abhor the U.S. Constitution because it limits their power - which prevents them from imposing their will on others. In an attempt to get around that, they have created the false narrative that the document shouldn't be respected and adhered to because the document is "evil". Since a document is an inanimate object which cannot be anything, they needed to create the false narrative that it was penned by evil men.

It is sad that such great men have been so wrongfully demonized because of those with an agenda for power over others. It's particularly disturbing that our public schools are not teaching students the truth about our founders. It is time we change that. It is time the American people are educated on what actually occurred in history.
Thomas Jefferson
  • Vehemently opposed slavery
  • Introduced legislation in Virginia to end slavery before the U.S. even declared independence from England
  • Inherited slaves from his family and was not permitted to release them by law
  • Original writings prove his disdain for slavery and his deep desire to see it end
  • Included a clause in the Declaration of Independence that ended slavery. Several southern states demanded it be removed before they would support and sign the document.
Listen from the 4:30 mark to the 8:00 minute mark for the truth about Thomas Jefferson and slavery:

Slavery and Our Founders Part I: Thomas Jefferson
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If the Constitution was NOT created by racist oppressive white men, why did it include the 1807 anti-slave trade clause which empowered domestic slave holders and enriched them?

That was actually the purpose of it, unless YOU don't know the history of slavery in the US?

The prohibition of international slave trading was overwhelmingly supported by established slave holders who then got to sell their own slaves as capital rather than mere labor in an open market.
If the Constitution was NOT created by racist oppressive white men, why did it include the 1807 anti-slave trade clause which empowered domestic slave holders and enriched them?

That was actually the purpose of it, unless YOU don't know the history of slavery in the US?

The prohibition of international slave trading was overwhelmingly supported by established slave holders who then got to sell their own slaves as capital rather than mere labor in an open market.
Well...for didn't. No such "clause" exists in the U.S. Constitution. Never did. So you're either lying or you are a prime example of the uninformed, uneducated progressive minion that has been duped by their progressive masters.

Now - what I think you're attempting to refer to here was the federal law enacted in 1807 (which was not an amendment to the U.S. Constitution) which prohibited slaves from being imported into the U.S. Or the exact opposite of what you claimed above.

Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
If the Constitution was NOT created by racist oppressive white men, why did it include the 1807 anti-slave trade clause which empowered domestic slave holders and enriched them?

That was actually the purpose of it, unless YOU don't know the history of slavery in the US?

The prohibition of international slave trading was overwhelmingly supported by established slave holders who then got to sell their own slaves as capital rather than mere labor in an open market.
Well...for didn't. No such "clause" exists in the U.S. Constitution. Never did. So you're either lying or you are a prime example of the uninformed, uneducated progressive minion that has been duped by their progressive masters.

Now - what I think you're attempting to refer to here was the federal law enacted in 1807 (which was not an amendment to the U.S. Constitution) which prohibited slaves from being imported into the U.S. Or the exact opposite of what you claimed above.

Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was enacted then because anti-slavery and poor settlers in the fringes of the Slave empire fought to have the 1807 clause in the Constitution which banned discussion on Slave Trading.

God damn pull your stupid head out of your ass.

Here read a fucking book:

what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
If the Constitution was NOT created by racist oppressive white men, why did it include the 1807 anti-slave trade clause which empowered domestic slave holders and enriched them?

That was actually the purpose of it, unless YOU don't know the history of slavery in the US?

The prohibition of international slave trading was overwhelmingly supported by established slave holders who then got to sell their own slaves as capital rather than mere labor in an open market.
Well...for didn't. No such "clause" exists in the U.S. Constitution. Never did. So you're either lying or you are a prime example of the uninformed, uneducated progressive minion that has been duped by their progressive masters.

Now - what I think you're attempting to refer to here was the federal law enacted in 1807 (which was not an amendment to the U.S. Constitution) which prohibited slaves from being imported into the U.S. Or the exact opposite of what you claimed above.

Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It was enacted then because anti-slavery and poor settlers in the fringes of the Slave empire fought to have the 1807 clause in the Constitution which banned discussion on Slave Trading.

God damn pull your stupid head out of your ass.

Here read a fucking book:

Says the person who just claimed that the 1807 federal slavery law was part of the U.S. Constitution and that it was designed to "enrich and empower" slave owners when in fact it wasn't a part of the Constitution at all and it prevented the importation of slavery (which is the exact opposite of "empowering" and "enriching" slave owners). :lmao:
Thomas Jefferson
  • Vehemently opposed slavery
  • Introduced legislation in Virginia to end slavery before the U.S. even declared independence from England
  • Inherited slaves from his family and was not permitted to release them by law
  • Original writings prove his disdain for slavery and his deep desire to see it end
Listen from the 4:30 mark to the 8:00 minute mark for the truth about Thomas Jefferson and slavery:

Slavery and Our Founders Part I: Thomas Jefferson

I have a lot of respect for Thomas Jefferson the writer and thinker- but like many people- he was conflicted- he was personally opposed to slavery- yet at the same time bought and sold slaves- and allowed his slaves to be beaten.

Monticello does a great job of providing an honest and complete picture of Thomas Jefferson- great man and slave owner.

Slavery at Jefferson's Monticello: Paradox of Liberty | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello

At any one time, about 130 enslaved men, women, and children lived and worked at Monticello. Jefferson initially acquired most of his slaves through inheritance from his father and father-in-law. The Monticello plantation comprised 5,000 acres divided into four farms: the Monticello home farm, Shadwell, Tufton, and Lego. Farm laborers lived near the fields where they worked. House servants and artisans lived in log dwellings on the mountaintop along Mulberry Row or in rooms under the south terrace of the main house.

Israel Gillette remembered Jefferson’s death as “an affair of great moment and uncertainty to us slaves.” In 1827, Edward, Jane, nine of their children, and 12 grandchildren were sold.

After Jefferson’s death, David Hern and his 34 surviving children and grandchildren were sold.

Jefferson freed Joseph Fossett in his will, but Edith and seven of their children were sold.

Jefferson purchased George and Ursula Granger and their sons in 1773 because Ursula Granger was a “favorite housewoman” of his wife.

what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
Yet another prime example of the progressive minions blindly following the propaganda of the progressive masters.

The U.S. Constitution said no such thing. At no point did the document ever outline who could vote. That was controlled by each individual state.
what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
Yet another prime example of the progressive minions blindly following the propaganda of the progressive masters.

The U.S. Constitution said no such thing. At no point did the document ever outline who could vote. That was controlled by each individual state.
thats a lie
Thomas Jefferson
  • Vehemently opposed slavery
  • Introduced legislation in Virginia to end slavery before the U.S. even declared independence from England
  • Inherited slaves from his family and was not permitted to release them by law
  • Original writings prove his disdain for slavery and his deep desire to see it end
Listen from the 4:30 mark to the 8:00 minute mark for the truth about Thomas Jefferson and slavery:

Slavery and Our Founders Part I: Thomas Jefferson

I have a lot of respect for Thomas Jefferson the writer and thinker- but like many people- he was conflicted- he was personally opposed to slavery- yet at the same time bought and sold slaves- and allowed his slaves to be beaten.
That's simply not true. His slaves were explicitly forbidden from being beaten and the people charged with overseeing his estate while he served overseas, in Washington, etc. are on record stating as much.

But thank you for recognizing that Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed slavery - something so many progressives deny.
Thomas Jefferson
  • Vehemently opposed slavery
  • Introduced legislation in Virginia to end slavery before the U.S. even declared independence from England
  • Inherited slaves from his family and was not permitted to release them by law
  • Original writings prove his disdain for slavery and his deep desire to see it end
Listen from the 4:30 mark to the 8:00 minute mark for the truth about Thomas Jefferson and slavery:

Slavery and Our Founders Part I: Thomas Jefferson

I have a lot of respect for Thomas Jefferson the writer and thinker- but like many people- he was conflicted- he was personally opposed to slavery- yet at the same time bought and sold slaves- and allowed his slaves to be beaten.
That's simply not true. His slaves were explicitly forbidden from being beaten and the people charged with overseeing his estate while he served overseas, in Washington, etc. are on record stating as much.

But thank you for recognizing that Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed slavery - something so many progressives deny.
even if Jefferson wasn't a racist slave owning child rapist what does it matter? there were a lot more people than jefferson involved in the founding. They all couldve made slavery illegal, and they chose not too.
what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
Yet another prime example of the progressive minions blindly following the propaganda of the progressive masters.

The U.S. Constitution said no such thing. At no point did the document ever outline who could vote. That was controlled by each individual state.
thats a lie
Yeah - what you said was a lie. That's why you can't show me where in the U.S. Constitution it established that only white men could vote.

Come on PurpleOwl - copy and paste the exact Article and Section that established voting rights in the U.S. Constitution. You can't. Either do it or admit you are wrong.
what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
Yet another prime example of the progressive minions blindly following the propaganda of the progressive masters.

The U.S. Constitution said no such thing. At no point did the document ever outline who could vote. That was controlled by each individual state.
thats a lie
Yeah - what you said was a lie. That's why you can't show me where in the U.S. Constitution it established that only white men could vote.

Come on PurpleOwl - copy and paste the exact Article and Section that established voting rights in the U.S. Constitution. You can't. Either do it or admit you are wrong.
so your telling me all the original states even though the consitution didn't say it. All went out of their way to make sure black people and women couldn't vote? all 13? and all the ones after? thats even worse
Thomas Jefferson
  • Vehemently opposed slavery
  • Introduced legislation in Virginia to end slavery before the U.S. even declared independence from England
  • Inherited slaves from his family and was not permitted to release them by law
  • Original writings prove his disdain for slavery and his deep desire to see it end
Listen from the 4:30 mark to the 8:00 minute mark for the truth about Thomas Jefferson and slavery:

Slavery and Our Founders Part I: Thomas Jefferson

I have a lot of respect for Thomas Jefferson the writer and thinker- but like many people- he was conflicted- he was personally opposed to slavery- yet at the same time bought and sold slaves- and allowed his slaves to be beaten.
That's simply not true. His slaves were explicitly forbidden from being beaten and the people charged with overseeing his estate while he served overseas, in Washington, etc. are on record stating as much.

But thank you for recognizing that Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed slavery - something so many progressives deny.
even if Jefferson wasn't a racist slave owning child rapist what does it matter? there were a lot more people than jefferson involved in the founding. They all couldve made slavery illegal, and they chose not too.
But that's simply not true. I'm going to continue to post the truth about the founders. But here's a quick synopsis for you:

Of the 56 founders who signed the Declaration of Independence - only 15 kept their slaves and/or continued to support slavery. 15 out of 56!!!! That's less than 27% of the founders who signed that document.

It's inexcusable to condemn all people based on the actions of less than 27%.
No one, Patriot, is condemning all the founders; that's a crazy bee in your bonnet.

Art I Sec 2 and Art IV Sec 2 are direct comments on servitude, "slavery."

The Constitution rules unless amended by constitutional protocol.

State and federal laws cannot amend the Constitution; otherwise, we would not need SCOTUS to keep the crazies in control.

Yes, among the framers were many white slave owners.
what about the fact that it said only white men could vote? I suppose that wasn't racist either?
Yet another prime example of the progressive minions blindly following the propaganda of the progressive masters.

The U.S. Constitution said no such thing. At no point did the document ever outline who could vote. That was controlled by each individual state.
thats a lie
Yeah - what you said was a lie. That's why you can't show me where in the U.S. Constitution it established that only white men could vote.

Come on PurpleOwl - copy and paste the exact Article and Section that established voting rights in the U.S. Constitution. You can't. Either do it or admit you are wrong.
so your telling me all the original states even though the consitution didn't say it. All went out of their way to make sure black people and women couldn't vote? all 13? and all the ones after? thats even worse
I will answer that as soon as you admit that you either lied or that you posted something without knowing what you were talking about. Come on - it's time for transparency and humility here and then we can move on. You have the right to your own views and opinions - but you do not have the right to make up facts.
Thomas Jefferson
  • Vehemently opposed slavery
  • Introduced legislation in Virginia to end slavery before the U.S. even declared independence from England
  • Inherited slaves from his family and was not permitted to release them by law
  • Original writings prove his disdain for slavery and his deep desire to see it end
Listen from the 4:30 mark to the 8:00 minute mark for the truth about Thomas Jefferson and slavery:

Slavery and Our Founders Part I: Thomas Jefferson

I have a lot of respect for Thomas Jefferson the writer and thinker- but like many people- he was conflicted- he was personally opposed to slavery- yet at the same time bought and sold slaves- and allowed his slaves to be beaten.
That's simply not true. His slaves were explicitly forbidden from being beaten and the people charged with overseeing his estate while he served overseas, in Washington, etc. are on record stating as much.

But thank you for recognizing that Thomas Jefferson vehemently opposed slavery - something so many progressives deny.
even if Jefferson wasn't a racist slave owning child rapist what does it matter? there were a lot more people than jefferson involved in the founding. They all couldve made slavery illegal, and they chose not too.
But that's simply not true. I'm going to continue to post the truth about the founders. But here's a quick synopsis for you:

Of the 56 founders who signed the Declaration of Independence - only 15 kept their slaves and/or continued to support slavery. 15 out of 56!!!! That's less than 27% of the founders who signed that document.

It's inexcusable to condemn all people based on the actions of less than 27%.
do you have any sources for any of this or are you just making it up as you go along?
Just goes to show that the Democrats are still fighting the civil war. They don't like that their slaves were freed by the white man while slavery got to continue in areas not controlled by white men for many years to come and in some areas of the world continues to this day. They fight to keep the black man enslaved on the Democrat Political Plantations.

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