The Truth About the Clintons


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Far too much to waste space on here. But, this will cause a lot of ruckus from Clinton supporters and will be totally ignored by the Lame Street Media. Next time you see a picture of either of them, think about their countless victims and those sucked into their web of evil.

Read the full story @ Hillary covered up Bill’s rapes, sex with ‘underage girls’
this ought to be good. it's what we don't know about the clintons that is truly frightening...

i don't see how or why people flock to her womens' rights advocacy, after how she systematically destroyed miss monica lewinski... is it even possible she could be a bigger poser than obama ?

i just don't get that part (appeal) of/to the clinton machine, which i think is melting, as the wicked witch of the west did in that nice wizard of oz story. in this metaphor, monica would be "dorothy"....... i suppose the blue dress would be the broom.

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