The truth about the disappearing middle class.


Platinum Member
Dec 9, 2021
While many in the middle class how been pushed into the lower economic class, many have been elevated to the upper economic class as well.

Historically the middle class was made up of blue-collar workers employed in the manufacturing sector. This void can be filled once again by bringing back more manufacturing and supporting it through expanding education in the manufacturing trades.
Every single person. Should open their own business. When nobody has to employ anybody else everyone is upper middle class from the get go.
Every single person. Should open their own business. When nobody has to employ anybody else everyone is upper middle class from the get go.
Many are doing that now and failing spectacularly. You can have a very successful career as an employee. There are a lot of pitfalls in starting a business. Most fail within five years leaving debt and disappointment.
Imagine denying corporations from having a workforce. Boy would they squeal.
Businesses locate where there is an adequate workforce available. Once established they draw employees from all over.
While many in the middle class how been pushed into the lower economic class, many have been elevated to the upper economic class as well.

Historically the middle class was made up of blue-collar workers employed in the manufacturing sector. This void can be filled once again by bringing back more manufacturing and supporting it through expanding education in the manufacturing trades.

The middle class is made up of professional people, like doctors, lawyers, accountants, and other highly educated and skilled individuals.

More members of the American middle class are falling back into povery than are rising into wealth, causing the American middle class to shrink, which is very concerning for the future of the nation. A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary for the health and survival of a capitalist economy.

The Republican Party's tax codes have used earned income credits to shift responsibility for providing living wages for employees from their employers, to the middle class taxpayers, all while reducing taxes for the wealthy and corporate employers. 80% of the wealth of the nation, now flows to the top 10% of wealthy corporations and individuals. Your nation cannot continue down this path and survive.

It is neither "socialist" nor "communist" to face the notion that your current economic distribution of income and wealth is not sustainable.
The middle class is made up of professional people, like doctors, lawyers, accountants, and other highly educated and skilled individuals.

More members of the American middle class are falling back into povery than are rising into wealth, causing the American middle class to shrink, which is very concerning for the future of the nation. A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary for the health and survival of a capitalist economy.

The Republican Party's tax codes have used earned income credits to shift responsibility for providing living wages for employees from their employers, to the middle class taxpayers, all while reducing taxes for the wealthy and corporate employers. 80% of the wealth of the nation, now flows to the top 10% of wealthy corporations and individuals. Your nation cannot continue down this path and survive.

It is neither "socialist" nor "communist" to face the notion that your current economic distribution of income and wealth is not sustainable.
Note. It is consumers who distribute (and redistribute) income. Sadly, many consumers are more concerned with expensive shiny objects than purchases that build wealth and security. Also, too many consumers are infected with the I want it all and I want it now attitude. Not good for the nation.
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Imagine denying corporations from having a workforce. Boy would they squeal.

So would we. I like food from the grocery store and not growing/raising it all myself. I like buying a car that someone else built and I did not have to build myself. Same goes with my clothes, computers and so many more things.

None of those things exist without corporations
So would we. I like food from the grocery store and not growing/raising it all myself. I like buying a car that someone else built and I did not have to build myself. Same goes with my clothes, computers and so many more things.

None of those things exist without corporations
Now if only the clothing corporations would make pants in my size (which is 'average').
There are as many definitions of "middle class" as their are people claiming to be members of it.

The fact is that, a generation (or two) ago, it was possible for a HS grad to walk down to the local mill, factory, or construction site after graduating, and by age 25 have a non-working wife, a couple kids, a house, a new car, and regular vacation at the beach. And he could expect to retire in his 50's on a generous defined-benefit pension.

There are a couple pockets in the economy where that still can occur, but they are few and far between, as well as being tenuous, as those jobs tend to come and go.

Those days are not coming back. Period. We live in a global economy, and the employers who funded this lifestyle would go bankrupt in a heartbeat if they tried to compensate their employees that generously.

Today's generation of HS grads (and comparable) will have to work hard - both husband and wife - spend their limited funds wisely, and always strive to get the best job available, even if it means changing jobs every so often. And it will help if you have parents who are reasonably prosperous Boomers, who can help out with the major expenditures and unexpected problems.

The astounding thing is, there are millions of people who are prospering wildly in these uncertain times. Mainly, they are entrepreneurs and investors of one sort or another, and it don't take no college education to do that. It takes balls, initiative, and as Henry Higgins would say, "...a little bit of bloomin' luck." Look at our coastlines and resorts. Developers cannot build multi-million dollar condo's fast enough, there are millions of yachts floating in the bays, 6-figure sports and luxury cars running about, and they are not all owned by geezers - many by people in their 40's and 50's.

I can't figure it out.
There are as many definitions of "middle class" as their are people claiming to be members of it.

The fact is that, a generation (or two) ago, it was possible for a HS grad to walk down to the local mill, factory, or construction site after graduating, and by age 25 have a non-working wife, a couple kids, a house, a new car, and regular vacation at the beach. And he could expect to retire in his 50's on a generous defined-benefit pension.

There are a couple pockets in the economy where that still can occur, but they are few and far between, as well as being tenuous, as those jobs tend to come and go.

Those days are not coming back. Period. We live in a global economy, and the employers who funded this lifestyle would go bankrupt in a heartbeat if they tried to compensate their employees that generously.

Today's generation of HS grads (and comparable) will have to work hard - both husband and wife - spend their limited funds wisely, and always strive to get the best job available, even if it means changing jobs every so often. And it will help if you have parents who are reasonably prosperous Boomers, who can help out with the major expenditures and unexpected problems.

The astounding thing is, there are millions of people who are prospering wildly in these uncertain times. Mainly, they are entrepreneurs and investors of one sort or another, and it don't take no college education to do that. It takes balls, initiative, and as Henry Higgins would say, "...a little bit of bloomin' luck." Look at our coastlines and resorts. Developers cannot build multi-million dollar condo's fast enough, there are millions of yachts floating in the bays, 6-figure sports and luxury cars running about, and they are not all owned by geezers - many by people in their 40's and 50's.

I can't figure it out.
People go to college so they don't have to get their hands dirty, and they can live like life is portrayed in a tv commercial. But there's a lot of money in 'dirty' work.
The middle class is made up of professional people, like doctors, lawyers, accountants, and other highly educated and skilled individuals.

More members of the American middle class are falling back into povery than are rising into wealth, causing the American middle class to shrink, which is very concerning for the future of the nation. A healthy and thriving middle class is necessary for the health and survival of a capitalist economy.

The Republican Party's tax codes have used earned income credits to shift responsibility for providing living wages for employees from their employers, to the middle class taxpayers, all while reducing taxes for the wealthy and corporate employers. 80% of the wealth of the nation, now flows to the top 10% of wealthy corporations and individuals. Your nation cannot continue down this path and survive.

It is neither "socialist" nor "communist" to face the notion that your current economic distribution of income and wealth is not sustainable.
hows the shithole country you're living in faring ?? i bet you just love the racist tyrant leading Can'tada ..


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