The truth about the uninsured rate in America

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Gold Member
Sep 29, 2016
The nation's uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low under Obamacare, but you'd never know that listening to Republican leaders speak.
Bracing for a harsh assessment of their Obamacare repeal bill, House GOP leadership and the Trump administration are attacking the accuracy of the congressional agency tasked with reviewing it.

Now, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is expected to report, as soon as Monday, that millions of Americans could lose coverage under the Republican bill. And the GOP is likely to continue pushing back against the CBO.
The uninsured rate for those under age 65 plummeted to 10.3% in the first nine months of 2016, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's the lowest share since the agency began tracking 45 years ago.

In 2010, the rate hit an all-time high of 18.2% before drifting down to 16.6% in 2013, the year before the exchanges and Medicaid expansion went into effect.
The nation's uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low under Obamacare, but you'd never know that listening to Republican leaders speak.
Bracing for a harsh assessment of their Obamacare repeal bill, House GOP leadership and the Trump administration are attacking the accuracy of the congressional agency tasked with reviewing it.

Now, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is expected to report, as soon as Monday, that millions of Americans could lose coverage under the Republican bill. And the GOP is likely to continue pushing back against the CBO.
The uninsured rate for those under age 65 plummeted to 10.3% in the first nine months of 2016, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's the lowest share since the agency began tracking 45 years ago.

In 2010, the rate hit an all-time high of 18.2% before drifting down to 16.6% in 2013, the year before the exchanges and Medicaid expansion went into effect.

Because it doesn't matter. If the system was sustainable, ok great. But since the system is not sustainable, and since prices are going up across the country, and since the cost to the system is increasing beyond our ability to pay....

it doesn't matter what the uninsured rate is. We can't afford it. Period. WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT. What part of that do you not get?
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The nation's uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low under Obamacare, but you'd never know that listening to Republican leaders speak.
Bracing for a harsh assessment of their Obamacare repeal bill, House GOP leadership and the Trump administration are attacking the accuracy of the congressional agency tasked with reviewing it.

Now, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is expected to report, as soon as Monday, that millions of Americans could lose coverage under the Republican bill. And the GOP is likely to continue pushing back against the CBO.
The uninsured rate for those under age 65 plummeted to 10.3% in the first nine months of 2016, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's the lowest share since the agency began tracking 45 years ago.

In 2010, the rate hit an all-time high of 18.2% before drifting down to 16.6% in 2013, the year before the exchanges and Medicaid expansion went into effect.

Because it doesn't matter. If the system was sustainable, ok great. But since the system is not sustainable, and since prices are going up across the country, and since the cost to the system is increasing beyond our ability to pay....

it doesn't matter what the uninsured rate is. We can't afford it. Period. WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT. What part of that do you not get?
"Because it doesn't matter. If the system was sustainable, ok great. But since the system is not sustainable, and since prices are going up across the country, and since the cost to the system is increasing beyond our ability to pay..."
Just how do you know this? Are you an expert on insurance or are you just parroting what the conservatives have been telling us. The system does have some issues, that can be fixed, but Republicans have refused to do anything for 7 years.
The narrative is flawed anyway. At one time the goal was to improve HEALTHCARE. That has been utterly abandoned to the new goal of ensuring insurance coverage as though that is the same thing. Coverage is then construed to mean affordable healthcare and considering the new standard seems to be very high deductibles that is a rather tenuous connection.
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The narrative is flawed anyway. At one time the goal was to improve HEALTHCARE. That has been utterly abandoned to the new goal of ensuring insurance coverage as though that is the same thing. Coverage is then construed to mean affordable healthcare and considering the new standard seems to be very high deductibles that is a rather tenuous connection.
If insurance coverage is increased, then Healthcare will improve
The nation's uninsured rate has fallen to a historic low under Obamacare, but you'd never know that listening to Republican leaders speak.
Bracing for a harsh assessment of their Obamacare repeal bill, House GOP leadership and the Trump administration are attacking the accuracy of the congressional agency tasked with reviewing it.

Now, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office is expected to report, as soon as Monday, that millions of Americans could lose coverage under the Republican bill. And the GOP is likely to continue pushing back against the CBO.
The uninsured rate for those under age 65 plummeted to 10.3% in the first nine months of 2016, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. That's the lowest share since the agency began tracking 45 years ago.

In 2010, the rate hit an all-time high of 18.2% before drifting down to 16.6% in 2013, the year before the exchanges and Medicaid expansion went into effect.

Because it doesn't matter. If the system was sustainable, ok great. But since the system is not sustainable, and since prices are going up across the country, and since the cost to the system is increasing beyond our ability to pay....

it doesn't matter what the uninsured rate is. We can't afford it. Period. WE CAN NOT AFFORD IT. What part of that do you not get?
"Because it doesn't matter. If the system was sustainable, ok great. But since the system is not sustainable, and since prices are going up across the country, and since the cost to the system is increasing beyond our ability to pay..."
Just how do you know this? Are you an expert on insurance or are you just parroting what the conservatives have been telling us. The system does have some issues, that can be fixed, but Republicans have refused to do anything for 7 years.

First, you blame republicans for not doing anything for 7 years. What would you have them do? You can't fix stupid. You have to replace stupid. It's like making a car out of paper, and then complaining people die in crashes. "Well why didn't the Republicans fix the paper car! It can be fixed! They didn't do anything to fix the paper car for 7 years!"

Because it's paper. You can't fix paper cars to be safe. You have to replace them.

Second, you ask if I'm an expert, when are you an expert? Just how do you know that it's all working out? Are you just parroting what the liberals have been tell us?

Third, to answer your question, no I am not an expert, if you mean some random idiot on a new program that every claims is an expert.

Instead, I'm a worker. I actually live in the real world, and see what is going on. I personally do not have health insurance. Too expensive for me now. My renter here, he also does not have insurance, because he said it was too expensive. The last job I had an interview for, they said openly they did not have insurance, and had no plans to have insurance.

The job I'm at right now, is hiring people on from a temp agency, at a lower wage than they get from the temp agency.

So imagine you get a job at a temp agency, and the wage is $11/hour. And when you get offered a full time position, they offer you $10/hour, or you are no longer employed.

That's happening.... RIGHT NOW.... and it's happening at multiple companies. Why? Because as a temp, they don't have to pay health insurance mandates. If you are hired on, then they do. So they pay people less.

And Fourthly.... and most importantly, virtually every aspect of Obama care has failed.

Obamacare Premiums to Increase by Double Digits in 2017
Historic inflation United States – historic CPI inflation United States

While the inflation index barely shows 2% inflation for last year, insurance premiums are increasing again, at double digit rates. This year an average 22% increase in premiums.

Obamacare promised to reduce insurance premiums, and at the very minimum, hold them steady. Didn't happen. The plan failed.

Seven Remaining Obamacare Co-Ops Prepare Survival Strategies

Obamacare promised to provide member owned co-op insurance companies, that with massive tax subsidies would provide insurance to people who didn't have any.

Of the 20+ co-ops opened at the expense of tax payers, only 7 remain, and nearly all of those lost money last year, indicating few will stay open for long.

Obamacare also promised that if you liked your current insurance policy, you could keep it. My insurance policy was eliminated for not meeting Obamacare requirements. The policy I had a year ago, was also canceled because it didn't meet new requirements.

Obamacare promised that you could keep your doctors. That's true, if you don't mind paying extra. I can't even do that, because my doctor retired. In his own words, he retired because of Obamacare.

ObamaCare also promised to not increase taxes on families earning less than $250,000 a year. But the taxes levied against companies in health care, are of course, passed right on to the lower and middle class.

Lastly, Obamacare promised to reduce costs of government programs, when in reality, the costs of Obamacare far exceed projections.

The CBO report, which if you read it directly, and not what you want to hear form lying news outlets, shows that employment based coverage has fallen (harming the middle class), health care market based coverage has fallen (harming more of the middle class).

But Medicaid and government insurance has increased (harming the middle class).

The cost to running these programs has gone up, while the revenue generated by the taxes, have gone down. The result.... higher deficits and government borrowing.

Even at the state level this is true.

John Kasich Gets All The Credit For Ohio's Failed Obamacare Medicaid Expansion

Screen Shot 2017-03-13 at 1.52.29 PM.png

Once again, the math doesn't lie. Only left-wingers do. Oh, and who is going to pay the state taxes to fund this? The lower and middle class tax payers. That's who.

Virtually everything Obamacare promised has failed, with only one exception.... more people than ever on getting health care on the backs of tax paying working class people.

So, in that one area, you succeeded. You screwed over the workers, for your government programs. That is the one, and only 'success' you have.
The narrative is flawed anyway. At one time the goal was to improve HEALTHCARE. That has been utterly abandoned to the new goal of ensuring insurance coverage as though that is the same thing. Coverage is then construed to mean affordable healthcare and considering the new standard seems to be very high deductibles that is a rather tenuous connection.
If insurance coverage is increased, then Healthcare will improve

No. Not true.
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