The Truth About TSA Pornoscanners

I watched the video and the scanner they used really really sucked. I looked at the other images available around the web, and big fucking deal.

Again get scanned or ride a bike.

Again, how about you ride the bike instead of telling everyone else to hand more of their freedom over to the Federal government. You don't know how to respond to this, do you?

Show me in the constitution where it says you can get on a plane without going through security.

The world changed on 9-11-01, and if we don't change a little bit with it then we are fools and we are lost.

You don't like the security at Airports? Don't fly.

mr. Fucktard Sir:

The Constitution does NOT limit our rights - it limits the powers of the federal government. So it is incumbent on you to show that fedgov has the authority to nationalize our airports and force passengers to go through security.

The Constitution does NOT limit our rights - it limits the powers of the federal government. So it is incumbent on you to show that fedgov has the authority to nationalize our airports and force passengers to go through security.

Its under the Airports and security clause of the Constitution

If you can't find it there.....look under the "General Welfare" or "Interstate commerce" clause
I watched the video and the scanner they used really really sucked. I looked at the other images available around the web, and big fucking deal.

Again get scanned or ride a bike.

Scanners are not effective. AND they are an invasion of privacy. The best thing to catch someone with the makings of a bomb is very low tech...a bomb sniffing dog.

I fly a fair amount, and airport security is a joke. I am a little fat redhead soon to be granny. I get patted down EVERY time I fly because if have a knee replacement. Show the card? Ohhellno, does no good whatsoever. I stand there getting shaken down while middle eastern thug types board the plane untouched.

If you want to see a REALLY big joke of an airport go to JFK in NY. I don't know how that place is still standing.

On what do you base your statement that they are not effective? And dogs are one of the easiest to fool. Ask any druggie.

Scanners would not have stopped 9-11 OR the Christmas day bomber.

Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo. -Lee Iacocca
The Constitution does NOT limit our rights - it limits the powers of the federal government. So it is incumbent on you to show that fedgov has the authority to nationalize our airports and force passengers to go through security.

Its under the Airports and security clause of the Constitution

If you can't find it there.....look under the "General Welfare" or "Interstate commerce" clause

You're kidding, right? :razz:
Again, how about you ride the bike instead of telling everyone else to hand more of their freedom over to the Federal government. You don't know how to respond to this, do you?

Show me in the constitution where it says you can get on a plane without going through security.

The world changed on 9-11-01, and if we don't change a little bit with it then we are fools and we are lost.

You don't like the security at Airports? Don't fly.

mr. Fucktard Sir:

The Constitution does NOT limit our rights - it limits the powers of the federal government. So it is incumbent on you to show that fedgov has the authority to nationalize our airports and force passengers to go through security.


We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Common Defense. Seems to cover it rather well. But you know what I wished they could take all of you who complain about security and have a seperate airport for you to fly from and to. No security allowed, Take anything you like on board. Hell we'll even have special planes with no doors on the cockpit. Maybe then you will be happy.

The scanners don't show anyone your body. It shows a general outline. Too bad if you aren't Maddona or Mr America. My body has gone to hell and It's still me. I could care less if someone see's the outline. I've got 20 extra pounds around the middle. Age does that to some people.
Scanners are not effective. AND they are an invasion of privacy. The best thing to catch someone with the makings of a bomb is very low tech...a bomb sniffing dog.

I fly a fair amount, and airport security is a joke. I am a little fat redhead soon to be granny. I get patted down EVERY time I fly because if have a knee replacement. Show the card? Ohhellno, does no good whatsoever. I stand there getting shaken down while middle eastern thug types board the plane untouched.

If you want to see a REALLY big joke of an airport go to JFK in NY. I don't know how that place is still standing.

On what do you base your statement that they are not effective? And dogs are one of the easiest to fool. Ask any druggie.

Scanners would not have stopped 9-11 OR the Christmas day bomber.

Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo. -Lee Iacocca

Scanners wouldn't have picked up box cutters? Really? We don't even know for certain how they got them through the security that we did have. I'm not an expert but Scanners are the next best thing we've got to a full body cavity search.
Scanners wouldn't have picked up box cutters? Really? We don't even know for certain how they got them through the security that we did have. I'm not an expert but Scanners are the next best thing we've got to a full body cavity search.

Nobody hijacked a plane with a flippin box cutter. :rolleyes:

They told the passengers they had bombs.
On what do you base your statement that they are not effective? And dogs are one of the easiest to fool. Ask any druggie.

Scanners would not have stopped 9-11 OR the Christmas day bomber.

Name me a leader who has a better idea for homeland security than making us take off our shoes in airports and throw away our shampoo. -Lee Iacocca

Scanners wouldn't have picked up box cutters? Really? We don't even know for certain how they got them through the security that we did have. I'm not an expert but Scanners are the next best thing we've got to a full body cavity search.

No, the BEST thing is to know WHO is trying to get on planes and what their security risk is. That is where the ball was dropped with the Christmas Day bomber.

There really should be a 'fly' list...people like me who fly fairly frequently submitting to a background check and proving identity when they board the plane. NO carry on luggage should be allowed. None. And everything else should be scanned. Anyone who flies knows that the biggest hassle is the carry on stuff. All that would be left then would be purses, and mens brief cases or laptop cases. Think how many much cleaner the lines would be if you cut out all that carry on crap.

I think we have the capability right now to run a background check on anyone who buys a plane ticket and uses a credit or a debit card before he/she gets on the plane. At least a cursory check would be better than nothing. And people who don't check out should be detained.

What passes for security now is ludicrous. It is ridiculous for grannies to be the hottest suspects they have. Totally ludicrous.
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You know that this is going to be abused to hell and back.

And the crotch bomber was not a failure of the right equipment, but a failure in operational procedures.

We were told that when the started the TSA, they would be 'professional.' I have my doubts.

Before they can have these toys, they need to prove better that they can be trusted. So far, that proof is wanting.

You do know that the people in AMSTERDAM who let the underwear guy on the plane don't work for our TSA, right?
What passes for security now is ludicrous. It is ridiculous for grannies to be the hottest suspects they have. Totally ludicrous.

Lets exempt grannies from security checks. Then all Al Qaeda has to do is pay some "granny" in need of money to smuggle something through a checkpoint.
You know that this is going to be abused to hell and back.

And the crotch bomber was not a failure of the right equipment, but a failure in operational procedures.

We were told that when the started the TSA, they would be 'professional.' I have my doubts.

Before they can have these toys, they need to prove better that they can be trusted. So far, that proof is wanting.

You do know that the people in AMSTERDAM who let the underwear guy on the plane don't work for our TSA, right?

And they are probably laughing it up right now. WE need to know who is headed for our shores. If WE say he can't get on the plane and come here then WE have the control. As to the Christmas day bomber there WAS intel that would have stopped him. WE ignored it.

Knowing who is flying is the best tact we can take. Yes, I know how many thousands fly every day. But we have computers who have booked them in, it would take only a little more to check them all out.
What passes for security now is ludicrous. It is ridiculous for grannies to be the hottest suspects they have. Totally ludicrous.

Lets exempt grannies from security checks. Then all Al Qaeda has to do is pay some "granny" in need of money to smuggle something through a checkpoint.

Where did I say they need to be 'exempt?' I didn't. But the ones who are exempt NOW are middle aged middle eastern men who fit the profile of hijackers and terrorists and they cruise right on in while they are shaking down the grannies with joint replacements.
You know that this is going to be abused to hell and back.

And the crotch bomber was not a failure of the right equipment, but a failure in operational procedures.

We were told that when the started the TSA, they would be 'professional.' I have my doubts.

Before they can have these toys, they need to prove better that they can be trusted. So far, that proof is wanting.

You do know that the people in AMSTERDAM who let the underwear guy on the plane don't work for our TSA, right?

And they are probably laughing it up right now. WE need to know who is headed for our shores. If WE say he can't get on the plane and come here then WE have the control. As to the Christmas day bomber there WAS intel that would have stopped him. WE ignored it.

Knowing who is flying is the best tact we can take. Yes, I know how many thousands fly every day. But we have computers who have booked them in, it would take only a little more to check them all out.

Damn Sunshine, we don't even know who is already here. Our borders are wide open and there is no one in Washington who gives a shit. Airline security is the only thing they've actually made any better at all and you want to fight them on that.
What passes for security now is ludicrous. It is ridiculous for grannies to be the hottest suspects they have. Totally ludicrous.

Lets exempt grannies from security checks. Then all Al Qaeda has to do is pay some "granny" in need of money to smuggle something through a checkpoint.

Where did I say they need to be 'exempt?' I didn't. But the ones who are exempt NOW are middle aged middle eastern men who fit the profile of hijackers and terrorists and they cruise right on in while they are shaking down the grannies with joint replacements.

But the bleeding hearts say we aren't allowed to profile, it's not fair.
Of course we could all join this young lady......

You do know that the people in AMSTERDAM who let the underwear guy on the plane don't work for our TSA, right?

And they are probably laughing it up right now. WE need to know who is headed for our shores. If WE say he can't get on the plane and come here then WE have the control. As to the Christmas day bomber there WAS intel that would have stopped him. WE ignored it.

Knowing who is flying is the best tact we can take. Yes, I know how many thousands fly every day. But we have computers who have booked them in, it would take only a little more to check them all out.

Damn Sunshine, we don't even know who is already here. Our borders are wide open and there is no one in Washington who gives a shit. Airline security is the only thing they've actually made any better at all and you want to fight them on that.

Actually we DO know who is here. Maybe YOU don't, but the government knows where the illegal aliens are because they pay taxes. Granted it is on fake SS numbers, and our government knows the numbers are fake when they take the money. But our government knows where they are.

And I'd wager the ones sneaking across our borders in the dead of night aren't the ones flying in and out of our airports. Sure some come here through airports with temporary visas and overstay it, but they fly below the radar most of the time.

Back in the 90s when I went on a private tour of the west wing of the white house, we were told then that they know everyone who is flying into the city. Knowing who is flying isn't all that hard. Why have super computers if we cant' put them to some good use? They paid for a ticket with SOMETHING.

I mean, really. People who think the government can't keep up with who and where you are forget about how well the IRS does exactly that.
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Lets exempt grannies from security checks. Then all Al Qaeda has to do is pay some "granny" in need of money to smuggle something through a checkpoint.

Where did I say they need to be 'exempt?' I didn't. But the ones who are exempt NOW are middle aged middle eastern men who fit the profile of hijackers and terrorists and they cruise right on in while they are shaking down the grannies with joint replacements.

But the bleeding hearts say we aren't allowed to profile, it's not fair.

Knowing who every passener is does not constitute profiling.
And here i thought that security against terrorism during a time of war against terrorism.

The "terrorism" that you are referring to is nothing more that Muslims retaliating against our criminal foreign policy.

And since we've just had an Airliner nearly blown up it sort of brings home the point that security on aircraft is kind of necessary in todays world. .

The underwear bomber was allowed to fly because the CIA was hoping that he would contact his local accomplices.

And they are probably laughing it up right now. WE need to know who is headed for our shores. If WE say he can't get on the plane and come here then WE have the control. As to the Christmas day bomber there WAS intel that would have stopped him. WE ignored it.

Knowing who is flying is the best tact we can take. Yes, I know how many thousands fly every day. But we have computers who have booked them in, it would take only a little more to check them all out.

Laughing it up? I doubt it.

We knew the guy was flying. The last admin gave him a Visa to come here. The mistake was one security dept not communicating with the others.

The info is there... it needs to be coordinated. same thing happened in 2001

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