The TRUTH the Dumbocrats don't want to acknowledge

The question is - how does the GOP earn the vote of the uneducated parasite?

You could start by not calling people you are trying to convince "uneducated parasites". And you wonder why they don't like you and vote against you. Yeesh.

But then I'm to the left of Bernie Sanders and I like winning, so keep it up.
The question is - how does the GOP earn the vote of the uneducated parasite?

I don't see how it can be done. This ghetto trash right here is willing to trade her freedom and her dignity for a god damn cell phone (it's absolutely hilarious really, until you realize how sad it is that America suffers because of these liberal parasites).

I think, since their vote is bought by dumbocrats and paid for with conservative tax payer money, the only solution is to kick them out of the U.S. and have them form their own country (we'll give them that shit hole California, already filled with radical socialists from Hollywood) and maybe 4 or 5 other states.

I know one thing - they are so radical (and ignorant) there is no compromising with this party anymore. "Obama phone, keep Obama in president"... God help us all.

Have you tried calling them lazy and telling them if they just get a job, pay more taxes and cut taxes on the rich some of it might trickle down on them?
The dumbocrats are so desperate to try and convince everyone that there is something wrong with the GOP and that they need to "change their ways" (because they fear the GOP).

The truth is very simple, this right here is why Obama won the election. The dumbocrats have created a nation of highly uneducated, dependent, ignorant ghetto trash who can't even speak (much less think). Then, they take these exploited people and promise them free shit (like phones, healthcare, etc.) in exchange for votes (ie power). It really is that simple. This is the person who represents the dumbocrats. Right here. And this is the person that won Obama two elections. How proud the left must feel... :rofl:

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Scoreboard bitch.

I'm looking at the scoreboard and it looks pretty much like it did two years ago, Candy. So tell me how Barry is going to make things better with the same opposition in the House, a plan to tax the rich that's going to further slow an already glacial economy and the looming Fiscal Cliff?

You're "celebrating" because the Republicans didn't wrest the steering wheel away from Barry as we hurtle towards that cliff. How you see this as a positive for America is beyond me. We still have a President who doesn't know how to lead or compromise...with no plan to fix the economy or get people back to work. The bad part of ObamaCare (the part where we have to start paying for it!) is about to kick in and we're running trillion dollar deficits from here to the end of Barry's second term.

"Scoreboard"? You've got to be kidding...
The question is - how does the GOP earn the vote of the uneducated parasite?

You could start by not calling people you are trying to convince "uneducated parasites". And you wonder why they don't like you and vote against you. Yeesh.

But then I'm to the left of Bernie Sanders and I like winning, so keep it up.

Hate to break this to you, Oldfart...but NOBODY is to the left of Bernie Sanders. :)
As a Gary Johnson voter, the Repidiots tend you make up new words to describe things they don't exist.

The President won reelection because of the minority votes. The republicans issue a "self deport" clause during the election. Of course that will turn off everyone who feels that it was directed towards them.

Rape is Gods work. Wow! Since when do imaginary friends have anything to do with reality. An imaginary friend that is also a bully. Sick, sick, minds.

I've never gotten anything free from the government. I don't really care if others do. Everyhting I've gotten wa paid for with the taxes and social security I've paid over a lifetime.
Of course the free phone started under Bush, and 8 minutes a day and a $6 phone is a good deal for everyone IN THE SECOND PUB WORLD DEPRESSION...AND WE'RE DOING BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE.
The question is - how does the GOP earn the vote of the uneducated parasite?
I don't see how it can be done. This ghetto trash right here is willing to trade her freedom and her dignity for a god damn cell phone (it's absolutely hilarious really, until you realize how sad it is that America suffers because of these liberal parasites).

I think, since their vote is bought by dumbocrats and paid for with conservative tax payer money, the only solution is to kick them out of the U.S. and have them form their own country (we'll give them that shit hole California, already filled with radical socialists from Hollywood) and maybe 4 or 5 other states.

I know one thing - they are so radical (and ignorant) there is no compromising with this party anymore. "Obama phone, keep Obama in president"... God help us all.

Sounds like they earned yours. Probably in the same way they earned yours. You are not exactly projecting the image of an educated high end wage earner.

As for the rest of your hateful screed, you really need to seek some professional help. That kind of foul talk usually indicates someone with an extremely poor self image.
sucks to be you, loser

this shit didn't work before the election :lmao:

I thought you didn't like Obama...? You sure do seem to be celebrating his win.

No, Del is noting the idiocy of people like you that cannot deal with reality. Adults accept that one does not win all the time. 40 year old adolescents believe when they lose that there is a conspiracy against them.
The dumbocrats are so desperate to try and convince everyone that there is something wrong with the GOP and that they need to "change their ways" (because they fear the GOP).

The truth is very simple, this right here is why Obama won the election. The dumbocrats have created a nation of highly uneducated, dependent, ignorant ghetto trash who can't even speak (much less think). Then, they take these exploited people and promise them free shit (like phones, healthcare, etc.) in exchange for votes (ie power). It really is that simple. This is the person who represents the dumbocrats. Right here. And this is the person that won Obama two elections. How proud the left must feel... :rofl:

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Warren Buffett's friends laugh at you.
The difference between a first and third world country is
The 1# First world is educated and hard working. They make damn sure their leadership is kepted in check.
The 2# Third World is uneducated and lazy. They don't give a damn about their leadership....Corrupt hell hole.

2# Is our future.
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no, just a win.

now go suck glenn beck's dick

again :lol:

Spoken like a true, uneducated, homo... "Rock God...duuuuude". God almighty, you're either a 19 year old ignorant asshole, or a 57 year old hippie asshole that never grew up. Either way, you represent the left as well as "Obama phone" ghetto bitch here... :rofl:

dry your tears little man, obama can't run again. :lmao:

No, he can't...but HILLARY CAN!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Who on earth can they pit against her? one! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
They think they can spend and spend to no end.

This country is quickly becoming a fucking joke. We're now an idiocy.
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The dumbocrats are so desperate to try and convince everyone that there is something wrong with the GOP and that they need to "change their ways" (because they fear the GOP).

The truth is very simple, this right here is why Obama won the election. The dumbocrats have created a nation of highly uneducated, dependent, ignorant ghetto trash who can't even speak (much less think). Then, they take these exploited people and promise them free shit (like phones, healthcare, etc.) in exchange for votes (ie power). It really is that simple. This is the person who represents the dumbocrats. Right here. And this is the person that won Obama two elections. How proud the left must feel... :rofl:

Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube

Continuing to blame poor undereducated people for all of our problems isn't working. You really ought to think about giving up on that one, lest you guys lose the next election too.
Hahahahahaha You failed. You got whooped badly. You are going to have to change your rhetoric in your party if you ever want to win a national election again.
And to think that Dems are actually proud that all of these people represent their party and are the people electing their leaders... :rofl:

[ame=]Obama supporters celebrate no more Israel - YouTube[/ame]
No, he can't...but HILLARY CAN!! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Who on earth can they pit against her? one! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You mean the Hillary who couldn't beat an unknown muslim in her own primary's?!? :rofl:

God I hope the dumbocrats roll out Hillary in 2016....

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