The Tyre Nichols Beatdown.Can We All Guess How The Left And/Or Mobs Would Of Reacted If This Happened In Los Angeles With Five White Policemen?

and now we wait next week and see which loon will claim that deeze 5 cops are just like all cracker honky cops.....probably someone who pretends to be a reverend.
It’s About common sense. What are you speaking of with the proud boys? Black Lives Matter is racist their name alone is racist who are you trying to convince. What argument are you attempting to make. The Black Lives Matter website is filled with racism, anti-Americanism and all sorts of division.

you have people with Black Lives Matter T-shirts who are beating the heck out of Donald Trump supporters at the BLM rallies in 2020. These were brutal sites to see there were hundreds if not thousands of them.

I’m sorry to hear you had that opinion about the police. These are our neighbors are friends in our family members. There are bad people who are members of unions. Look at doctors, lawyers teachers within every category there is bad. So you need to apply this to the police and the far left is not doing that. Certainly the mass media is mistreating the situation horribly

Bottom line in the country of over 300 million people we have violent events every single day tell me why don’t those events get the main stream coverage this event is. I can tell you why my friend it’s because there’s an agenda driven by the media and driven by left-wing politicians on this thing. I’ve already outlined that I want justice for this young man but if you don’t care about that that’s not my problem. One can pursue justice for this case without it causing national headlines because of violence like this happens every day. The mass media and throw a wrench into this thing and justice might not be served.

If you want to miss represent my views and viewpoints of other people that’s your problem. I totally hope you have a nice day and if you support equality among man then we probably don’t disagree on much.

Yes violence like this happens every day. And if the media allow the police to lie about these events the way they have for years, they will continue to happen, because YOU don't want to make a big stink about it. It's like how right wingers say that a few dead kids now and again is the price you pay for the 2nd Amendment.

Then you tell me that "Black Lives Matter" is a racist name. And that there is a political agenda. My how astute of you. Yes, t=here is an agenda to end more than 300 years of violence on the part of police, against black and brown people in the USA.

It's laughable that you want justice for this young man. There is no justice for him. Nothing is going to be restored to him. He's DEAD, at the hands of the American police. Nothing can given back what was taken from him or from his family.

1500 people die at the hands of American police every year. Over 1000 of them are shot. Why are 5 cops stopping someone for reckless driving??? Every time there's one of these murders, there's half a dozen cops involved. How many people does it take to hand out a traffic ticket.

One would think that a fine white man like yourself would give a fuck about the more than a quarter of a billion dollars that homeowners pay in taxes every year to cover settlements for police brutality law suits, and wrongful deaths. There's a stat that white Republicans SHOULD care about. A tax cut for the middle class, if only they could get their police forces to stop beating up and killing people.

The world is watching this and watching you, and we're disgusted by what we're seeing. But most disgusting of all, is the response of white male Republicans.

This is one of the thing I do not understand. They knew they were being filmed and still it did not stop them.

In Baltimore they used a police officers body camera to catch him planting drugs. Is bad behavior so ingrained in some officers that reality takes a back seat to their actions?

Chauvin knew he was being filmed but still he stared into the camera while Floyd was dying under his knee.

These are things many are just now aware of but it's what many have lived their entire lives and people wonder why they run.

The Tyre Nichols Beatdown.Can We All Guess How The Left And/Or Mobs Would Of Reacted If This Happened In Los Angeles With Five White Policemen?​

I am sure that it would be as soundly condemned, but rightists would not be inserting race into the horrific police brutality with their "what if..." musings.
While I don't sympathize with what these officers did, I wonder how they can possibly get a fair trial with law enforcement agencies all the way up to the FBI all claiming how disgusting the tapes are. Shouldn't they be keeping their mouths shut so that the jury can decide this? Isn't it really their call and should not be peppered with propaganda to influence their decision? And, yet again, we are elevating this criminal to hero status. He was a criminal. Now blacks look up to him.
He was a criminal?

On what planet?

The Tyre Nichols Beatdown.Can We All Guess How The Left And/Or Mobs Would Of Reacted If This Happened In Los Angeles With Five White Policemen?​

I am sure that it would be as soundly condemned, but rightists would not be inserting race into the horrific police brutality with their "what if..." musings.
Tyre Nichols really pissed off Black cops and got his ass kicked.

The stupid sonofabitch didn't watch this training film:

Tyre Nichols really pissed off Black cops and got his ass kicked.

The stupid sonofabitch didn't watch this training film:

Your feeble, knee-jerk reaction is unfortunate.

Most decent Americans do not attempt to make excuses for thugs beating a man to death.
Your feeble, knee-jerk reaction is unfortunate.

Most decent Americans do not attempt to make excuses for thugs beating a man to death.
If you don't piss off the police then you don't get your ass kicked by the police.

Some of the filthy ass street thug Negroes never learn that lesson, do they?

Even when Cris Rock puts out a training video.

You would think that these Negroes that looted all these big screen TVs and computers during their insurrection would have taken the time to watch the video, wouldn't you?

Most decent Americans don't piss off five Black policemen to the point they get their asses kicked, do they?
He was a criminal?

On what planet?
He was driving recklessly and fighting with officers after they pulled him over, eventually running away from the officers. He shouldn't have been driving recklessly, he shouldn't have fought with officers, and he shouldn't have run away from officers. But, don't take that to mean the officers were justified in killing him. Just saying, if he hadn't been driving recklessly, hadn't fought with officers, and hadn't run away, he would still be alive today.

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