The Tyre Nichols Beatdown.Can We All Guess How The Left And/Or Mobs Would Of Reacted If This Happened In Los Angeles With Five White Policemen?

And even if this happened with five white cops in Tennesee, yes, the response would of been at least at little more violent in the Memphis area. But in a city like Los Angeles? The aftermath to come would of been pretty obvious to predict. And aside from the "Los Angeles Response", we can also guess on the aftermaths/responses to death of Tyre in cities like Minneapolis and Portland just to begin with. Well at least no republican would incite violence, and can you image the reponse from the ladies on "The View"? would they all blame the riots on a few very famous republicans?

The difference is in how authorities responded

In previous cases with white officers, the police department covered up, officers stayed on the job, the prosecutors delayed.

Then, when the video became public, people were outraged and protested in the street.

It is not so much black vs white, but the denial of Justice
The difference is in how authorities responded

In previous cases with white officers, the police department covered up, officers stayed on the job, the prosecutors delayed.

Then, when the video became public, people were outraged and protested in the street.

It is not so much black vs white, but the denial of Justice

The smell of burnt MAGA in the morning. Smells like victory.
well right now its too cold to riot, can you imagine if something like this happened in July?
What they really want is more black on white violence.
They wait till a Friday to publish this story and they're just setting up more violence by black thugs.
They literally said on Fox that they were waiting till Friday when school was the Hoodrats wouldn't have to skip classes.
From a poster at another website:

"I can't vouch for this, but there is someone claiming that they know a Memphis cop who said that the victim had slept with one of those cop's wife and it was payback that went too far."
From a poster at another website:

"I can't vouch for this, but there is someone claiming that they know a Memphis cop who said that the victim had slept with one of those cop's wife and it was payback that went too far."

That stuff happens and we never know the full truth sometimes. That doesn't justify what these cops did though.
What they really want is more black on white violence.
They wait till a Friday to publish this story and they're just setting up more violence by black thugs.
They literally said on Fox that they were waiting till Friday when school was the Hoodrats wouldn't have to skip classes.
if this was the summer of 2024, i cant imagine what would be happening in many major blue cities
And even if this happened with five white cops in Tennesee, yes, the response would of been at least at little more violent in the Memphis area. But in a city like Los Angeles? The aftermath to come would of been pretty obvious to predict. And aside from the "Los Angeles Response", we can also guess on the aftermaths/responses to death of Tyre in cities like Minneapolis and Portland just to begin with. Well at least no republican would incite violence, and can you image the reponse from the ladies on "The View"? would they all blame the riots on a few very famous republicans?
Really? If the ones that did the beat down were 5 space aliens with nuclear powered stun rods, backed up by Jewish Space Lasers, courtesy of MTG, the reaction would also be different. But, it wasn't, so do you even have a point?

It was Memphis, a large metropolitan southern Democrat run city in our conservative state, with a competent, well spoken, black female police chief, that opted immediately for not only transparency, but disciplinary suspension, dismissal, reporting to family, public reporting and coordination, updates and felony charges for the dismissed officers. This ain't their first rodeo, previously many years ago, going back to the garbage strike, Martin Luther King assassination and then the police and fireman's strike. So far, there has been only one large protest march, shutting down the I-55 Bridge to Arkansas for a few ours, making north/south traffic take the I-440 loop that circles the city to the I-40 bridge to Arkansas, 5 miles away, which was not affected. Even that protest march was totally peaceful last night (no violence, no arrests), and probably due to the way they handle their business down there, and indeed across the state.

Perhaps Tennessee bears watching. We could be a model for how these incidents are handled in the future for all the "shithole" cities across the country. At the moment, I'm pretty proud of how Memphis has conducted itself.
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And even if this happened with five white cops in Tennesee, yes, the response would of been at least at little more violent in the Memphis area. But in a city like Los Angeles? The aftermath to come would of been pretty obvious to predict. And aside from the "Los Angeles Response", we can also guess on the aftermaths/responses to death of Tyre in cities like Minneapolis and Portland just to begin with. Well at least no republican would incite violence, and can you image the reponse from the ladies on "The View"? would they all blame the riots on a few very famous republicans?
While I don't sympathize with what these officers did, I wonder how they can possibly get a fair trial with law enforcement agencies all the way up to the FBI all claiming how disgusting the tapes are. Shouldn't they be keeping their mouths shut so that the jury can decide this? Isn't it really their call and should not be peppered with propaganda to influence their decision? And, yet again, we are elevating this criminal to hero status. He was a criminal. Now blacks look up to him.

Maybe the reason we did not see riots last evening was due to the shame of the black community of what 'their people' did to the guy.....Remember blue cities have been going on for years about how 'their own' (blacks) should be doing the policing. Looks like all their hopes and dreams came true.

And even if this happened with five white cops in Tennesee, yes, the response would of been at least at little more violent in the Memphis area. But in a city like Los Angeles? The aftermath to come would of been pretty obvious to predict. And aside from the "Los Angeles Response", we can also guess on the aftermaths/responses to death of Tyre in cities like Minneapolis and Portland just to begin with. Well at least no republican would incite violence, and can you image the reponse from the ladies on "The View"? would they all blame the riots on a few very famous republicans?
And yet, it's mostly blacks in the streets of Memphis protesting black police officers. Your point is moot, but you did manage to try and start shit. No surprises there.
What is the point of rioting?
Were the cops white?
Did they get away with it?

Frankly, I've been hearing about the corruption in Memphis for the last 30 yrs since I moved to TN.
Memphis is a black town run by blacks. It's the Detroit of the South.
If you have a Black Female Police Chief that hires a bunch of Hoodrats to be cops, WTF do you expect will happen?
Has anyone begun to notice that in every case....the police force is run by a Black Female? Probably a lesbian? Chicago is the a liberal Hellhole...and it's run by a Black Lesbian. Is anyone noticing a pattern here?
WTF does the black community have to protest about anyway?

Not a GD thing!!!

This is the picture Fox News publishes....a white medic, who isn't a cop, arriving to render first aid to the victim. Clearly they're trying to make it look like white cops committed this murder.
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What does Lesbian have to do with it? You a shit starter too?

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