The U.S. Constitution is NOT an international document

It’s all a moot point. We are whistling past the graveyard. The constitution died long ago thanks to a criminal government, and a criminal elite that controls it.
It didn't die...but it is on life-support. We need to rescue it and bring it back to life and soon.
It’s all a moot point. We are whistling past the graveyard. The constitution died long ago thanks to a criminal government, and a criminal elite that controls it.
It didn't die...but it is on life-support. We need to rescue it and bring it back to life and soon.
Unfortunately there’s no chance. It’s dead.
Furthermore, nowhere in the U.S. Constitution does it state that the document applies to a "group entitled to particular protections". It just doesn't. No such thing exists.

In fact, the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment explicitly says the opposite of that.
any person within the jurisdiction of the US is entitled to some constitutional protection
Sorry, not even remotely true. There is a significant difference between choosing to extend them some curtsies and rights.

It's not an international document. A Honduran here illegally has no right to keep and bear arms, no right to vote, no right to free speech or protest. They just don't.
The 14th literally says you are wrong. LOL And the drafters meant to.

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