The ultimate flip flop: Tonight Obama declares himself a dictator in his own words

You are not mainstream, son, only a loon on the far, far right.

I told you wuckfits if we did not change, Obama would be re-elected.

I told you wuckfits Prop 8, DOMA, and DADT would end.

I told you wuckfits marriage equality would proceed rapidly.

I told you wuckfits ACA would happen.

I told you wuckfits immigration reform would happen.

Mainstream? The mainstream laughs its guts out at you wuckfits.
Can Fakey name one thing he disagrees with the Democrats on?

Iraq, Iran, pipe line, dems' resistance to reform on SS and government assistance, a growing military, continued neo-con intervention across the world.

I would have voted for Mia Love if she had been in our district.

I am opposed to the far right wuckfits in my GOP that makes our political process so difficult.

Well, the wuckfits of the far right no longer have the power to make Boehner jump through hoops. That's a far good thing.
Can Fakey name one thing he disagrees with the Democrats on?

Iraq, Iran, pipe line, dems' resistance to reform on SS and government assistance, a growing military, continued neo-con intervention across the world.

I would have voted for Mia Love if she had been in our district.

I am opposed to the far right wuckfits in my GOP that makes our political process so difficult.

Well, the wuckfits of the far right no longer have the power to make Boehner jump through hoops. That's a far good thing.
We all agree our immigration system is fucked up, yes?
No. I do not agree. In fact every time I hear "our immigration system is broken," I want to ask whoever is saying it, "what is broken about it?"

So Mac, here's your turn to expound on that... what is broken?

I don't even know how to respond. This is the first time I've ever seen someone say it is not broken.

Okay, we have no immigration problem. It's all good.

I noticed you dodged that question. Whats the matter can't think of anything?


We have a few million people here illegally, taking jobs, using services, not paying income tax.

They have kids. And they have kids.

They're still coming.

If you don't consider that a problem, that's your call. I do.

Clear enough?


Who is paying them and is it under the table money? If they have Green Cards don't they pay taxes through the payroll deductions like most everyone else? Most of them work very hard. They want a better life for their children.

If they had green cards, they would not be here illegally. Many of them have stolen or just made up Social Security cards and others merely work off the books.
Frank, I know you are hurting, and I feel for you.

But the great majority of America will never support the white fright right world in which you live.

The EO is morally right and it is untouchable: he control the protective service portion and the program is self funding.

No federal judge is going to get involved in this. It's over.

Pass the Senate version. Monday.

I keep saying you can't be that ignorant, and you prove me wrong over and over.

Several States have filed law suits and at least one Federal Judge will going to get involved, and it may end up in front of the Supreme Court.

The protective service is grossly underfunded and is looking for some cheaper lawyers to work for them.
I keep saying you can't be that ignorant, and you prove me wrong over and over.

Several States have filed law suits and at least one Federal Judge will going to get involved, and it may end up in front of the Supreme Court.

The protective service is grossly underfunded and is looking for some cheaper lawyers to work for them.

If they are underfunded, it actually works in favor of Obama's position. He can't deport everybody because he doesn't have the resources. Him allocating the resources he does have in the best way he sees fit is his fucking job and is something that every chief executive does.

Not only is there nothing illegal about what he is doing, is also good policy and morally correct. Not that you right wing whackso give a fuck about that.
Is it true that you didn't get your first pair of shoes until you were 17? Hey, not judging, you toothless bastard, but are you one of those redneck assholes who still pronounce it "Missourah"?

What are you babbling about, Uncle Tom?

Come on JoeBlow, we all know you really wanted to call Randall a NI66ER.... Progs always want to call good conservative Black men and women NI66ERS... They just don't have the balls to do it, and they may get chastised by their fellow PROGS for revealing their dirty little secret!

Hell, I've been called much worse by much better MEN than him. HE is nothing more than a pimple on the ass of the world. Typical liberal.
America does not what your vision of America, Vigilante.

so simple yet so true

last election proved they don't want yours jake.

Dear, you are wrong. I am mainstream Republican, and we won at the expense of you and Obama: you are opposite sides of the same coin.

You far right flips have lost big time. EO and ACA will remain, the immigrants will remain, marriage equality will be come the law of the land by next June, we will be out of Iraq, so forth.

I will give you do make me laugh. Mainstream republican!! :321:

Hell, Son, I'm closer to looking like a polar bear than you are to a republican.......:fu:
Come on JoeBlow, we all know you really wanted to call Randall a NI66ER.... Progs always want to call good conservative Black men and women NI66ERS... They just don't have the balls to do it, and they may get chastised by their fellow PROGS for revealing their dirty little secret!

Naw, actually, I kind of feel sorry for Randall, he strikes me as a self-loathing black man who seriously needs some help.

Damn good number for the half-breed Emperor - don't you think?
Do anything you want, you toothless bastard - but NEVER feel sorry for me, you fool - feel sorry for those children you fathered. They have to live with YOUR legacy. Jesus I pity them - having your sorry ass for a father......

I'm actually starting to feel more sorry for you now.
Dear, you are wrong. I am mainstream Republican, and we won at the expense of you and Obama: you are opposite sides of the same coin.

Most Democrats can lie whilst maintaining a straight face....but Jammie-Jake?

He's an exceptionally good Democrat. Of course self-delusion seems to have helped him to achieve.....

Me thinks rightwinger jake is a McCain Republican, you know a loser.
Dear, you are wrong. I am mainstream Republican, and we won at the expense of you and Obama: you are opposite sides of the same coin.

Most Democrats can lie whilst maintaining a straight face....but Jammie-Jake?

He's an exceptionally good Democrat. Of course self-delusion seems to have helped him to achieve.....

Me thinks rightwinger jake is a McCain Republican, you know a loser.

Anyone else willing to admit that there is no good solution to the immigration problem?

By that I mean no good solution that could ever be implemented...

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