The Ultimate Result of "Choice"

Are you retarded?

She is caught on video doing this obscenity. There is no ambiguity here.
yeh, how dumbass can poster get?

like.. duh... um... I can't figure out what her intent is even after watching that video over and over... uh... gee... maybe she didn't mean to harm the child at all... maybe she just didn't want to deal with him... just needed a little break from parenthood or something... :uhoh3: Ya just can't judge..
Show of hands here:
How many of you drive to commercial dumpsters and throw something inside you intend to
come back for later? Your "intent" was to STORE it in the commercial dumpster until you needed
it, right? How long would any reasonable person expect a naked baby in two plastic bags to
survive in 36 degree weather without food or insulation? I'm amazed the poor baby didn't suffocate.

The same people who defend this vile 18-year-old voted for Biden. Take it to the bank.
Shut up, you lying piece of shit.
Whenever I trigger another pro-life eugenics freak, an angel gets his wings. So many new angels out there.

Birth does not convey membership in our species.
Sure it does. At least that's how all of humanity has defined it over all of human history.

But wait, you're declaring otherwise. Ah, the narcissism of it. You know better, and all must OBEY you, upon pain of death, because you command it. pro-lifers aren't shy about displaying their authoritarianism.

Birth does not magically convey life.

Nor does conception, but that doesn't stop you biological ignoramuses from claiming it does. Just another one of your double standards.

You’re the bigoted dehumanizing filth.

Yeah, we believe in equality, unlike you, filth.

“Equality is evil”

Sure thing, scumbag.

It's what pro-choicers back, and it always triggers pro-life fascists.
Whenever I trigger another pro-life eugenics freak, an angel gets his wings. So many new angels out there.
“Eugenics freak.” You’re a fucking retard, mate, and angels if they exist, would only smite you.

Equality is not eugenics. Protecting everyone is not eugenics - eugenics would be culling any life we think is unworthy, based on arbitrary characteristics we choose to value. You pro-abort filth are the eugenicists - any kid with a disability, you encourage their death. My, how Nazi of you.

You have no idea what words mean. In the depths of your incredible stupidity, you should just be silent.

. You know better, and all must OBEY you, upon pain of death, because you command it. pro-lifers aren't shy about displaying their authoritarianism
Birth is not the beginning of a mammal’s lifespan, retard. You’d know that if you’d ever set foot in a school, but I think any center of knowledge would spontaneously combust in sheer rejection of stupidity like yours should you enter.

If you think “don’t kill innocent human kids” is horrible authoritarianism that impairs what you want to do, then you’re a sick fuck psychopath who could use a little bit of pain and death pointed your way.

At the very least you probably should be watched and should be underlined and written in boldface on any kind of red flag list for dangerous psychopaths.

Nor does conception
Fertilization, as the literal objective start of life… does convey life, you drooling imbecile.

I back liberty. I support freedom of choice.

You support enslaving those humans you hate as subhuman property to be killed on a whim. You’re a monster. You’re a waste of food, water, and oxygen.
“Eugenics freak.” You’re a fucking retard, mate, and angels if they exist, would only smite you.

Equality is not eugenics. Protecting everyone is not eugenics - eugenics would be culling any life we think is unworthy, based on arbitrary characteristics we choose to value. You pro-abort filth are the eugenicists - any kid with a disability, you encourage their death. My, how Nazi of you.

You have no idea what words mean. In the depths of your incredible stupidity, you should just be silent.

Birth is not the beginning of a mammal’s lifespan, retard. You’d know that if you’d ever set foot in a school, but I think any center of knowledge would spontaneously combust in sheer rejection of stupidity like yours should you enter.

If you think “don’t kill innocent human kids” is horrible authoritarianism that impairs what you want to do, then you’re a sick fuck psychopath who could use a little bit of pain and death pointed your way.

At the very least you probably should be watched and should be underlined and written in boldface on any kind of red flag list for dangerous psychopaths.

Fertilization, as the literal objective start of life… does convey life, you drooling imbecile.

I back liberty. I support freedom of choice.

You support enslaving those humans you hate as subhuman property to be killed on a whim. You’re a monster. You’re a waste of food, water, and oxygen.

He is not worthy of your time or reply.
You waste your own time, and more importantly, everyone else's by replying to evil nonsense.

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