The Ultra-Conservative WSJ Chastises Wingnuts


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2012
Bahahahaha.....Love it.

From the Wall Street Journal:

The Impeachment Delusion
You know it's a bad idea when Sarah Palin and MSNBC agree.

.......Republicans aiming to rebuild a governing majority should be making a systematic case about the failures of Democratic governance that include slow growth and stagnant incomes, fewer health-care choices and higher costs, growing world disorder, and more. Trying to impeach Mr. Obama now is firing at the wrong target at the wrong time with the wrong ammunition.""

Ain't the first time, bud!

The Republicans continue to participate in the circular firing squad they formed in 2009.

And I am NOT defending Obama, I am not happy with his presidency either, but I did not blindly come to this place in November 2008 like so many of you lemmings did. Much of his problem is because of the fucking stupidity and stubbornness of stupid, scared white people.
Had you been paying attention to his early speeches and taken a look at his background in late 2006 and 2007 you would have known he had no interest in actually improving the US. You don't try to fundamentally transform anything and not expect to end up with a totally new thing. Nice to see you finally admit that you got it wrong.
Impeachment is not a viable idea. You can't impeach a guy for not having a clue. Win control of congress in November...hold your nose till '17 and plan never to be so stupid again.
Had you been paying attention to his early speeches and taken a look at his background in late 2006 and 2007 you would have known he had no interest in actually improving the US. You don't try to fundamentally transform anything and not expect to end up with a totally new thing. Nice to see you finally admit that you got it wrong.

Deflect, dodge and divert. When you can't handle the message bash the messenger.

That's all you ever do on here.
Duly noted ...again.

Obama just really had nothing to say and that's why no one showed up for his speeches.

Oregon 2008....75,000 people. Romney never got a crowd like that. Why?:
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Impeachment is not a viable idea. You can't impeach a guy for not having a clue. Win control of congress in November...hold your nose till '17 and plan never to be so stupid again.

I was saying the same thing in 2004 but Bush won anyway.
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Umm, what about the gun running scandal, Benghazi, the VA death list, unauthorized spying, the lost IRS e mails, the mess on the Mex. border, calling a traitor a hero, the incompetent foreign policy and the fact that the president is so cowardly that he leaves Washington the moment leadership is needed?
Umm, what about the gun running scandal, Benghazi, the VA death list, unauthorized spying, the lost IRS e mails, the mess on the Mex. border, calling a traitor a hero, the incompetent foreign policy and the fact that the president is so cowardly that he leaves Washington the moment leadership is needed?

I don't hear a single proposed solution to our country's problems in that whining rant.

Neither do the American people. That's why they shut out the GOP.
I read the WSJ piece. It criticizes Palin and offers suggestions to conservatives. That's is hardly chastizing "wing nuts". Given the OP's poor reading comprehension (if it even bothered to read the entire editorial), the bogus representation is understandable.

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