The UN Vote Proves

When you are dealing with a "religion" that passes their children through the fire"?
Yes, you bomb them wherever they are.

Only if you are a complete racist asshole who doesn't actually understand their religion.

Our problem with the Middle east have nothing to do with religion, buddy.

This is the dumbest post I have ever read....
Joe racks them up on a moment by moment basis.
Who needs WMD when weapons of individual destruction have the same effect?
please link the attacks on China

You can find it on the wikipedia page on any Japanese Carrier. Even my personal favorite, the Indestructible Hosho. (She was Japan's first aircraft carrier, which survived the war, unlike most of the others.)

Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō - Wikipedia

they did not use the carriers en masse as they did at PH
please--the Taranto destruction was nowhere near the same as PH--very poor comparison---not even close

Your point was that no one had every used aircraft carriers effectively, when clearly someone did use them VERY effectively.
Like when Hamas started lobbing bombs at Tel Aviv and 99% of anti-Zionist Jews became Zionist Jews in under 10 seconds?

Most American Jews are kind of embarrassed by the Zionist Entity. Kind of like crazy Uncle Moshe who screams about Hitler to your Goyim friends at your bat miztvah.

"Uncle Moshe, you are making me look bad!"
Until Israel is attacked...a point it seems you can't, or don't want to, absorb.
Like when Hamas started lobbing bombs at Tel Aviv and 99% of anti-Zionist Jews became Zionist Jews in under 10 seconds?

Most American Jews are kind of embarrassed by the Zionist Entity. Kind of like crazy Uncle Moshe who screams about Hitler to your Goyim friends at your bat miztvah.

"Uncle Moshe, you are making me look bad!"
Until Israel is attacked...a point it seems you can't, or don't want to, absorb.
The world looks very different from the Hollywood Hills than it does the Golan Heights.
please link the attacks on China

You can find it on the wikipedia page on any Japanese Carrier. Even my personal favorite, the Indestructible Hosho. (She was Japan's first aircraft carrier, which survived the war, unlike most of the others.)

Japanese aircraft carrier Hōshō - Wikipedia

they did not use the carriers en masse as they did at PH
please--the Taranto destruction was nowhere near the same as PH--very poor comparison---not even close

Your point was that no one had every used aircraft carriers effectively, when clearly someone did use them VERY effectively.
you just proved my point
three fighters, escorting two attack aircraft, were engaged by nine Chinese fighters; one Chinese fighter was damage
wow--such a HUGE force!! TWO attack aircraft!!
six fighters from Hōshō, escorting nine attack aircraft
base was attacked by 353[17] Imperial Japanese aircraft (including fighters, level and dive bombers, and torpedo bombers) in two waves, launched from six aircraft carriers.[1

AND--it is IMPOSSIBLE to compare the Japanese raids on China to PH--because China did not have a navy anywhere near comparable to the US !!!

please stop--your points are ludicrous
Until Israel is attacked...a point it seems you can't, or don't want to, absorb.

Not really. I think most people look at them bombing Palestinian children and don't feel all that bad for them when they get bombed back.

The world looks very different from the Hollywood Hills than it does the Golan Heights.

You're right. In the Hollywood HIlls, no one is trying to kill you because you stole their land and dropped a shitload of bombs on their daughter's school.

you just proved my point

No, buddy, you don't have a point. YOur claim was that no one knew how effective aircraft carriers were until Pearl Harbor, which was just plain ludicrous. The British and Japanese had both used them to great effect.
You're right. In the Hollywood HIlls, no one is trying to kill you because you stole their land and dropped a shitload of bombs on their daughter's school.

In the Hollywood Hills parents don't have to worry about their children's school bus being blown up by another distraught loser.

Different worlds.
Until Israel is attacked...a point it seems you can't, or don't want to, absorb.

Not really. I think most people look at them bombing Palestinian children and don't feel all that bad for them when they get bombed back.

The world looks very different from the Hollywood Hills than it does the Golan Heights.

You're right. In the Hollywood HIlls, no one is trying to kill you because you stole their land and dropped a shitload of bombs on their daughter's school.

you just proved my point

No, buddy, you don't have a point. YOur claim was that no one knew how effective aircraft carriers were until Pearl Harbor, which was just plain ludicrous. The British and Japanese had both used them to great effect.
I find it hilarious that you think you know what goes on in the Jewish world.
You think all I know are "Religous Zionists"?
99% of the almost completely assimilated Jews in Manhattan now belong to Zionist organizations but they're not going to tell you that.
In fact, over 2/3 of New York City Liberal Jews vote Republican and then lie about it.
Because they want to be taxed higher like they want an alligator to chomp on their genitals.
Until Israel is attacked...a point it seems you can't, or don't want to, absorb.

Not really. I think most people look at them bombing Palestinian children and don't feel all that bad for them when they get bombed back.

The world looks very different from the Hollywood Hills than it does the Golan Heights.

You're right. In the Hollywood HIlls, no one is trying to kill you because you stole their land and dropped a shitload of bombs on their daughter's school.

you just proved my point

No, buddy, you don't have a point. YOur claim was that no one knew how effective aircraft carriers were until Pearl Harbor, which was just plain ludicrous. The British and Japanese had both used them to great effect.
I've asked you to please link these 'great effects''
I listed the HUGE, undeniable difference between Taranto [ a whopping 1 carrier ] and PH
then you link something about TWO attack aircraft---that was a joke--right??
and the larger :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: raid of a whopping NINE aircraft

no one could have known the destructiveness of carriers [especially en masse ] before PH, because NO country used carriers as they did BEFORE PH
there were NO massive carrier attacks BEFORE PH
the Brits did not do much destruction with their carriers-please don't try to link anything else--I know

April 10 1941:
On 10 April 1941 the Imperial Japanese Navy formed the First Air Fleet

At the time, with 474 aircraft, the First Air Fleet was the single most powerful grouping of naval aviation power in the world. The Japanese had thus taken a step that no Western navy had yet made -- the concentration of its core air power into a single tactical formation. With this revolutionary innovation the groundwork for the true carrier task force had been laid, a battle group which could travel long distances and bring decisive combat power to bear in its chosen theatre of operations.
'''decisive combat power'' !!!!!
Kido Butai! Operational Histories of Japanese Carriers | Nihon Kaigun
this site is ALL about--and nothing but -- the IJN--that's Imperial Japanese Navy to you bootcampers

Anthony Tully is a naval historian/researcher and with Jon Parshall the co-author of the new best-selling "Shattered Sword:

continued in post # 416
case closed..please go to your desk and and don't try to argue with the teacher
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Until Israel is attacked...a point it seems you can't, or don't want to, absorb.

Not really. I think most people look at them bombing Palestinian children and don't feel all that bad for them when they get bombed back.

The world looks very different from the Hollywood Hills than it does the Golan Heights.

You're right. In the Hollywood HIlls, no one is trying to kill you because you stole their land and dropped a shitload of bombs on their daughter's school.

you just proved my point

No, buddy, you don't have a point. YOur claim was that no one knew how effective aircraft carriers were until Pearl Harbor, which was just plain ludicrous. The British and Japanese had both used them to great effect.
you have no idea of naval air/carriers--do you?
the Japanese used 2 waves with 6 carriers at PH--the ships were stationary...not at war alert--in fact a lot were sleeping, etc---an attack was the last thing on their mind
1 carrier cannot--physically impossible- do ''much'' damage
...there usually are not as many carrier attack aircraft due to the carriers' capacity vs a land base
even with multiple carriers, more than one wave is usually needed for a knock-out punch--as we see at Taranto vs PH
..carrier aircraft are usually not as ''big'', not able to carry as much bomb load as land planes--due to the fact the take off is much shorter! ,..
the Japanese at Midway had 4 carriers:
Of the 108 Japanese aircraft involved in this attack, 11 were destroyed, 14 were heavily damaged, and 29 were damaged to some degree.
The initial Japanese attack did not succeed in neutralizing Midway:
Battle of Midway - Wikipedia

Battleo of Sibuyan Sea
about 260 attack aircraft .....MANY waves...many hits .....
Japanese losses--only ONE ship sunk!!
s Musashi, which succumbed to her wounds late in the afternoon after absorbing a staggering amount of punishment (twenty torpedoes, seventeen bombs, and eighteen near misses)
Leyte Campaign | Nihon Kaigun

IJN Kaga aircraft carried --90
IJN Soryu-65
HMS Argus --18
HMS Glorious -48
HMS Eagle - 30

the Brits did NOT do much destruction
they had over HALF less the power
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you have no idea of naval air/carriers--do you?
the Japanese used 2 waves with 6 carriers at PH--the ships were stationary...not at war alert--in fact a lot were sleeping, etc---an attack was the last thing on their mind

i'm cutting you off right here, because you are getting totally off topic.

your claim was "No one could possibly have thought of the military application of aircraft carriers".

Except they totally did. Both British and the Japanese, and America had developed carriers and had a pretty good idea how to use them.

now, which brings us back to "Oh, My God, Saddam had old cans of Mustard Gas they buried in 1991 and were expired!"

The reality was, poison gas isn't much of a threat. You have to saturate an area with it, and hope your enemy doesn't have gas masks, which they probably do.

It's why even though he had a pretty substantial chemical arsenal during the Gulf War, Saddam didn't use them.

Now, when they didn't come up with the nukes or the anthrax or the huge stockpiles they said Saddam had, and people started looking at Dubya like he lied to us, you have some GOP tools saying, "See, see, we dug up this old can of mustard gas!" Which the Iraqis buried to comply with the 1991 cease-fire because they really didn't know how else to dispose of them.
I find it hilarious that you think you know what goes on in the Jewish world.
You think all I know are "Religous Zionists"?
99% of the almost completely assimilated Jews in Manhattan now belong to Zionist organizations but they're not going to tell you that.
In fact, over 2/3 of New York City Liberal Jews vote Republican and then lie about it.

You're delusional. If that were the case, The Orange Shitgibbon would have won New York.

Jewish Voting Record in U.S. Presidential Elections

So why do the Republicans spend so much time sucking up to the Zionists?

Part of the reason is they have so much influence, you can't afford to piss them off, which is why both parties suck up to the Zionist Entity.

Part of the reason is that there are a bunch of dumb, inbred Christians who think we need the Zionist Entity to exist so Jay-a-zus can come back and end the world. (Seriously, why they look forward to this is kind of sad, but never mind.)
invade ? SAVING you mean
saddam was like hitler:
1. gassed his OWN people
2. invaded innocent, tiny Kuwait
3. violated the ceasefire

1) We didn't say jack shit when Saddam gassed the Kurds. IN fact, Ronnie Reagan actually denied it and sold them the chemicals.
2) Kuwait was hardly innocent. They were sponsoring Saddam when he was attacking Iran for years.
3) He really didn't violate the cease fire..

The reason why we took Saddam out was because the Zionists saw him as a threat.

Not our fucking problem.
all irrelevant as my point is he was a threat--he did what hitler to take him out was the right thing


What he did was went into business with H.W. Bush and Bush screwed him over, so in anger he put a hit out on H.W. Bush, whose son just happened to be the President of the United States, so his his son threw the might, and innocent lives of the U.S. military at Saddam for his scumbag father.

That's how it really was.

edit: The Bin Ladens used to be a regular for dinner at The White House.
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