The “unhinged” caucus: 5 nasty names Democrats are calling Republicans

Ah, the tolerant left ... open to new ideas, diversity, choice.

Oh, wait . . . .

Tolerant?? LMAO. No, thank God. Why in the hell would anyone of any other party be tolerant of the arrogant assholes known as todays Republicans.

You Rethugs WISH people would be more tolerant of the temper tantrums being thrown by Rethugs. But you all ain't kids and no one has to be "tolerant" of a terrorist. Domestic or otherwise. And you rethugs are political terrorists. No doubt about it.
The Unhinged left can be found right here in this reply.

The Democrats say no, throw a hissy fit, and then like rational adults, begin calling the opposition names.

Do Me a favor...when you get to the 'holding your breath until you turn blue' phase, keep holding it.

Calling the left unhinged is name calling slick.
Jesus you people are not very bright.
You are going to have to shout pretty loud. It looks as if the Republicans intend to shout you down with the truth.

The public isn't buying what they are selling. The GOP wanted and orchestrated this shutdown. The hostage takers are free to whine when their demands aren't met but they aren't going to get a lot of sympathy.
The public is NOT being told the truth. When they are, the real hostage takers will be exposed. You liberals and your refusal to compromise.

You people are the only individuals on the whole planet who can be handed 99% of what you want, throw a tantrum, and then blame the people who are trying to help you.

It is amazing the lengths and depths of the lies you will publicly make in order to get your way.

I have a more mature 3 year old grandson.
Last sentence is name calling. .hypocrite.

More do as I say not as I do.
Rush today called Harry Reid a buncha mean nasty names.

Rushbo is looking in the mHairror when he describes what he does not like.
Look at the poor conservatives cry. Someone called them a mean name. MOMMY!

I've often said that testosterone supplements could cure most conservatism. This thread is another example supporting that theory.

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