The “unhinged” caucus: 5 nasty names Democrats are calling Republicans

[ame=]Unhinged Obama Voters Lash Out at Romney Signs! - YouTube[/ame]

Look what effect this had just days before last Halloween. Great post temp!

They should make a movie out of this now, maybe Wag the Dog 2.
LOLberals love speaking on behalf of the entire country. It's that little authoritarian in them. it's a reflex they can not subdue.
You are going to have to shout pretty loud. It looks as if the Republicans intend to shout you down with the truth.

The public isn't buying what they are selling. The GOP wanted and orchestrated this shutdown. The hostage takers are free to whine when their demands aren't met but they aren't going to get a lot of sympathy.

More blame on the dems on this one. Dems need to compromise and quit holding americans hostage.
It shows the lengths that they will go to just to hold onto power. Noticed that they are all trying to gloat that this will cost the Republicans the 2014 election??

This tells Me that they are more than willing to hurt Joe Public and his ability to make his mortgage payment all so they can see their, and make no mistake they look at anyone who does not see the world as they do, enemy destroyed.

It is rather vile and disgusting to be honest.

The hate from them is so radiant that even children are feeling it. It is like watching dogs with rabies foam and snarl and bang against their chain.
This is how all wars start. At some point democrats are going to have to do more than just call names. They are going to have to take some action.

No, that couldn't happen here. :eusa_whistle:

[ame=]Politics in ACTION: Political Brawls Around the World - YouTube[/ame]
Ah, the tolerant left ... open to new ideas, diversity, choice.

Oh, wait . . . .

Tolerant?? LMAO. No, thank God. Why in the hell would anyone of any other party be tolerant of the arrogant assholes known as todays Republicans.

You Rethugs WISH people would be more tolerant of the temper tantrums being thrown by Rethugs. But you all ain't kids and no one has to be "tolerant" of a terrorist. Domestic or otherwise. And you rethugs are political terrorists. No doubt about it.
The Unhinged left can be found right here in this reply.

The Democrats say no, throw a hissy fit, and then like rational adults, begin calling the opposition names.

Do Me a favor...when you get to the 'holding your breath until you turn blue' phase, keep holding it.

Webster's dictionary will never be the same. :(
The public isn't buying what they are selling. The GOP wanted and orchestrated this shutdown. The hostage takers are free to whine when their demands aren't met but they aren't going to get a lot of sympathy.

More blame on the dems on this one. Dems need to compromise and quit holding americans hostage.
It shows the lengths that they will go to just to hold onto power. Noticed that they are all trying to gloat that this will cost the Republicans the 2014 election??

This tells Me that they are more than willing to hurt Joe Public and his ability to make his mortgage payment all so they can see their, and make no mistake they look at anyone who does not see the world as they do, enemy destroyed.

It is rather vile and disgusting to be honest.

The hate from them is so radiant that even children are feeling it. It is like watching dogs with rabies foam and snarl and bang against their chain.

They truly do look like bitter frothing rabid dogs. All they have is emotion but no logic.
Democrats will take action. They will remind everyone that is being impacted by this insanity just who brought it about. Nov2014 is only a year and a month away, and the action will be hot an heavy, and there will be fewer Teabaggers and Republicans in Congress after the coming elections.

See, Katz, we aren't flap-yap idiots that run around muttering about revoltutions and second amendment solutions. We believe in out nation and it's Constitution and operate within that framework.

That's the way to do it! Let the voters decide. Will you be that willing if 2014 turns out to be another 2010?
Terrorists. :lmao:

You guys are really wrapped up in the DNC propaganda machine. It's really funny. :lol:
Terrorists, arsonists, hostage takers, Shock emotion doesn't work.

It seems to be working rather well on low information LOLberals.

Just look at all the K00ks calling the republicans terrorists, hostage takers and an assortment of other ridiculous names.

But, we're talking about LOLberals. You can't expect much from them.

I just find it hilarious that they would resort to such desperate measures. Then say shit like "the public isn't buying it."

A pathetic Fake Starkey delusion of collective knowledge regarding "the public".

They are just soooo intellectually dishonest and have been for so long, they actual believe their own lies.

Which is really a distinction of the two parties.

One wants you to belive their lies, the other believes their own lies. :lol:
Yeah, why the fuck is Congress and the WH still in session and getting paid?

They should be the first ones shut
Terrorists, arsonists, hostage takers, Shock emotion doesn't work.

It seems to be working rather well on low information LOLberals.

Just look at all the K00ks calling the republicans terrorists, hostage takers and an assortment of other ridiculous names.

But, we're talking about LOLberals. You can't expect much from them.

I just find it hilarious that they would resort to such desperate measures. Then say shit like "the public isn't buying it."

A pathetic Fake Starkey delusion of collective knowledge regarding "the public".

They are just soooo intellectually dishonest and have been for so long, they actual believe their own lies.

Which is really a distinction of the two parties.

One wants you to belive their lies, the other believes their own lies. :lol:

Sooooo.......if the situation were completely reversed, Dems doing what Repubs are doing right now.....what would you say about what was being done, by Democrats? You know, shutting down government, threatening to not raise the debt ceiling.

Just flip the situation around. What names would you support calling Dems doing what Repubs are doing now?

And I know you'll just give a smart ass answer about something or other. You really are pretty good at that.
But you wouldn't like it. Goes around comes around.
Awwww you going to cry you fucking baby?
Seriously shut the fuck up. What you have nothing left so you need to play the victim " they are meanies" card?
People like you are the worst types in anything. Oh they are picking on me and are mean.then in the next post declare them as evil immoral people who are destroying the nation.
This is how all wars start. At some point democrats are going to have to do more than just call names. They are going to have to take some action.

they are too cowardly and unable to grow the balls needed to start the war. At least the variety we are observing now

this hissing is just a sign of helpless hate because of the fear that they might lose
Obama called us "the enemy"

Awww he's such a uniter.:huddle:

What's to unite. Tea party people and Repubs don't like Obama and he don't like them. Do you unite with people you don't like? I doubt it.

It's not like they voted for him (Obama) and he owes them something. They (TP Repubs) have fought as hard as they could to stop whatever he has tried to do.

And TP Repubs don't want to unite with Obama.

So what's to unite?

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