The United States should adopt Mexico's illegal immigration laws!

It almost makes you crazy. There is no country in the freaking world that allows unrestricted illegal immigration except the good old USA. Americans aren't aware of the carnage that illegals are responsible for or the cost of social programs for the criminals because our sources of information in the media refuse to do their job.

Or are owned by those like carlos slim, who have a vested financial interest in seeing as many illegals flow into the US as possible. Carlos the robber baron has mexcian telecom and banking monopolies, which earn a fee everytime a mexican in the US calls a family member in mexico or sends them money. He saved the NYT from bankruptcy a few years ago, which is why the NYT editorials and articles have beomce so one-sidedly apologetic for illegal mass invasion, and open borders.

Ann Coulter's new book does a nice job comparing the position of the NYT editorial board before Slim's purchase and after, it is night and day.

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