The University Dilemma: America’s leftist universities are indoctrinating, not teaching, and they intend to keep it that why by deliberately excluding

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
American universities have become completely leftist in outlook, something that is depriving students of both knowledge and wisdom. Moreover, they intend to stay that way, as demonstrated by a single question they ask applicants seeking teaching positions, a question that will stop the process dead in its tracks when the applicant is a conservative.

In 2006, I moved to Europe to become a university lecturer. I was one of three co-founders and the chair of the art department at a school for game developers in the Netherlands. In that role, I hired and supervised our teachers, developed the curriculum, helped promote the school publicly, and most importantly, taught a lot of classes (computer graphics, anatomy, and research writing, among others).

My first rule was “never lie to the students.” This rule had four practical components:

(1) The curriculum had to be practical in the context of helping the students become working professionals.

(2) Teachers would never pretend to know something they didn’t.

(3) Teachers would grade without bias (positive or negative).

(4) Any failures or omissions would be corrected as soon as they were discovered.

Too much text. Edited.
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Nature abhors a vacuum. Some form of education will arise. The university system has failed. There will be something else.

A nation that cannot educate it's young cannot survive.
I advise kids to take a vocational course, and learn a trade, a skill that is in demand. Nothing really so special about a university degree other than medicine, law, engineering.
I advise kids to take a vocational course, and learn a trade, a skill that is in demand. Nothing really so special about a university degree other than medicine, law, engineering.
Excellent plumbing or electrical or even construction and then follow with some courses in Mechanical's a place that still doe it least the engineering department does.

As someone who has no real connection to current "higher education," all I "know" is what I read on opinion pages. The prevailing view is that Academe is a cesspool of Leftism.

But this would be totally predictable. The professors, lecturers, and administrators are basically people who have never had a job in their entire lives, excluding a couple months one summer at Burger King. They don't even know anyone who works for a living in the real world. Is it any surprise that they embrace Marxism?
....The professors, lecturers, and administrators are basically people who have never had a job in their entire lives, excluding a couple months one summer at Burger King. They don't even know anyone who works for a living in the real world. Is it any surprise that they embrace Marxism?
Do you realize how illogical it is to assume you know all of the life experiences of hundreds of thousands of people you have never met?

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