Zone1 How to Close the “Achievement Gap” in Los Angeles Schools, by Mary Morrison

What about the big shelters now housing illegals? We can deport them while their hearings are pending, since most of the asylum claims are bogus anyway, and repurpose the shelter for homeless Americans.

democrats sure do love concentration camps.
The categorical rejection of intelligence tests is mystifying. Every valid indicator shows they are accurate.
It’s not mystifying at all. The results of the tests make it harder for leftists to insist that the reason everyone doesn’t have equal outcomes is due to racism, or lack of greater investment In poorer areas, or what have you.
What about the big shelters now housing illegals? We can deport them while their hearings are pending, since most of the asylum claims are bogus anyway, and repurpose the shelter for homeless Americans.
We should fly them back to their home country immediately to wait for 'further notice' of their claim. This might discourage others from making the trip north.
Pathetic is you old women frightened of 12 year old boys. How do you think it makes kids feel when cowardly old people tremble every time they walk past? Do you think that encourages better behavior or encourages young people to think well fuck them if that’s how they think about me? Stop being pathetic cowards and start treating people like individuals, including young people. Some of you all are really fucking ridiculously pathetic.
If I have the opportunity to get to know a black person I evaluate him using the same criteria I use when I evaluate a white person. Nevertheless, I have learned that I need to take precautions with young black men I do not know that I do not need to take with young men I do not know of other races, even if they are Hispanics.
I’d love to take the money we are paying to bring in and support illegal immigrants and allocate it to the construction and operation of new prisons.
Joseph Stalin demonstrated that a prison system can be run at a profit to the government. Most of the people in Joe's prison system were political prisoners. Nevertheless, the system would work for criminals too.
Pathetic is you old women frightened of 12 year old boys. How do you think it makes kids feel when cowardly old people tremble every time they walk past? Do you think that encourages better behavior or encourages young people to think well fuck them if that’s how they think about me? Stop being pathetic cowards and start treating people like individuals, including young people. Some of you all are really fucking ridiculously pathetic.
The teachers here will probably blame everything on the parents

And to be fair the parents were undereducated themselves in the same school system their kids attend now

So there is no simple explanation

Bad schools consisting of lackluster educators, slobbish parents, and out of control children equal education failure
A motivated student with supportive parents can still succeed in a bad school with bad teachers. Both schools and parents carry responsibility for the failures of our education system, but while the parents can have an effect on their child, the schools can't.
Teachers want to teach intelligent students who are trying to get into the colleges of their choices. If they can't do that retirement is the only thing they have to look forward to.
We Must Focus Only on the Smart Part of the Bell Curve

So teachers want to punish superior students by encouraging them to live like a teenager who's afraid to grow up because college students don't earn a living, as opposed to the rest of the students, who can live like adults right after graduation by getting a full-time job or going into the military.
We Must Focus Only on the Smart Part of the Bell Curve

So teachers want to punish superior students by encouraging them to live like a teenager who's afraid to grow up because college students don't earn a living, as opposed to the rest of the students, who can live like adults right after graduation by getting a full-time job or going into the military.
The broken record still hasn't been fixed.
Pathetic is you old women frightened of 12 year old boys. How do you think it makes kids feel when cowardly old people tremble every time they walk past? Do you think that encourages better behavior or encourages young people to think well fuck them if that’s how they think about me? Stop being pathetic cowards and start treating people like individuals, including young people. Some of you all are really fucking ridiculously pathetic.
I wouldn't 'walk past' them. I would cross the street and avoid them. Then I wouldn't have to shoot them if they got in my grill. ;)
Those is the demonstrative pronoun.
Lazy Teachers Told Us, "You Don't Have to Study Grammar; Just Listen to the Way Educated People Speak."

You weren't educated properly, so teach yourself and ignore the college-educated media's ignorant grammar.

I notice that Uncle Kotex gives me a "Disagree," but then uses "who" correctly instead of the Illiterate Liberal Language Lords' "that."

By the way, the Conservative media slavishly parrots the Liberals' Low IQ grammar, proving that they're both in the same clique. What if they all spoke with a regional accent, instead of a Diploma Dumbo accent? Then only suckers would choose between them.
I’d love to take the money we are paying to bring in and support illegal immigrants and allocate it to the construction and operation of new prisons.
Vidkun Quisling Was Executed for Treason. Are the Norwegians More Patriotic Than Americans?

Shoot the illegals; that's what the Second Amendment is really for. "The security of a free state" mandates that gunowners kill invaders.

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