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The University of New Hampshire wants the word “American” banned.

Jun 22, 2014
The University of New Hampshire wants the word “American” banned.
It’s offensive. (The Gateway Pundit)

I'll bet you didn't know you were offending people by using the "A" word, did you ?

The University promises to publish a guide of appropriate words that can be used and words that are offensive and are now forbidden.

I posted an article in the race section of this site and I proposed that a guide will have to be created to help the culturally challenged. If you expect me to abide by your rules, have the decency to let me know what the rules are. As I'm being attacked for saying, "boy is it hot outside today", you cowering self hating whites will stand around taking pictures while shaking your head saying, "he shouldn't have said that ! BRAVO to the University of New Hampshire for proposing to publish this much needed guide.


I just read a piece about what the rebel flag really means to me. Me ! Some people have powers that go far beyond the five senses. These clairvoyant name-callers can tell me what, I really mean when I speak. They can also tell me what the true definitions are of the words I use and the thoughts I have when I see a flag. I will not only be accused of using euphemisms but outright "Code." No ambiguity exists with the finger pointer as their mind reading settles any doubts about my true intentions. These gifted activists are able to spot me as being a racist for just entering a room. I am pre-judged by people who by their own definitions are unable to be prejudice or racist. There are also words that can be used but only in an approved context. If the target word is used in a negative or derogatory sense, it's ok. White trash verses white achievements. The opposite would be true of Black trash verses Black achievements. One is acceptable and the other will result in accusations of racism.

Two collages have recently started a list of forbidden phrases because they have just realized the TRUE meanings of them. One activist has recently published an article forbidding his target group from quoting leaders such as MLK. An example would be, "People should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin." The President has recently said racism is in my DNA. Activists say that I constantly do and say racist things without even knowing it.

With the true definitions of words just now coming to light, and new rules popping up daily, I just can't keep up with it. NO I'm not a victim, I'm a whiner, don't-you-know.

The bottom line is that these soothsayers are easily offended and are not slow in saying so. When the wrong word or expression is used the offended party can resort to loud name calling and putting on quite a show to apparently punish the offender. It is quite acceptable for violence to be used by the victim of your offence and the onlookers accept it and give a pass to the offended. Phrases like, "he was asking for it" or "he shouldn't have said that" and "he had it coming." Once a charge of racism is loudly leveled, even without any evidence, jobs are lost, careers are ruined and reputations are destroyed. Where there is smoke there's fire, right ? The wearing of a culturally insensitive garment had cost some their jobs. An example would be a recent Fire Chief who wore a sombrero to taco night at the fire station. Someone was offended, the Chief apologized and was then fired.

The point here is that I do not want to offend anybody. With your approval or the turning of your head, I might get punched or worse. I don't want to get fired or have what good reputation I have left, lost. I also don't like getting yelled at and scolded, especially in public. Apparently I am either not smart enough to recognize my offences or it is so engrained in me that I'm just about uncivilized. A wild feral beast be I.

What I need is a guide or maybe a dictionary to help me with my handicap. Just a list of forbidden phrases and words. Then a list of words that have several meanings and what they all are. If one of those meanings can be construed as being offensive, it will. Add to this guide a list of offensive garments, objects (flags), foods, the use of logic or anything else that may be offensive. There is a need for a list of businesses and products that are offensive including movies and other entertainment mediums. My religion, nationality, military status, age, genetics, sexual preference and many otherthings may be offensive. I must learn to keep quiet about, lie about or change those things or the offended might cut off my head.

Once this "guide" is created, the offending target group should be required to have the guide in their possession at all times for quick reference. An area in the back of the guide would be provided to make entries of new offences and to list new rules. Free mandatory guide education and update classes will be held in the Happiness Center every evening.

Please do not think of this guide as a means of control. Such a statement by anyone should be listed in the guide as a forbidden phrase or thought. The guide is to help culturally challenged genetic groups behave in a civilized manner while in public or in the public eye.

No tong-in-cheek here folks. If some want to hold Me to their rules, wouldn't it be fair to let me know what those rules are ? I really don't know the "code" I'm accused of knowing. I don't mean to offend anyone. There isn't anything in it for me.

Someone, please create a dictionary or lexicon specifically for my crippled culture so we will not offend. It could be titled, "Talking on Eggshells." Eurobonics ?

I could just pigeon hole an entire easily offended group as being just too sensitive to interact with. Then I would avoid that group as all costs. I would then literally be prejudiced and bigoted. I don't want to be that person. I want to give everybody a chance to be a friend. DAMN ! Some people just hate me for being me before I even open my mouth. God made me this way just like he made you that way, deal with it.

If I want to offend you, you'll know it. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you.
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I'm betting this article is a lie or if true is being used to not show the problem with one idiotic proposal but how liberals and the democratic party et al are to blame.

Then PC will tell us how this ties in to Harry Truman
I'm betting this article is a lie or if true is being used to not show the problem with one idiotic proposal but how liberals and the democratic party et al are to blame.

Then PC will tell us how this ties in to Harry Truman

US yes. This is merely a symptom of the mental illness known as liberalism.

A freaking guide to list what is and isn't offensive. Wow. I can see liberals walking around with a leather bound guide...excitedly thumbing through pages as bystanders talk...."Um hey stop! That's offensive! I think. Gimme a second here....page 134, Chapter 34, section 9...yes here it is....Sensitivity to Albino Transsexual Serbian Buddhists, amendment E which says some of the are offended by the word "sun". So yeah...no more saying it's a nice sunny day. Albino Transsexual Serbian Buddhists....they don't like it."
"Leather bound" ? That's a No -No !! Says so on page 355. Make a note of your offence on the "offence commission" pages, or else !
Universities and institutes of higher learning were once centers for the sharing of ideas and opinions and knowledge. The fact that they now have a list of "forbidden words" (and forbidden books and forbidden opinions?) is a chilling reminder of what today's closed minded liberal activists have done to our kids throughout the education system.
The University of New Hampshire wants the word “American” banned.
It’s offensive. (The Gateway Pundit)

I'll bet you didn't know you were offending people by using the "A" word, did you ?

The University promises to publish a guide of appropriate words that can be used and words that are offensive and are now forbidden.

I posted an article in the race section of this site and I proposed that a guide will have to be created to help the culturally challenged. If you expect me to abide by your rules, have the decency to let me know what the rules are. As I'm being attacked for saying, "boy is it hot outside today", you cowering self hating whites will stand around taking pictures while shaking your head saying, "he shouldn't have said that ! BRAVO to the University of New Hampshire for proposing to publish this much needed guide.


I just read a piece about what the rebel flag really means to me. Me ! Some people have powers that go far beyond the five senses. These clairvoyant name-callers can tell me what, I really mean when I speak. They can also tell me what the true definitions are of the words I use and the thoughts I have when I see a flag. I will not only be accused of using euphemisms but outright "Code." No ambiguity exists with the finger pointer as their mind reading settles any doubts about my true intentions. These gifted activists are able to spot me as being a racist for just entering a room. I am pre-judged by people who by their own definitions are unable to be prejudice or racist. There are also words that can be used but only in an approved context. If the target word is used in a negative or derogatory sense, it's ok. White trash verses white achievements. The opposite would be true of Black trash verses Black achievements. One is acceptable and the other will result in accusations of racism.

Two collages have recently started a list of forbidden phrases because they have just realized the TRUE meanings of them. One activist has recently published an article forbidding his target group from quoting leaders such as MLK. An example would be, "People should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin." The President has recently said racism is in my DNA. Activists say that I constantly do and say racist things without even knowing it.

With the true definitions of words just now coming to light, and new rules popping up daily, I just can't keep up with it. NO I'm not a victim, I'm a whiner, don't-you-know.

The bottom line is that these soothsayers are easily offended and are not slow in saying so. When the wrong word or expression is used the offended party can resort to loud name calling and putting on quite a show to apparently punish the offender. It is quite acceptable for violence to be used by the victim of your offence and the onlookers accept it and give a pass to the offended. Phrases like, "he was asking for it" or "he shouldn't have said that" and "he had it coming." Once a charge of racism is loudly leveled, even without any evidence, jobs are lost, careers are ruined and reputations are destroyed. Where there is smoke there's fire, right ? The wearing of a culturally insensitive garment had cost some their jobs. An example would be a recent Fire Chief who wore a sombrero to taco night at the fire station. Someone was offended, the Chief apologized and was then fired.

The point here is that I do not want to offend anybody. With your approval or the turning of your head, I might get punched or worse. I don't want to get fired or have what good reputation I have left, lost. I also don't like getting yelled at and scolded, especially in public. Apparently I am either not smart enough to recognize my offences or it is so engrained in me that I'm just about uncivilized. A wild feral beast be I.

What I need is a guide or maybe a dictionary to help me with my handicap. Just a list of forbidden phrases and words. Then a list of words that have several meanings and what they all are. If one of those meanings can be construed as being offensive, it will. Add to this guide a list of offensive garments, objects (flags), foods, the use of logic or anything else that may be offensive. There is a need for a list of businesses and products that are offensive including movies and other entertainment mediums. My religion, nationality, military status, age, genetics, sexual preference and many otherthings may be offensive. I must learn to keep quiet about, lie about or change those things or the offended might cut off my head.

Once this "guide" is created, the offending target group should be required to have the guide in their possession at all times for quick reference. An area in the back of the guide would be provided to make entries of new offences and to list new rules. Free mandatory guide education and update classes will be held in the Happiness Center every evening.

Please do not think of this guide as a means of control. Such a statement by anyone should be listed in the guide as a forbidden phrase or thought. The guide is to help culturally challenged genetic groups behave in a civilized manner while in public or in the public eye.

No tong-in-cheek here folks. If some want to hold Me to their rules, wouldn't it be fair to let me know what those rules are ? I really don't know the "code" I'm accused of knowing. I don't mean to offend anyone. There isn't anything in it for me.

Someone, please create a dictionary or lexicon specifically for my crippled culture so we will not offend. It could be titled, "Talking on Eggshells." Eurobonics ?

I could just pigeon hole an entire easily offended group as being just too sensitive to interact with. Then I would avoid that group as all costs. I would then literally be prejudiced and bigoted. I don't want to be that person. I want to give everybody a chance to be a friend. DAMN ! Some people just hate me for being me before I even open my mouth. God made me this way just like he made you that way, deal with it.

If I want to offend you, you'll know it. I'm not going to sugar coat it for you.

I don't see a single link to support this claim.
This link takes you to their guide-
Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence
Here is their reasoning, which makes sense for others, but I assume since most everyone has been known as American from our country forever, it probably won't change for a long while. We actually have the word America in the name of our country.
South Americans usually refer to themselves as from their particular country, as their cultures vary from each, just as Canada calls themselves Canadians:

Preferred: U.S. citizen or Resident of the U.S.
Problematic: American
Note: North Americans often use “American” which usually, depending on the context, fails to recognize South America
Preferred: North American or South American
Problematic: American: assumes the U.S. is the only country inside these two continents.

I'm betting this article is a lie or if true is being used to not show the problem with one idiotic proposal but how liberals and the democratic party et al are to blame.

Then PC will tell us how this ties in to Harry Truman
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This link takes you to tjeir guide-
Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence
Here is their reasoning, which makes sense for others, but I assume since most everyone has been known as American from our country forever, it probably won't change for a long while. We actually have the word America in the name of our country.
South Americans usually refer to themselves as from their particular country, as their cultures vary from each, just as Canada calls themselves Canadians:

Preferred: U.S. citizen or Resident of the U.S.
Problematic: American
Note: North Americans often use “American” which usually, depending on the context, fails to recognize South America
Preferred: North American or South American
Problematic: American: assumes the U.S. is the only country inside these two continents.

I'm betting this article is a lie or if true is being used to not show the problem with one idiotic proposal but how liberals and the democratic party et al are to blame.

Then PC will tell us how this ties in to Harry Truman

So, it's a suggestion - not a ban.
I'm betting this article is a lie or if true is being used to not show the problem with one idiotic proposal but how liberals and the democratic party et al are to blame.

Then PC will tell us how this ties in to Harry Truman

US yes. This is merely a symptom of the mental illness known as liberalism.

A freaking guide to list what is and isn't offensive. Wow. I can see liberals walking around with a leather bound guide...excitedly thumbing through pages as bystanders talk...."Um hey stop! That's offensive! I think. Gimme a second here....page 134, Chapter 34, section 9...yes here it is....Sensitivity to Albino Transsexual Serbian Buddhists, amendment E which says some of the are offended by the word "sun". So yeah...no more saying it's a nice sunny day. Albino Transsexual Serbian Buddhists....they don't like it."

1 trick pony shows his one trick

I've been asking for a website we can regularly visit to know which words and phrases we are allowed to use, and this comes pretty close!! - Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence

Some delightful examples:

Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as “poor”.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: “welfare queen”
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: rich
Being rich gets conflated with a sort of omnipotence; hence, immunity from customs and the law. People without material wealth could be wealthy or rich of spirit, kindness, etc.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
“Obese” is the medicalization of size, and “overweight” is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: “Fat”, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
Preferred: "non-disabled" is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: person who is blind/visually impaired
Problematic: blind person, “dumb”
Preferred: person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
Problematic: deaf person, Deaf-and-Dumb, Deaf-Mute
Preferred: person with a speech/communication impairment
Problematic: dumb, speech impediment
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Preferred: person with a psychiatric disability; person with a mental health condition
Problematic: mentally ill, hyper-sensitive, psycho, crazy, insane, wacko, nuts
Preferred: wheelchair user, person who is - wheelchair mobile, physically disabled, quadriplegic, paraplegic
Problematic: handicapped, physically challenged, invalid, “special”, deformed, cripple, gimp, spaz, wheelchair-bound, confined to a wheelchair, lame
Preferred: seeking help for emotional mental health, person who identifies as having an emotional disability
Problematic: emotionally disturbed
Preferred: cognitively/developmentally delayed/disabled, person with a cognitive/developmental delay or disability, person with an intellectual disability
Problematic: retard, mentally retarded, special ed student
Preferred: someone of short stature, little person
Problematic: dwarf, midget
Preferred: person “living with” a specific disability, (i.e. “someone living with cancer or AIDS”)
Problematic: victim, someone “stricken with” a disability (i.e. “someone stricken with cancer” or “an AIDS victim”)

You people in the PC Police have gone completely off the ledge.

Universities and institutes of higher learning were once centers for the sharing of ideas and opinions and knowledge. The fact that they now have a list of "forbidden words" (and forbidden books and forbidden opinions?) is a chilling reminder of what today's closed minded liberal activists have done to our kids throughout the education system.

Yeah, republicans dont have anything to do with learning or education amirite?

I've been asking for a website we can regularly visit to know which words and phrases we are allowed to use, and this comes pretty close!! - Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence

Some delightful examples:

Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as “poor”.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: “welfare queen”
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: rich
Being rich gets conflated with a sort of omnipotence; hence, immunity from customs and the law. People without material wealth could be wealthy or rich of spirit, kindness, etc.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
“Obese” is the medicalization of size, and “overweight” is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: “Fat”, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
Preferred: "non-disabled" is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: person who is blind/visually impaired
Problematic: blind person, “dumb”
Preferred: person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
Problematic: deaf person, Deaf-and-Dumb, Deaf-Mute
Preferred: person with a speech/communication impairment
Problematic: dumb, speech impediment
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Preferred: person with a psychiatric disability; person with a mental health condition
Problematic: mentally ill, hyper-sensitive, psycho, crazy, insane, wacko, nuts
Preferred: wheelchair user, person who is - wheelchair mobile, physically disabled, quadriplegic, paraplegic
Problematic: handicapped, physically challenged, invalid, “special”, deformed, cripple, gimp, spaz, wheelchair-bound, confined to a wheelchair, lame
Preferred: seeking help for emotional mental health, person who identifies as having an emotional disability
Problematic: emotionally disturbed
Preferred: cognitively/developmentally delayed/disabled, person with a cognitive/developmental delay or disability, person with an intellectual disability
Problematic: retard, mentally retarded, special ed student
Preferred: someone of short stature, little person
Problematic: dwarf, midget
Preferred: person “living with” a specific disability, (i.e. “someone living with cancer or AIDS”)
Problematic: victim, someone “stricken with” a disability (i.e. “someone stricken with cancer” or “an AIDS victim”)

You people in the PC Police have gone completely off the ledge.


Now......please show us who the PC Police are by citing cases of people exclusively using the "preferred" terms in your list. This is your big chance!

I've been asking for a website we can regularly visit to know which words and phrases we are allowed to use, and this comes pretty close!! - Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence

Some delightful examples:

Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as “poor”.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: “welfare queen”
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: rich
Being rich gets conflated with a sort of omnipotence; hence, immunity from customs and the law. People without material wealth could be wealthy or rich of spirit, kindness, etc.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
“Obese” is the medicalization of size, and “overweight” is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: “Fat”, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
Preferred: "non-disabled" is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: person who is blind/visually impaired
Problematic: blind person, “dumb”
Preferred: person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
Problematic: deaf person, Deaf-and-Dumb, Deaf-Mute
Preferred: person with a speech/communication impairment
Problematic: dumb, speech impediment
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Preferred: person with a psychiatric disability; person with a mental health condition
Problematic: mentally ill, hyper-sensitive, psycho, crazy, insane, wacko, nuts
Preferred: wheelchair user, person who is - wheelchair mobile, physically disabled, quadriplegic, paraplegic
Problematic: handicapped, physically challenged, invalid, “special”, deformed, cripple, gimp, spaz, wheelchair-bound, confined to a wheelchair, lame
Preferred: seeking help for emotional mental health, person who identifies as having an emotional disability
Problematic: emotionally disturbed
Preferred: cognitively/developmentally delayed/disabled, person with a cognitive/developmental delay or disability, person with an intellectual disability
Problematic: retard, mentally retarded, special ed student
Preferred: someone of short stature, little person
Problematic: dwarf, midget
Preferred: person “living with” a specific disability, (i.e. “someone living with cancer or AIDS”)
Problematic: victim, someone “stricken with” a disability (i.e. “someone stricken with cancer” or “an AIDS victim”)

You people in the PC Police have gone completely off the ledge.


Yes, you are completely reasonable tho taking your Cues from a random website because as you know, you cannot do things unless its approved by everyone on the internet. Its NOT that you are searching for things to take offense too and overstating its importance. Noooooo!

I've been asking for a website we can regularly visit to know which words and phrases we are allowed to use, and this comes pretty close!! - Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence

Some delightful examples:

Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as “poor”.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: “welfare queen”
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: rich
Being rich gets conflated with a sort of omnipotence; hence, immunity from customs and the law. People without material wealth could be wealthy or rich of spirit, kindness, etc.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
“Obese” is the medicalization of size, and “overweight” is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: “Fat”, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
Preferred: "non-disabled" is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: person who is blind/visually impaired
Problematic: blind person, “dumb”
Preferred: person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
Problematic: deaf person, Deaf-and-Dumb, Deaf-Mute
Preferred: person with a speech/communication impairment
Problematic: dumb, speech impediment
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Preferred: person with a psychiatric disability; person with a mental health condition
Problematic: mentally ill, hyper-sensitive, psycho, crazy, insane, wacko, nuts
Preferred: wheelchair user, person who is - wheelchair mobile, physically disabled, quadriplegic, paraplegic
Problematic: handicapped, physically challenged, invalid, “special”, deformed, cripple, gimp, spaz, wheelchair-bound, confined to a wheelchair, lame
Preferred: seeking help for emotional mental health, person who identifies as having an emotional disability
Problematic: emotionally disturbed
Preferred: cognitively/developmentally delayed/disabled, person with a cognitive/developmental delay or disability, person with an intellectual disability
Problematic: retard, mentally retarded, special ed student
Preferred: someone of short stature, little person
Problematic: dwarf, midget
Preferred: person “living with” a specific disability, (i.e. “someone living with cancer or AIDS”)
Problematic: victim, someone “stricken with” a disability (i.e. “someone stricken with cancer” or “an AIDS victim”)

You people in the PC Police have gone completely off the ledge.


Yes, you are completely reasonable tho taking your Cues from a random website because as you know, you cannot do things unless its approved by everyone on the internet. Its NOT that you are searching for things to take offense too and overstating its importance. Noooooo!
The PC Police are always standing by, ready to jump in and self-identify for me.



I've been asking for a website we can regularly visit to know which words and phrases we are allowed to use, and this comes pretty close!! - Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence

Some delightful examples:

Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as “poor”.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: “welfare queen”
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: rich
Being rich gets conflated with a sort of omnipotence; hence, immunity from customs and the law. People without material wealth could be wealthy or rich of spirit, kindness, etc.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
“Obese” is the medicalization of size, and “overweight” is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: “Fat”, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
Preferred: "non-disabled" is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: person who is blind/visually impaired
Problematic: blind person, “dumb”
Preferred: person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
Problematic: deaf person, Deaf-and-Dumb, Deaf-Mute
Preferred: person with a speech/communication impairment
Problematic: dumb, speech impediment
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Preferred: person with a psychiatric disability; person with a mental health condition
Problematic: mentally ill, hyper-sensitive, psycho, crazy, insane, wacko, nuts
Preferred: wheelchair user, person who is - wheelchair mobile, physically disabled, quadriplegic, paraplegic
Problematic: handicapped, physically challenged, invalid, “special”, deformed, cripple, gimp, spaz, wheelchair-bound, confined to a wheelchair, lame
Preferred: seeking help for emotional mental health, person who identifies as having an emotional disability
Problematic: emotionally disturbed
Preferred: cognitively/developmentally delayed/disabled, person with a cognitive/developmental delay or disability, person with an intellectual disability
Problematic: retard, mentally retarded, special ed student
Preferred: someone of short stature, little person
Problematic: dwarf, midget
Preferred: person “living with” a specific disability, (i.e. “someone living with cancer or AIDS”)
Problematic: victim, someone “stricken with” a disability (i.e. “someone stricken with cancer” or “an AIDS victim”)

You people in the PC Police have gone completely off the ledge.


Yes, you are completely reasonable tho taking your Cues from a random website because as you know, you cannot do things unless its approved by everyone on the internet. Its NOT that you are searching for things to take offense too and overstating its importance. Noooooo!
The PC Police are always standing by, ready to jump in and self-identify for me.



Nice dodge but in order for someone to laugh about it you'd have not not engage in the labeling yourself

I've been asking for a website we can regularly visit to know which words and phrases we are allowed to use, and this comes pretty close!! - Bias-Free Language Guide Inclusive Excellence

Some delightful examples:

Preferred: people of advanced age, old people*
Problematic/Outdated: older people, elders, seniors, senior citizen
Preferred: person who lacks advantages that others have, low economic status related to a person’s education, occupation and income
Problematic: poor person, person from the ghetto
Note: Some people choose to live a life that is not connected to the consumer world of material possessions. They do not identify as “poor”.
Preferred: person living at or below the poverty line, people experiencing poverty
Problematic/Outdated: poor person, poverty-stricken person
Preferred: person-experiencing homelessness
Problematic/Outdated: the homeless, which reduces the person to being defined by their housing rather than as a person first - one who does not have a home
Preferred: person-using welfare
Problematic/Outdated: “welfare queen”
Preferred: person of material wealth
Problematic: rich
Being rich gets conflated with a sort of omnipotence; hence, immunity from customs and the law. People without material wealth could be wealthy or rich of spirit, kindness, etc.
Preferred: people of size
Problematic/Outdated: obese*, overweight people
“Obese” is the medicalization of size, and “overweight” is arbitrary; for example, standards differ from one culture to another.
Note: “Fat”, a historically derogatory term, is increasingly being reclaimed by people of size and their allies, yet for some, it is a term that comes from pain.
Preferred: "non-disabled" is the preferred term for people without disabilities.
problematic: normal, able-bodied, healthy or whole
Preferred: person who is blind/visually impaired
Problematic: blind person, “dumb”
Preferred: person who is deaf or hard-of-hearing
Problematic: deaf person, Deaf-and-Dumb, Deaf-Mute
Preferred: person with a speech/communication impairment
Problematic: dumb, speech impediment
Preferred: person who is learning disabled, person who has a cognitive disability, person with a learning or cognitive disability, persons
with intellectual and developmental disability
Problematic: retarded, slow, brain-damaged, special education student
Preferred: person with a psychiatric disability; person with a mental health condition
Problematic: mentally ill, hyper-sensitive, psycho, crazy, insane, wacko, nuts
Preferred: wheelchair user, person who is - wheelchair mobile, physically disabled, quadriplegic, paraplegic
Problematic: handicapped, physically challenged, invalid, “special”, deformed, cripple, gimp, spaz, wheelchair-bound, confined to a wheelchair, lame
Preferred: seeking help for emotional mental health, person who identifies as having an emotional disability
Problematic: emotionally disturbed
Preferred: cognitively/developmentally delayed/disabled, person with a cognitive/developmental delay or disability, person with an intellectual disability
Problematic: retard, mentally retarded, special ed student
Preferred: someone of short stature, little person
Problematic: dwarf, midget
Preferred: person “living with” a specific disability, (i.e. “someone living with cancer or AIDS”)
Problematic: victim, someone “stricken with” a disability (i.e. “someone stricken with cancer” or “an AIDS victim”)

You people in the PC Police have gone completely off the ledge.


Yes, you are completely reasonable tho taking your Cues from a random website because as you know, you cannot do things unless its approved by everyone on the internet. Its NOT that you are searching for things to take offense too and overstating its importance. Noooooo!
The PC Police are always standing by, ready to jump in and self-identify for me.



Nice dodge but in order for someone to laugh about it you'd have not not engage in the labeling yourself
This madness is coming from the hardcore Left, where you reside.

Man up and admit it, and enjoy!



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