The US has epidemic of STD's


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Here is something you will NEVER see in the news with Biden and his Deep state puppeteers pushing for sexual deviancy 24/7 in the schools and in the media.

Sexually transmitted infection rates have hit a record high for the eighth year in a row.

STIs disproportionately affect non-straight populations in the United States. For instance, non-straight men altogether amount to less than 3% of the population, but accounted for 54% of syphilis cases, according to the latest data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

In light of this apparent crisis and one of its key driving forces, Biden health officials plan to endorse a "morning-after pill" for non-straight men. This pill might enable patients to keep having unprotected sex while lessening their chances of picking up one of several debilitating diseases.

Just like women getting pregnant, just pop an abortion pill.

Easy Peasy. The 1960's sexual revolution was nothing close to this level of depravity.
This is due to Biden letting diseased ridden illegals in our country.
This is a result of embracing degeneracy in the media and schools.

I would say that the immigrants probably have better morals as a rule on average.

At least most seem to have a better work ethic before they are processed by the Left-wing American culture.
This is a result of embracing degeneracy in the media and schools.

I would say that the immigrants probably have better morals as a rule on average.

At least most seem to have a better work ethic before they are processed by the Left-wing American culture.
But then there's the TB, mumps, and Polio.
But then there's the TB, mumps, and Polio.
Bisexual and gay males account for only 5% of the population at best, but account for well over half of all STD cases.

Yet the lifestyle is promoted by the powers that be and celebrated.
Well that's what happens when you raise young people to be hedonistic selfish idiots that don't think about anything except what makes them feel good with no sense of personal responsibility.

Then you tell poor people and homeless people they deserve to do drugs, go anywhere they want, live like roaches and do nothing to try and stem the tide of the homeless that spread diseases.

Then you tell poor and dumb blacks they can do whatever they want without consequences and we all know poor and dumb blacks are rutting pigs that run around and bang constantly and don't care about safe sex.

And we absolutely encourage fags to spread as much as possible and fags are the only group to rival blacks are just running around banging anything they can anywhere they can anytime they can. We encourage fags to display their faggotry and try to make as many people fags as we can.

Our socities morals, values and standards are for shit. We don't demand people have them anymore
Well that's what happens when you raise young people to be hedonistic selfish idiots that don't think about anything except what makes them feel good with no sense of personal responsibility.

Then you tell poor people and homeless people they deserve to do drugs, go anywhere they want, live like roaches and do nothing to try and stem the tide of the homeless that spread diseases.

Then you tell poor and dumb blacks they can do whatever they want without consequences and we all know poor and dumb blacks are rutting pigs that run around and bang constantly and don't care about safe sex.

And we absolutely encourage fags to spread as much as possible and fags are the only group to rival blacks are just running around banging anything they can anywhere they can anytime they can. We encourage fags to display their faggotry and try to make as many people fags as we can.

Our socities morals, values and standards are for shit. We don't demand people have them anymore
It's not enough just to destroy the US. The US government is pushing this depravity all across the globe at taxpayer expense.

The 1960's sexual revolution was nothing close to this level of depravity.
Really? I disagree.....the 1960s was THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION..... The introduction of the birth control pill, set it all off....
Really? I disagree.....the 1960s was THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION..... The introduction of the birth control pill, set it all off....
Sex is always viewed within the lens of preventing reproduction for the Left.

However, things have gotten exponentially worse, in terms of selling their morality and the consequences society is enduring.
Really? I disagree.....the 1960s was THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION..... The introduction of the birth control pill, set it all off....

Really? At least back then, people knew that they were either a man or woman and not cutting off parts and pretending they were the opposite sex or identifying as a binary goat. No, the depravity has only increased.
And then throw in your gaslighting where doxycycline is recommended as a preventative against STDs?!?!? When did we start killing off our good bacteria as a preventative before the bad bacteria arrives? And then in the last paragraph......

"And widespread use of doxycycline as a preventive measure could contribute to mutations that make bacteria impervious to the drug, as has happened with antibiotics before."

You don't say. Just thinking a little here, sounds like an experiment on gays....."hey guys, only tell the gay people to take one antibiotic pill and no more and let's see what happens, do not finish your whole regimen".

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Really? I disagree.....the 1960s was THE SEXUAL REVOLUTION..... The introduction of the birth control pill, set it all off....
We have not grown up. Progs think we can survive even as we decline. It's always nothing to worry about or accusing others of fear when they are the architects of fear. The real work ethic is replaced with bloviating yacking. The proof is we do not have as many movers and shakers and those who create vast wealth for all with problem solvers greatly reduced due to the lowering of the national IQ and equity. Defense projects, space projects, aircraft projects, and everything else related is taking longer and longer to figure out while the costs rise exponentially. The lack of civility is out of control. College sports is more towards entertainment and paying people now than education. Perhaps it is time to have colleges without sports and just education.

The US has epidemic of STD's​

This doesn't surprise me.


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