The video I just saw from the trial of the Floyd incident with the audio of the crowd around looked pretty bad

What truth am I not confronting. - Everything I’ve posted contains transcripts from the trial .

You are the one saying the police testimony on the use of force by Chauvin is stupid. You
are the one rejecting the truth, not me.
You are not confronting the truth....You are racist. Also you are a TDSer. You are filled with hatred...
Get help.
Floyd said he had breathing issues (indicative of Opiod overdose) while he fought with the cops in the backseat of the cop SUV.

Most people who sleep on their stomach are not handcuffed behind the back, on pavement with one person pressing a knee on their neck, and two other’s holding them down.

If Floyd said he had breathing issues known to police who put him in the fatal restrained position - Its worse for Chauvin to know that, and then to use lethal force to restrict breathing anyway for over nine minutes making sure he was dead, The drugs showed no signs that Floyd’s was about to die right there at that same moment in time.
You are not confronting the truth.

which is truth.

(A) This caused his death.


(B) This had nothing to do with his death.

Floyd's skull and scapula and trap muscles actually render the 30 some odd pounds of knee pressure irrelevant to his underlying medical issues that the "emotional" and "dramatic" freeze frame suggests. The knee prevents movement, because only head repositioning would cause discomfort.

NotfooledbyW, did you watch any of the cop videos? Floyd said gibberish like "I can't choke," "I can't breathe," "My wrist," "I'm gonna lay on the ground," etc. inside the cop SUV while fighting several cops where Chauvin could not have heard him, not that it would matter. I mean would consider a deranged, irrational individual fucked up on Opiods and Meth, with a rap sheet is telling the truth?
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Chauvin could not have heard him, not that it would matter.

Yes it does not matter. Chauvin was in control of Floyd’s life while using lethal force. Its the arresting officer’s job snd duty to de-escalate the use of lethal force and check in the health of the arrestee no matter the the amount of physical altercation prior to the restraint.

Its reasonable to believe that every police officer on the force in 2010 knee about this case:

Floyd isn't the first person who has died after being pinned down by a Minneapolis police officer. In 2010, 28-year-old David Smith died after an officer pinned him down with a knee to the back for about four minutes. The city settled a lawsuit for $3 million, said Robert Bennett, a Minneapolis attorney who represented Smith's family.​

Its not reasonable to believe that Chauvin did not know that having one officer on
Floyd’s back and that the addition of his knee on Floyd’s neck for four minutes or more could kill him. Having knowledge of the amount of drugs in Floyd’s system does not matter.

If you are insisting that Chauvin had no idea that the use of lethal force in that way could take a black man’s life then you are telling me that the Black Lives Matter movement is more necessary than ever.

You are saying it is ok that Chauvin didn’t think his arrestee’s life, restrained under his knee, mattered at all. Sending a white officer into a black neighborhood with that attitude is racist. That you endorse excuse defend that Chauvin does not care about the life of an arrestee under his control, that human life does not matter, then you are a racist as well .
There cid really no argument here - nine minutes of this with the final minutes while the man is dead and motionless is the truth here.

Pointing out the fact that you are a Marxist

its not a fact it is a lie. you are a liar. It actually proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a liar. A very stupid liar at that.

I’m not a leftist. And I’m more conservative in my personal life than Trump is or ever could be. Never grabbed a pussy. I’m just not a Christian like Trump and his foaming at the mouth racist voter base profess to be.

Glad to see this, but it does not make me a Marxist.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, Gallup's numbers show numbers of religiously affiliated Americans taking a nosedive during the Trump years, dropping from 55% of Americans belonging to a church to 47%.​

That nose dive is healthy for America going forward where Black Lives Matter.
Pointing out the fact that you are a Marxist

its not a fact it is a lie. you are a liar. It actually proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are a liar. A very stupid liar at that.

I’m not a leftist. And I’m more conservative in my personal life than Trump is or ever could be. Never grabbed a pussy. I’m just not a Christian like Trump and his foaming at the mouth racist voter base profess to be.

Glad to see this, but it does not make me a Marxist.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, then, Gallup's numbers show numbers of religiously affiliated Americans taking a nosedive during the Trump years, dropping from 55% of Americans belonging to a church to 47%.​

That nose dive is healthy for America going forward where Black Lives Matter.
Your own comments is all the evidence anyone needs to know that it is you who are lying about the violent America-hating politics you support.
Your own comments is all the evidence anyone needs to know that it is you who are lying about the violent America-hating politics you support.

What “violent America-hating politics” do you think my written public words supports.

Can you cite a specific example?
Floyd's skull and scapula and trap muscles actually render the 30 some odd pounds of knee pressure irrelevant to his underlying medical issues that the "emotional" and "dramatic" freeze frame suggests. The knee prevents movement, because only head repositioning would cause discomfort.

NotfooledbyW, did you watch any of the cop videos? Floyd said gibberish like "I can't choke," "I can't breathe," "My wrist," "I'm gonna lay on the ground," etc. inside the cop SUV while fighting several cops where Chauvin could not have heard him, not that it would matter. I mean would consider a deranged, irrational individual fucked up on Opiods and Meth, with a rap sheet is telling the truth?

Why is it that all the LE Officers and EMTs who testified are saying just the opposite of the bullshit you are babbling about.
The fact is, we will never know what went through Chauvin's mind at the time.
Nor is it all that important. A verdict can be rendered based upon his actions, and the expert testimony (his superiors on the force) who testify his actions were inappropriate and led to Floyd's death.

Are you really this dense? Floyd over dosed on drugs---what the cops did or didn't do didn't matter. Floyd was a goner wh
Well, Soup, it appears that it is your opinion that he was gonna die in moments.....with our without Chauvin. OK. That's your opinion.
However, it appears that Chauvin's superiors do not hold that same opinion.
Plus, even I, who am very willing to give you the benefit of the doubt, but I have to ponder your qualifications to render such a medical diagnosis by watching amateur videos.
But hey, you be you.

Do you not understand basic can not convict the cop of murder based on you "feeling" that the cop didn't care about Floyd living or dying.
Nothing the cop did caused Floyd to die.

Well, first, I quite agree that there is much about criminal law that I am ignorant of. However, I ain't 'convicting' Chauvin of murder, as you seemingly suggest. Rather, it is the jury who may or may not do that. I do know enough about criminal law to believe that.

But my role? ......welll, it is merely offering an anonymous opinion on an internet gossipboard. You probably shouldn't think my opinion has the force of law, poster Soup.
Just sayin'.

ps.....then your assertion the cop did nothing to cause death. OK. appears that the prosecutor, the witnesses, the testimony by vastly more experienced superiors, all appear, at this point, to indicate otherwise.
But you be you.
Floyd's skull and scapula and trap muscles actually render the 30 some odd pounds of knee pressure irrelevant to his underlying medical issues that the "emotional" and "dramatic" freeze frame suggests. The knee prevents movement, because only head repositioning would cause discomfort.

NotfooledbyW, did you watch any of the cop videos? Floyd said gibberish like "I can't choke," "I can't breathe," "My wrist," "I'm gonna lay on the ground," etc. inside the cop SUV while fighting several cops where Chauvin could not have heard him, not that it would matter. I mean would consider a deranged, irrational individual fucked up on Opiods and Meth, with a rap sheet is telling the truth?

Why is it that all the LE Officers and EMTs who testified are saying just the opposite of the bullshit you are babbling about.
How about you posting some of that testimony.
Nor is it all that important. A verdict can be rendered based upon his actions, and the expert testimony (his superiors on the force) who testify his actions were inappropriate and led to Floyd's death.
If it's not that important, why did you mention it in the first place?

Oh, that's easy, poster 123.
It was my "opinion".
Clearly stated as such.

An insensitive Captain Obvious would say ---"Duh"!
But that's not who I am.
Well, your opinion is based on nothing then. Thanks for clearing that up.;)
Well, your opinion is based on nothing then. Thanks for clearing that up

Well, poster 123, I am not offering my opinion as something you need believe, endorse, or adhere to.
I offer it because posting anonymously on internet chatrooms is sort of a diversion, an entertainment. Nonetheless, when I do post a text that has my following "IMHO" I do so with the intention to signal to all that I ain't an official, I ain't a journalist, I ain't someone with inside knowledge. I merely post it after I've formed a reasoned impression from the various newsfeeds that come into my message que and that I believe are credible and somewhat reliable.

I don't offer an least one I would publicly post.....from sites that I find too partisan or just plain bizzarro. Unless, of course, I'm snarkin' on 'em and holding 'em up for satire and ridicule. I sincerely hope none of those sites are your 'go-to' sites for your information.

Well, your opinion is based on nothing then. Thanks for clearing that up

Well, poster 123, I am not offering my opinion as something you need believe, endorse, or adhere to.
I offer it because posting anonymously on internet chatrooms is sort of a diversion, an entertainment. Nonetheless, when I do post a text that has my following "IMHO" I do so with the intention to signal to all that I ain't an official, I ain't a journalist, I ain't someone with inside knowledge. I merely post it after I've formed a reasoned impression from the various newsfeeds that come into my message que and that I believe are credible and somewhat reliable.

I don't offer an least one I would publicly post.....from sites that I find too partisan or just plain bizzarro. Unless, of course, I'm snarkin' on 'em and holding 'em up for satire and ridicule. I sincerely hope none of those sites are your 'go-to' sites for your information.

WelI, poster Chillicothe, I don't believe your impression was reasoned at all. That was my point, not that I felt you required me to endorse such ramblings. There is no reason to think Chauvin denigrated Floyd in any way shape or form, in fact, I think it might show racist tendencies to utter such because all the racists are shouting 'white privilege.' Glad we could clear that up. "FYI"

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