The view of US election from Scottish socialist party

Socialism can never, will never and has never been able to function under its own weight, it's always taking money from other people - only fucking deadbeat parasites believe in Socialism… Fact
FACT: You are afraid to face the links I provided where it proves you are wrong on all counts of "can" - "will" - "has". I have coined my own label for people like you. V.S.I. Voluntary Selective Ignorance. FACT.
Socialism can never, will never and has never been able to function under its own weight, it's always taking money from other people - only fucking deadbeat parasites believe in Socialism… Fact
FACT: You are afraid to face the links I provided where it proves you are wrong on all counts of "can" - "will" - "has". I have coined my own label for people like you. V.S.I. Voluntary Selective Ignorance. FACT.
Capitalism is just freedom for the rich....not so much for the rest of the people who have to actually WORK selling,making,transporting the product.
Socialism has never been successful in the history of the planet… Fact
If you read FACTS and now propaganda you would know National Socialism WAS working in Germany which is why Germany was attacked and war was declared by international jewry in 1933. Many things are possible when you destroy the Jewish usury system but then rich capitalists wouldn't get extra rich off of slave labor so.

It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.
Socialism has a zero win to loss ratio, it failed every time it's been tried in civilized history lomng term...

Interesting how socialism hasn't failed in the pretty well here.
It Does not work worth a shit you fucking moron. :lmao:

Really? Tell that to the Military, the Pentagon, the Peace Corps, Customs and Borders Protection, the Police, Fire Departments and Post Office -- all exist thanks to socialism. If you don't think we have socialism here, don't go to the library, opt out of social security, don't ever go to a museum, if you're a veteran refuse treatment at the VA, opt out of Medicare, and don't participate in disability insurance. Don't take the bus, don't ride Amtrack, don't visit parks, and don't be thankful you can see at night thanks to street lights, and don't thank State Construction for making your roads fucking moron.
Socialism has a zero win to loss ratio, it failed every time it's been tried in civilized history lomng term...

Interesting how socialism hasn't failed in the pretty well here.
It Does not work worth a shit you fucking moron. :lmao:

Really? Tell that to the Military, the Pentagon, the Peace Corps, Customs and Borders Protection, the Police, Fire Departments and Post Office -- all exist thanks to socialism. If you don't think we have socialism here, don't go to the library, opt out of social security, don't ever go to a museum, if you're a veteran refuse treatment at the VA, opt out of Medicare, and don't participate in disability insurance. Don't take the bus, don't ride Amtrack, don't visit parks, and don't be thankful you can see at night thanks to street lights, and don't thank State Construction for making your roads fucking moron.
Capitalism has to be given credit for ALL of that... in spite of socialist entitlement programs. :lmao:
It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.

Yeah, ass wipe, I think I'm a Nazi.

The stupid flows freely from you
You moved out of your parents basement and wanted the government to pay your bills instead of them, huh? Wow, that is real world. You're just an endless fountain of knowledge.

As for your idiotic views on hiring, obviously you never have hired anyone. Just so you know, you got fired because you didn't give a shit about your job or your employer, not because they could replace you more cheaply
Sigh...good god...not even close. I pay my bills,always have. I was a libertardian BEFORE I had to have responsibilities etc being in the REAL WORLD turned me against capitalism because its used and abused to keep workers down and to help the rich get richer off MY BACK,MY WORK,MY SWEAT.

Then why are you saying that paying our own bills doesn't work while government making our choices for us does?
I didn't say paying my own bills doesn't work. I said working like a slave for low wages so some asshole CEO can get richer doesn't work for the majority. Government MUST step in because the CEO's and owners LOVE the extra wealth they are stealing so government must step in and correct things and make it more fair. People are inherently selfish unfortunately in a capitalist system I guarantee 2 generations into a National/Racial Socialist system government wouldn't need to do these things because the sense of community would be ingrained in society as it should be.

Then why do you work like a slave for an asshole CEO? Find a better boss. Start your own business. Do whatever you want, that's the beauty of capitalism. You lazy? That why you lived in your parents basement so long? Did they finally kick you out?
Ah the usual find something better argument. Capitalism is ALL THE SAME. Oh and I am not some off the boat foreigner with shit brown skin so no government loan for me to open a business along with no interest! I hit the age you move out....21 my boy...sounds like you still suckling on the teat. No surprise most libtards idea of the real world.

Playground! A Nazi who has to use playground insults. Classic
Socialism has never been successful in the history of the planet… Fact
If you read FACTS and now propaganda you would know National Socialism WAS working in Germany which is why Germany was attacked and war was declared by international jewry in 1933. Many things are possible when you destroy the Jewish usury system but then rich capitalists wouldn't get extra rich off of slave labor so.

It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
If you read FACTS and now propaganda you would know National Socialism WAS working in Germany which is why Germany was attacked and war was declared by international jewry in 1933. Many things are possible when you destroy the Jewish usury system but then rich capitalists wouldn't get extra rich off of slave labor so.

It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Wrong as usual. Its always funny when someone who doesn't know you tries to analyze you LMAO....its actually fucking hilarious. On top of this being hilarious its getting VERY boring. When you move out of mom's basement and live in the real world let me know until then this is pointless and to an extent it always will be because FACTS aren't what you want to hear. You want to have your dreams and fantasy world confirmed but that's now how the real world works.
Sigh...good god...not even close. I pay my bills,always have. I was a libertardian BEFORE I had to have responsibilities etc being in the REAL WORLD turned me against capitalism because its used and abused to keep workers down and to help the rich get richer off MY BACK,MY WORK,MY SWEAT.

Then why are you saying that paying our own bills doesn't work while government making our choices for us does?
I didn't say paying my own bills doesn't work. I said working like a slave for low wages so some asshole CEO can get richer doesn't work for the majority. Government MUST step in because the CEO's and owners LOVE the extra wealth they are stealing so government must step in and correct things and make it more fair. People are inherently selfish unfortunately in a capitalist system I guarantee 2 generations into a National/Racial Socialist system government wouldn't need to do these things because the sense of community would be ingrained in society as it should be.

Then why do you work like a slave for an asshole CEO? Find a better boss. Start your own business. Do whatever you want, that's the beauty of capitalism. You lazy? That why you lived in your parents basement so long? Did they finally kick you out?
Ah the usual find something better argument. Capitalism is ALL THE SAME. Oh and I am not some off the boat foreigner with shit brown skin so no government loan for me to open a business along with no interest! I hit the age you move out....21 my boy...sounds like you still suckling on the teat. No surprise most libtards idea of the real world.

Playground! A Nazi who has to use playground insults. Classic
Dealing with a child such as yourself I use whatever language fits the situation.Act like a child such as you are I will treat you like one. When you grow up move out of mom's basement and put the bong down then we can have an adult conversation. I know EXACTLY how you think because I was once there.
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.

Yeah, ass wipe, I think I'm a Nazi.

The stupid flows freely from you
You don't have the balls to be a National Socialist,nor the honor,loyalty or common sense.
It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Wrong as usual. Its always funny when someone who doesn't know you tries to analyze you LMAO....its actually fucking hilarious. On top of this being hilarious its getting VERY boring. When you move out of mom's basement and live in the real world let me know until then this is pointless and to an extent it always will be because FACTS aren't what you want to hear. You want to have your dreams and fantasy world confirmed but that's now how the real world works.

Still with the Playground insults. Proving my point you aren't winning anything with anyone on merit.

And I like the hypocrisy of the guy who whines about being analyzed right after you made up I think Germans are all Nazis, that came from nowhere. And I'm about half German, moron.

No wonder you think you can't compete with Jews and blacks with that dearth of intellectual power
Then why are you saying that paying our own bills doesn't work while government making our choices for us does?
I didn't say paying my own bills doesn't work. I said working like a slave for low wages so some asshole CEO can get richer doesn't work for the majority. Government MUST step in because the CEO's and owners LOVE the extra wealth they are stealing so government must step in and correct things and make it more fair. People are inherently selfish unfortunately in a capitalist system I guarantee 2 generations into a National/Racial Socialist system government wouldn't need to do these things because the sense of community would be ingrained in society as it should be.

Then why do you work like a slave for an asshole CEO? Find a better boss. Start your own business. Do whatever you want, that's the beauty of capitalism. You lazy? That why you lived in your parents basement so long? Did they finally kick you out?
Ah the usual find something better argument. Capitalism is ALL THE SAME. Oh and I am not some off the boat foreigner with shit brown skin so no government loan for me to open a business along with no interest! I hit the age you move out....21 my boy...sounds like you still suckling on the teat. No surprise most libtards idea of the real world.

Playground! A Nazi who has to use playground insults. Classic
Dealing with a child such as yourself I use whatever language fits the situation.Act like a child such as you are I will treat you like one. When you grow up move out of mom's basement and put the bong down then we can have an adult conversation. I know EXACTLY how you think because I was once there.

The playground insults are getting tired. I think your mommy is calling, it's time for a nap, little boy
Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.

Yeah, ass wipe, I think I'm a Nazi.

The stupid flows freely from you
You don't have the balls to be a National Socialist,nor the honor,loyalty or common sense.

I don't want to be a Constipated Socialist. I like living in a diverse society. I love the food, my friends, my wife (Korean). It's a lot more interesting than living with a bunch of cringing white cowards like you
[Scottish First Minister Nicola] Sturgeon, making clear her own reliance on identity politics, praised Hillary Clinton’s defeated right-wing militarist campaign as “a major step forward for women in America and across the world.” According to Sturgeon, the corrupt corporate warmonger “is owed a deep debt of gratitude.”

Scottish government in crisis over Trump victory

(makes the Washington Post look like the Teletubbies News)
I can only take this as serious news from Scotland if the minister was wearing a Kilt during his comments.
If you read FACTS and now propaganda you would know National Socialism WAS working in Germany which is why Germany was attacked and war was declared by international jewry in 1933. Many things are possible when you destroy the Jewish usury system but then rich capitalists wouldn't get extra rich off of slave labor so.

It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)
It was Jews wearing all those Nazi uniforms invading all those countries? Very informative, thank you for that
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)

I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Taking back land that was theirs to begin with. The US invades country every few months I don't see any pointing fingers then. England and France declared war not Germany.

Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)

I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.
Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.
I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)

I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

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