The view of US election from Scottish socialist party

I asked some dork on here why Germans hated Jews so much. Germans are a smart, educated, civilized people an awful lot like us. What made them unite against the Jews? The way the Holocaust industry portrays it, Germans were all going about their business while happily exchanging pleasantries with their Jewish friends and neighbors when suddenly one day about 2:30 in the afternoon the entire population suddenly and without warning transformed into rabid snarling Jew-hating Nazis for absolutely no reason whatsoever and by 3:00 pm the ovens were at capacity. It doesn't makes sense, I said to the Jewish dork. The Jews must have had some role.

Nope, he answered. Jews. Innocent. Utterly.

Then what could explain it, I pressed?

It was in their culture, he said. Like a seed waiting to sprout. Going back to when Martin Luther wrote a book called Lies of the Jews.

Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book? Are there "lies of the Jews"?

But you see how the dork himself justifies genocide? If there is a people in which genocide lies dormant just waiting to sprout for no reason whatsoever, then, of course, you are justified in committing genocide against them first.

And that is exactly what Soros is doing.

I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)

I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"
I think it's simpler than that. Odium is a loser who isn't going to feel better on merit because he can't win on merit. So he has to go to things like Jew and skin color to feel superior that are beyond people's control because it isn't happening any other way.

BTW, you don't know what "begging the question" means, you may want to Google that
Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)

I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you
Let's see here - you have the leftist leader of a leftist party that arises from a leftist region of a leftist country indulging in the de rigueur jargon that passes for discourse among low functioning idealogues of her type.

It must be nice to be able to just bleat away with the same shit over and over again and have idiots thinking you are cool for it.
  • Thanks
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Go back and reread my post. (Apology accepted.)

I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.
  • Thanks
Reactions: kaz
I didn't apologize for anything. Not sure what you mean unless you think you used begging the question correctly. Re-read, you didn't
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Socialism has a zero win to loss ratio, it failed every time it's been tried in civilized history lomng term...

Interesting how socialism hasn't failed in the pretty well here.
It Does not work worth a shit you fucking moron. :lmao:

Really? Tell that to the Military, the Pentagon, the Peace Corps, Customs and Borders Protection, the Police, Fire Departments and Post Office -- all exist thanks to socialism. If you don't think we have socialism here, don't go to the library, opt out of social security, don't ever go to a museum, if you're a veteran refuse treatment at the VA, opt out of Medicare, and don't participate in disability insurance. Don't take the bus, don't ride Amtrack, don't visit parks, and don't be thankful you can see at night thanks to street lights, and don't thank State Construction for making your roads fucking moron.
Capitalism has to be given credit for ALL of that... in spite of socialist entitlement programs. :lmao:

Every single one of those are funded through socialism -- dipshit.
[Scottish First Minister Nicola] Sturgeon, making clear her own reliance on identity politics, praised Hillary Clinton’s defeated right-wing militarist campaign as “a major step forward for women in America and across the world.” According to Sturgeon, the corrupt corporate warmonger “is owed a deep debt of gratitude.”

Scottish government in crisis over Trump victory

(makes the Washington Post look like the Teletubbies News)
Oh come on. the Scots caved on Donald's dislike of windmills. Bunch of pussies.
Socialism has a zero win to loss ratio, it failed every time it's been tried in civilized history lomng term...

Interesting how socialism hasn't failed in the pretty well here.
It Does not work worth a shit you fucking moron. :lmao:

Really? Tell that to the Military, the Pentagon, the Peace Corps, Customs and Borders Protection, the Police, Fire Departments and Post Office -- all exist thanks to socialism. If you don't think we have socialism here, don't go to the library, opt out of social security, don't ever go to a museum, if you're a veteran refuse treatment at the VA, opt out of Medicare, and don't participate in disability insurance. Don't take the bus, don't ride Amtrack, don't visit parks, and don't be thankful you can see at night thanks to street lights, and don't thank State Construction for making your roads fucking moron.
Capitalism has to be given credit for ALL of that... in spite of socialist entitlement programs. :lmao:

Every single one of those are funded through socialism -- dipshit.
Na, capitalism is the engine that makes success possible in spite of socialism… LOL fact
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Too funny! The NAZIS were the penultimate RW fascists.
"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Too funny! The NAZIS were the penultimate RW fascists.

Typical ignorant government educated tool you are.

Hitler said he was a socialist and his economy was centrally planned. There's no RW about it.

Ask yourself this. What was the real difference between Hitler and Stalin?
Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Too funny! The NAZIS were the penultimate RW fascists.

Typical ignorant government educated tool you are.

Hitler said he was a socialist and his economy was centrally planned. There's no RW about it.

Ask yourself this. What was the real difference between Hitler and Stalin?

Hitler was to the right on the economic scale. That's about it.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Too funny! The NAZIS were the penultimate RW fascists.

If they are the next to the last, who is the last, then?
That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Too funny! The NAZIS were the penultimate RW fascists.

Typical ignorant government educated tool you are.

Hitler said he was a socialist and his economy was centrally planned. There's no RW about it.

Ask yourself this. What was the real difference between Hitler and Stalin?

Hitler was to the right on the economic scale. That's about it.


Hitler was a socialist, he said he was a socialist, his government was socialist. It was centrally planned. He was economically far left.

Again, explain any real difference between Hitler and Stalin
Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
Too funny! The NAZIS were the penultimate RW fascists.

If they are the next to the last, who is the last, then?

I don't think she knew what penultimate meant. She also doesn't know what a fascist is as they are socialists by definition. Products of government educations like her are just sad
Begging the question means using the question itself as the answer. What caused the Germans to hate the Jews. His answer: because Germans hate Jews.

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

Begging the question is assuming the truth of a point in contention. What you said isn't that.

Person A) The Jews deserved to be hated by the Nazis

Person B) Why? What did they do?

Person A) They brought it on themselves

Person A begged the question. They just assumed the truth of their own position. Now read your sentence. It isn't "begging the question." You just asked a question, you didn't beg the question

Technically, you are right. Instead of

"Of course, that begs the question: did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

should have been

"Of course, that begs the question. Did the Jews have any role at all in providing the impetus for that book?"

That isn't how begging the question works, it's up to you at this point if you want to learn to use it correctly or not. I agreed with your post, it wasn't a slam. I just mentioned you didn't use that logical fallacy correctly. Begging the question isn't asking a question, it's assuming the truth of a statement still in question. Get it or don't, it's up to you

I'm much reminded of the famous line that antisemitism is the socialism of fools, here.

The entire issue needs to be addressed in terms of social psychology as far as I'm concerned. After the diaspora, Jewish people were always living as a small minority among the majority and any person who has any degree of intuitive intelligence should recognize the social dynamics involved.

The fact that they don't leads them to join with the majority as they persecute the minority, and this has become an increasingly common occurrence in the European left.

Where antisemitism was once primarily a right wing phenomenon, it is now primarily a left one.

I'm not sure when the right was anti-Semetic. If you're referring to Nazis, they were socialists, pure left. The whole phenomena is inexplicable to me. And it's even more inexplicable how the Jews in this country vote for the party that wants their destruction
2E > IBB
Poland and France were their land? Where do you get that?

And I keep saying I'm opposed to the "War on Terror," so you are seeing fingers pointing. Though we aren't conquering and keeping the land, so it's still not the level of the Nazis
Poland was persecuting German civilians in the city of Danzig which was STILL German land officially they decided to harm Germans so Germany had to defend its people. France declared war on Germany. Land is spoils of war.

Those bastards! It must be hard to be a poor, misunderstood Nazi
Aw getting mad are we snowflake. Unfortunately for stupid people such as yourself you clowns think EVERY German was a "nazi" and your argument is dead. Thanks for playing.

Yeah, ass wipe, I think I'm a Nazi.

The stupid flows freely from you
You don't have the balls to be a National Socialist,nor the honor,loyalty or common sense.

That's got to be a relief to kaz, he hates socialism and the Nazis, you just made his day.
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Twice have I visited Scotland.

The first trip represented philosophy.

The second? Merely perversion.

But I had to try it to confirm.
Americans don't care what a Scottish catamite socialist has to say about our elections.
Socialism has a zero win to loss ratio, it failed every time it's been tried in civilized history lomng term...
BULL SHIT. The top Democracies in the world are all Socialist-Democracies.
Try getting out of bed and look around you.The International Democracy Index will help to wake you up from your ignorance.

The so-called "socialist democracies" are only slightly more socialist than the United States. The reality is that they are still mostly capitalist. They have private corporations and private property, stock markets, money, private banks, etc.

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