The Village Idiot Does It Again.

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Airports? Trump is not bashed for the stupid things he obviously didn't mean, he gets bashed for the ignorant, stupid, small shit he constantly repeats and doubles down on.

Are you fucking kidding? There was 100 threads on here bashing Trump for saying something about airports during the Revolutionary war.

...ok, what do you think Trump meant when he was talking about airports during the revolutionary war....?

Biden obviously meant to say truth over not-truth...can you understand what the f Trump meant? I don't think he "meant" anything, he was just trying to get through a speech.

I think he just got on a roll and it came out..I do not think he believes we had airports in the 1700s. Trump is not very smart but he is not that stupid.

Thats right, he was on a roll about subject he doesn't have much grasp about, subject about which he never gave any shit about untill he had to give this speech.

Do you spend large amounts of time each day talking about or thinking about the subject?
What are YOU doing here??????????????
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