Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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You’re the only asshole who doesn’t listen to what people are saying and just rant about race.

This may come to a shock to you but some of the dumbest people on the planet have college degrees.
Thats impossible since your quotes are posted. Scott and Sowell are examples of dumb people with college degrees.
You water carriers don't even know the Democrats are playing you like a fiddle.
Lol. As if I'd vote for Genocide Joe, even if I could. It's just the Republican lies and bullshit are so egregious - Scott's election statement, for example - that from the other side of the world they are better than a three ring circus.
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I have simply said that Tim Scott doesn't speak for blacks. And he doesn't.

I now how you guys are. A few years ago I started a thread titled "I was wrong." In that thread I reversed everything I said and made the claim that blacks are at fault for our condition. Immediately I became the favorite black of the month. So I say what I do about you guys because you have proven it to be so. Just like this thread, where there is no one black who is defending Tim Scott, but the white right wingers are here in force in defense of him.

Just as I predcted in the OP.
That’s because you were correct. Black people, like all people, ARE responsible for their own outcomes. The blacks in the poor areas decided to have babies out of wedlock. That leads to poverty. That is correlated with crime.

Blacks who ransack and shoplift from stores decided to do that. A big group of blacks who surround a white and beat him up decided to do that. Blacks who sucker-punch old white ladies or elderly Orthodox Jews decided to do that.

But you consider anyone who refuses to blame whiteys for their own poor decisions a “racist.” Including blacks themselves, like Scott.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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Do you speak for Black People? In 2024, what are Black interests?

I’m not Black but as an outside observer, I can bet Blacks are not INTERESTED in being used in another election cycle by Democrats. Biden knows he is tanking among Blacks so he responds like he’s always done and uses scare tactics; the lasted being a pathetic “what Trump would have done with Blacks if they had stormed the Capitol” scenario.

Instead of trying to deflect from the rising support among Blacks for Republicans, why not hold Democrats accountable for delivering results for the Black community instead of empty promises and excuses.

Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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"Lawdy, Lawdy... Ahhh beleeeves dat Scott izz dee wurst-est Onkle Tom dat weeze seen in ahhh mydeeee long tyme."


Puh-leeeeze... Scott is an American Man representing ALL his constituency... not focused upon racist minority interests.
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I laugh when whites like you talk this stupid shit. Whites have depended on government for everything they have and that dependence is why MAGA exists right now.

More than eight in ten (84%) Black voters have unfavorable views of former President Donald Trump, compared to just 15% who view him favorably.
KFF/TheGrio Survey of Black Voters - Findings - 100027 | KFF

That's a huge decline in Democrat support. A few of you are waking up
Who is Scott setting this wonderful example for?

Your commemt is ignorant. Blacks who are not sellouts have raised themselves out of poverty. Oprah is richer than alll you right wingers and shes loved by blacks. Why? Because she's not a sellout.
Oprah is a good role model, but then again, the personal choices that she has made in her past, that has brought her to where she is, is what should be modeled. And for many Blacks, the Oprah way leads to success, and can lead one down a path to conservatism, moderate, or liberal. On all accounts, Oprah is a better representation for Blacks to role model than Barak Obama as her child hood, teen years, are a great example of removing self from poverty and making the best out of opportunities that were presented to her.

I like that Blacks are catching on to the racist keep them dependent policies of the Democrat Party, true freedom is not far away for Blacks regardless of racist yousa massas like you. Vote Trump..
More and more black Youtubers popping up exposing the liberal racist mindset in the sub-culture within the liberal black community.
When voting for Trump?

Trump is not interested in Blacks. He doesn't like them looking after his money nor renting his accommodation.
That is your biased opinion. Blacks feel that Biden is not interested in blacks, which is why many are leaving the Biden camp.
That is your biased opinion. Blacks feel that Biden is not interested in blacks, which is why many are leaving the Biden camp.
Plus, blacks were doing better under Trump. Their real wages were rising, there was record-low unemployment, and groceries and gas was affordable.

Democrats think so little of blacks that they’re counting on them not to realize it.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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I won't call him an idiot, just someone with very poor (non existent) morals...

They are all in the middle of selling their souls to remain relevant...

They are desperately trying to survive and they will make deals with the devil..
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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Next, I’ll expect you to say “back in Your chains n*****!! Get back on your Democrat plantation and let us just give you lip service every 4 years, and you’d better vote for us or you’re an Uncle Tom!!!… oh, and Republicans are racist, not us”
Plus, blacks were doing better under Trump. Their real wages were rising, there was record-low unemployment, and groceries and gas was affordable.

Democrats think so little of blacks that they’re counting on them not to realize it.
Some are realizing.
Tim Scott is a sellout. Not because he's a conservative, but because his ideas are antithetical to black interests. Scott is an idiot. You will not see anyone black here supporting Tim Scott. The ONLY people who will defend him will be the right wing whites in this forum.

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He does not speak for N-worders. But he does speak for decent black people.
No real black person would support a racist who claims if you let black kids into a school it will become a “jungle”.
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