Tim Scott Does Not Speak For Black People

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You have a GED. Maybe. You are nothing but a little whiny snowflake who can't stand it that black men support Scott and Sewell and other EDUCATED blacks. Leaving you out of the equation. You know nothing about if their supporters here are black. You are a coward. Nothing more.
Thats not what the AA, Bachelors and MA degrees hanging up on my wall say. Educated blacks don't follow sellouts that white extremists think are great.
Thats not what the AA, Bachelors and MA degrees hanging up on my wall say. Educated blacks don't follow sellouts that white extremists think are great.
More pretend fantasy crap from IQof2. Put some dragons and wizards in the next tall tale you tell. It'll be more believable.
Why is it people expect a single person to speak for any ethnic group. Well, except for white people. We are all so different from each other, right?
A single black person doesn't speak for blacks. It's just that Tim Scott doesn't speak for blacks at all.
You aren't free little Xiden ass kisser. You serve a white man willingly. While crying about free and educated blacks who don't toe the line.
He also serves a RACIST white man who didn’t want his kids going to school with blacks, and called an integrated school a ”racial jingle.”

And remember how Biden spoke about Obama? He bragged how he was a “clean” black who didn’t speak like a black.
Wrong. Let's not try the false equivalence. Clinton had more votes. Abrams was cheated out of votes because theher opponemt purged the rolls. of over 300,000 mostly black voters. Gore lost by a party line supreme court vote.

Trump lost by 7 million.
Oh I see. You are the only party that can lose by fraud. Get a grip.
More pretend fantasy crap from IQof2. Put some dragons and wizards in the next tall tale you tell. It'll be more believable.
LOL! There is a reason none of you can take me in a debate on issues and end up with these dumb personal attacks. I can'thelp it f I'm bettr educated than you. And I am better educated than Tim Scott. Sowell has a Ph.D so technically he has more education. But when you read his stuff, it's apparent that he is an idiot.

So tell me what Sowell has done in nearly 94 years of life to better the black community.

Because I helped build a NPO that won awards in the coity it was in for reducing youth crime and increasing black business visabiity. So people like Scott and Sowell who haven't done anything but run their mouths can SMBD.
Funny shit considering you claim any black who doesn’t agree with you isn’t black. :auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo:

Even funnier when you factor in you really arent black, Rachel.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Scott is just another poor bastard from the former GOP reduced to having to publicly debase themselves in servitude to a conman.

There's a slew of them such as Little Marco & Kevin McCarthy. And you.
The MAGATS are going to be real mad when it shows that trump will get about the same he got last time. Black polling companies show a far different talle than the MAGA polls.
  1. “When people get used to preferential treatment, equal treatment seems like discrimination.”-Thomas Sowell
And this is the problem. Whites have received preferential treatment for 258 years now and the white right wing believes that equal opportunity is discrimination.
So who speaks for black people then OP?


And you alone?

Pleasssssssssse give us a break!:rolleyes:
LOL! There is a reason none of you can take me in a debate on issues and end up with these dumb personal attacks. I can'thelp it f I'm bettr educated than you. And I am better educated than Tim Scott. Sowell has a Ph.D so technically he has more education. But when you read his stuff, it's apparent that he is an idiot.

So tell me what Sowell has done in nearly 94 years of life to better the black community.

Because I helped build a NPO that won awards in the coity it was in for reducing youth crime and increasing black business visabiity. So people like Scott and Sowell who haven't done anything but run their mouths can SMBD.
Now here we have the result of posting while using illicit narcotics. Your lies are just laughable. You are hundreds of rungs below me and any other conservative here education wise. You can't even understand Sewell's writings. Hell, you likely can't even read them. You gay projection is also another of your fall backs. Just like your "racist!" Bullshit. You're just a pathetic little wannabe who is mad that no educated black will listen to you or toe your racist party's line.
Who is Scott setting this wonderful example for?

Your commemt is ignorant. Blacks who are not sellouts have raised themselves out of poverty. Oprah is richer than alll you right wingers and shes loved by blacks. Why? Because she's not a sellout.
Oprah got rich taking money from rich white Jews in Hollywood.

Biggest sellout ever!
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