I recently watched some footage of the last Biden/Trump debate. It was not pretty.

At one point Chris Wallace admonished Don for speaking over Joe. Don's response, speaking over Chris.

The debate took place as pharmaceutical companies were on the cusp on making an enormous difference in the fight against COVID after successfully developing a vaccine. Mostly thanks to the existence of mNRA technology which sped up the process. There were numerous points at which Don took credit for the government's response to the pandemic. Whether or not he was justified for doing so is debatable.

The thing is, if he's going to claim responsibility for the response (it wasn't good), what's up with this?

‘I don’t take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble

President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don’t take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.”

Or this?

Fact check: Ignoring years of warnings, Trump falsely claims ‘nobody in their wildest dreams’ predicted a ventilator shortage

President Donald Trump faced new and troubling questions Thursday about his response to the coronavirus pandemic, as it became clear that there is a nationwide shortage of ventilators, masks and other crucial medical equipment.

During a White House news conference, Trump was asked about the shortages and responded by falsely suggesting that the problem was unforeseen. He also shrugged off responsibility for the crisis and encouraged states to find their own resources.

Or this?

Trump told Bob Woodward he knew in February that COVID-19 was 'deadly stuff' but wanted to 'play it down'

"It's not just old people," Trump told Woodward, acknowledging the gravity of the disease, The Washington Post reported.

With 4% of the world's population at one point the US represented 20% of COVID deaths.

And what's up with this?

Trump commits to helping blue states fight the coronavirus — if their governors are nice to him

President Donald Trump says he’s willing to help blue-state governors who are struggling to contain coronavirus outbreaks — but only if they’re willing to stop criticizing him in exchange.
“It’s a two-way street,” Trump told Fox News on Tuesday. “They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, ‘Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.’”

Really? His insatiable ego needs to be stroked for him to work to help all citizens of the country not to die? That is not how a national leader is supposed to act.
YAWWWWWN ... Groceries are unaffordable, rent is up 30%, energy is up 20%, record foreclosure rates except of course for the pandemic period, record personal debt, record medical debt...

Try talking about something that matters.
The number of people that have died from Covid under Xiden is at a record high. He flew past it in half the time.

Xiden lied, people died

The nominal figure is higher only because Biden has been president during covid about 4 times longer than Trump had to deal with it. The death rate is lower under Biden.
The nominal figure is higher only because Biden has been president during covid about 4 times longer than Trump had to deal with it. The death rate is lower under Biden.
the rate has only come down because he has been president longer....it was far higher when he first took office.

Xiden lied, people died.
the rate has only come down because he has been president longer....it was far higher when he first took office.

Xiden lied, people died.

Of course the death rate was higher when Biden took office. It's what he inherited. It's lower now. About 33% lower. Thanks for affirming my point.
Of course the death rate was higher when Biden took office. It's what he inherited. It's lower now. About 33% lower. Thanks for affirming my point.
Yep it was higher, of course it was, he gave us record Covid deaths

Xiden lied, people died
He gave us record covid deaths when he took over and inherited the death ratefor Trump?
Yes, what part of that don’t you get? After he inherited what was going on from trump, he undid all the policies, and gave us record Covid death rates and death.
Name them. The death rate has dropped despite his border policies. So you're already looking confused.
Well yeah they have dropped over past four years.

He undid trumps stay in Mexico policy, and allowed untested and unvaccined people pour into the country, which u leashed new variants and record death
Well yeah they have dropped over past four years.

He undid trumps stay in Mexico policy, and allowed untested and unvaccined people pour into the country, which u leashed new variants and record death

And yet, the rate began dropping early in his term. Clearly, that too had no negative impact.

You're flailing..
I think you're wrong about that. Trump's record as prez is on the ballot. His abject failure in responding to COVID is on the ballot. Cuz, this election is about the issues.......... not a cult of personality........right?
You’re forgetting that people will be comparing Bidens record with Trumps. It’s why Biden is losing in the polls to a guy who just got convicted of multiple felonies. What does that say about how people feel about that comparison?
No it didn’t, it first spiked. Then came down over the years

Xiden lied people died

Yes, Trump's trend continued for a month or two. Then it began dropping. Are You under the delusion that a new president comes into office and on day one, they cross their arms, blink their eyes, and reverse all they trends they were handed?

You're flailing badly.

And still, the death rate is significantly lower under Biden than it was under Trump.
Yes, Trump's trend continued for a month or two. Then it began dropping. Are You under the delusion that a new president comes into office and on day one, they cross their arms, blink their eyes, and reverse all they trends they were handed?

You're flailing badly.

And still, the death rate is significantly lower under Biden than it was under Trump.
Trump’s was trending downward, Xiden’s undid that, gave us record Covid deaths, even with trumps vaccines and treatments

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