I recently watched some footage of the last Biden/Trump debate. It was not pretty.

It won't be, however. It will boil down to Orange Man Bad.

Obviously there will be 3 people on stage who have as their sole goal to aggravate President Trump.
President Trump needs to resist talking about himself.

He needs to talk about his policies and who they helped
contrasted with Bidens Policies and who they hurt.

Does he like to talk about himself?
A little, everyone does.

This debate has the possibility of putting Biden on the fast track out.

Either before the election, when he is replaced due to a "sudden" health issue or in the November election
Several top White House officials mingled with guests in the Rose Garden on Sept. 26 as President Donald Trump officially nominated Amy Coney Barrett to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.

Many of those guests were seen not wearing masks, fist bumping and greeting one another in close proximity, and their seats didn't appear to be 6 feet apart.

Five days later, on Thursday night, a news leak revealed Hope Hicks, one of Trump's closest advisers, had tested positive for coronavirus, then the president announced he and first lady Melania Trump had also tested positive. The president and his wife were present at the event, but Hicks was not.

How awesome it must be for to go through life selectively choosing what to believe based on how information fits it to your preconceived beliefs.

Testing positive for The Covid cold - meant nothing.
other than, it meant that you had a cold

The President, Melania, and Hope Hicks didn't have 4 other comorbidities so,
she had a cold.

The 6 ' distance was completely made up, also of course.
Obviously there will be 3 people on stage who have as their sole goal to aggravate President Trump.
President Trump needs to resist talking about himself.

He needs to talk about his policies and who they helped
contrasted with Bidens Policies and who they hurt.

Does he like to talk about himself?
A little, everyone does.

This debate has the possibility of putting Biden on the fast track out.

Either before the election, when he is replaced due to a "sudden" health issue or in the November election
In all seriousness, this really is TRUMP!'s to lose. If he can restrain himself and look dignified, he wins the optics battle, as it's inevitable that he'll appear strong and robust next to the elderly, frail Quid Pro Joe. Even better if Joe gets mad, starts yelling and waving his fists around.
You know people who were stupid T-shirts like that are widely recognized as being morons, right? The kind of person who thinks memes are cool since they can't form a cogent thought in their head.

More or less stupid than internet propagandists who post left wing lunatic nonsense ad nauseum?
I'd like to thank all the Trump acolytes for participating in the thread. It is very re-affirming to see you all fail in trying to defend Trump's COVID record of failure nicely summarized here.

but then xiden was elected and gave us record covid deaths.

xiden lied, people died.
You know people who were stupid T-shirts like that are widely recognized as being morons, right? The kind of person who thinks memes are cool since they can't form a cogent thought in their head.
ILMAO, you said "you know people who were stupid T-shirts are widely recognized as being morons". That's widely recognized as irony.
Testing positive for The Covid cold
Is that how people get treated for a cold in your alternative reality?

I'd like to thank all the Trump acolytes for participating in the thread. It is very re-affirming to see you all fail in trying to defend Trump's COVID record of failure nicely summarized here.

Does your computer allow you to even actually access reputable sites?
Pretty sure Berg is tarded. The left lifted restrictions despite twice the cases and deaths as a year earlier with Trump.

But you know, Trump was the one who fucked it up, just cuz.
At one point Chris Wallace admonished Don for speaking over Joe. Don's response, speaking over Chris.

The debate took place as pharmaceutical companies were on the cusp on making an enormous difference in the fight against COVID after successfully developing a vaccine. Mostly thanks to the existence of mNRA technology which sped up the process. There were numerous points at which Don took credit for the government's response to the pandemic. Whether or not he was justified for doing so is debatable.

The thing is, if he's going to claim responsibility for the response (it wasn't good), what's up with this?

‘I don’t take responsibility at all': Trump deflects blame for coronavirus testing fumble

President Donald Trump on Friday deflected blame for his administration’s lagging ability to test Americans for the coronavirus outbreak, insisting instead — without offering evidence — that fault lies with his predecessor, Barack Obama.

“I don’t take responsibility at all,” Trump said defiantly, pointing to an unspecified “set of circumstances” and “rules, regulations and specifications from a different time.”

Or this?

Fact check: Ignoring years of warnings, Trump falsely claims ‘nobody in their wildest dreams’ predicted a ventilator shortage

President Donald Trump faced new and troubling questions Thursday about his response to the coronavirus pandemic, as it became clear that there is a nationwide shortage of ventilators, masks and other crucial medical equipment.

During a White House news conference, Trump was asked about the shortages and responded by falsely suggesting that the problem was unforeseen. He also shrugged off responsibility for the crisis and encouraged states to find their own resources.

Or this?

Trump told Bob Woodward he knew in February that COVID-19 was 'deadly stuff' but wanted to 'play it down'

"It's not just old people," Trump told Woodward, acknowledging the gravity of the disease, The Washington Post reported.

With 4% of the world's population at one point the US represented 20% of COVID deaths.

And what's up with this?

Trump commits to helping blue states fight the coronavirus — if their governors are nice to him

President Donald Trump says he’s willing to help blue-state governors who are struggling to contain coronavirus outbreaks — but only if they’re willing to stop criticizing him in exchange.
“It’s a two-way street,” Trump told Fox News on Tuesday. “They have to treat us well, also. They can’t say, ‘Oh, gee, we should get this, we should get that.’”

Really? His insatiable ego needs to be stroked for him to work to help all citizens of the country not to die? That is not how a national leader is supposed to act.

Not one single American died because there were no ventilators. More leftists Trump blaming instead of blaming China.
Pretty sure Berg is tarded. The left lifted restrictions despite twice the cases and deaths as a year earlier with Trump.

But you know, Trump was the one who fucked it up, just cuz.
Any time you'd like to post a link substantiating your assertion it would be helpful to me so I know exactly what to factually refute.

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