The Voice of America has sold itself to the Jews


Gold Member
Aug 22, 2021
They do not cover the situation objectively and do not show interviews with Palestinian liberators. They cover the situation 100% one-sidedly. Nobody should believe them.
They do not cover the situation objectively and do not show interviews with Palestinian liberators. They cover the situation 100% one-sidedly. Nobody should believe them.
What is it you imagine the Gaza terrorists liberated?
Let's see. Palestinian Freedom Fighters liberators and good ol' boys killed 9 Israeli athletes and 2 coaches during the 1972 Olympics. They've been terrorizing Israelis, mainly civilians for many years. They applauded and passed out candy after the 9/11 massacres. Last Saturday they attacked and killed over 150 young people at a music festival and kidnapped over a hundred. They've raped and killed unknown numbers of women and kids. Sent thousands of rockets into civilian cities. Allah's Brave Warriors. Now Americans are protesting Israel. I think some American idiots need to get their priorities straight before they start getting themselves mowed down in the streets like rabid dogs.
Let's see. Palestinian Freedom Fighters liberators and good ol' boys killed 9 Israeli athletes and 2 coaches during the 1972 Olympics. They've been terrorizing Israelis, mainly civilians for many years. They applauded and passed out candy after the 9/11 massacres. Last Saturday they attacked and killed over 150 young people at a music festival and kidnapped over a hundred. They've raped and killed unknown numbers of women and kids. Sent thousands of rockets into civilian cities. Allah's Brave Warriors. Now Americans are protesting Israel. I think some American idiots need to get their priorities straight before they start getting themselves mowed down in the streets like rabid dogs.
Here it is, 50 years later, and these murderous inbreds have more support than they could have possibly imagined.

What a sick world we now live in.
They do not cover the situation objectively and do not show interviews with Palestinian liberators. They cover the situation 100% one-sidedly. Nobody should believe them.

One moment rupol2000 - are you not one of the Russians who are supporting Putins stupid, senseless and criminal war on Europe in the Ukraine and who calls everyone else Nazi? May it be you on your own cover all situations always only onle-sided from an own diabolic view to the world?
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What's a Palestinian liberator?

Someone who broke the Olympic peace in Munich in 1972 and murdered sportsmen there. People who forced all air lines to make strict controls because aircraft hijacking and murdering innocent hostages from all countries of the world became a new sports for criminal errorists.

Is that like "jumbo shrimp" or "military intelligence" or "friendly rape"?

Do not underestimate "military intelligence" because pre-warnings failed this time. Everyone has always to learn new.

Last sentence of this video: "Die Arbeit ist erledigt." = "The work is done."
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Originally posted by zaangalewa
Someone who broke the Olympic peace in Munich in 1972 and murdered sportsmen there. People who forced all air lines to make strict controls because aircraft hijacking and murdering innocent hostages from all countries of the world became a new sports for criminal errorists.

Wash your mouth out with soap before talking about the palestinian people, German!!

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

For almost 80 years the palestinian people have been paying the price of german racism...

If there were any justice in this world Israel would have been founded in Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg or Schleswig-Holstein.
Wash your mouth out with soap before talking about the palestinian people, German!!

You are very soon a dead terrorist - with or without German help. Then god will ask you something and I fear he will not be satisfied.

Aren't you ashamed of yourself?

You are still alive although you misrespected me. If you would be a German in Germany on your own then you would get a very serios problem now because I am a very traditional German who hates all forms of bad behavior. But that's okay in your world and your time and I am a relativelly patient man. So say whatever you like to say to me.

But if you will misrespect one of your hostages then you will for sure get serios problems in front of every German judge. I remember in this context now a German woman who became the wife of a terrorist. He took the child of a Yazidi woman - who he liked to make to his slave - and murdered her child by binding the child to a place in the backyard where was a lot of sun and he gave the child nothing to drink so the child died. His wife said she was helpless because she had to obey him - but she was also judged because of murder because she did not try to help this child. This is called in German "Mord durch Unterlassung" = ~"murder by inactivity"

For almost 80 years the palestinian people have been paying the price of german racism...

What a nonsense. In the 19th century when the first new Jewish seddlers came to Israel lived about 250,000 Arabs in this damned dirty, unholy and nearly totally wasted area of the world. No one cared about Jerusalem or any other dump there. The Jews there made a great job before and after the UNO founded Israel in 1948.

If there were any justice in this world

Terroristic justice exists more than enough. And an insane stupidity also exists more than enough. The EU for example pays every year 1.2 billion Euro to the Palestinians - under the condition of real democratic elections. The last elections had been 18 years ago.

Israel would have been founded in Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg or Schleswig-Holstein.

What about to bring all Palestinians to the Oblast Kaliningrad, to call them Prussians furthermore and to let live them for some years in war with the Scandinavian Vikings, the Balts, the Russians and the Poles and many others? I guess in 10 years no one will know any longer who had been this strange Arabs who called themselves Philistines although they never had anything to do with "Philistine" = "Palestine".

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What's a Palestinian liberator?
Those who liberate Palestine, occupied by Stalin and the Jews. Including Hamas liberators

Let's see. Palestinian Freedom Fighters liberators and good ol' boys killed 9 Israeli athletes and 2 coaches during the 1972 Olympics
The Israelis are not on their own land and they are shooting Palestinian children
Those who liberate Palestine, occupied by Stalin and the Jews. Including Hamas liberators


That's a lot of Ottoman green on the far left.
Look at all the land the "Palestinians" could have had in 1947, but they fucked up, eh?
1967 occupied? What does that mean? Palestine never had territory; they can't be occupied.
That's a lot of Ottoman green on the far left.
Look at all the land the "Palestinians" could have had in 1947, but they fucked up, eh?
1967 occupied? What does that mean? Palestine never had territory; they can't be occupied.
I don't understand this nonsense, you need to sober up and get some sleep
The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process on Wednesday expressed deep concern over the relentless expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

During the last three months, more than 10,000 housing units were advanced, Tor Wennesland told ambassadors at the UN Security Council in New York.
“Settlements further entrench the occupation, fuel violence, impede Palestinian access to their land and resources, and systematically erode the viability of a Palestinian State as part of a two-State solution”, the senior envoy said.
“I call on the Government of Israel to cease all settlement activity and dismantle outposts immediately, in line with its obligations under international law,” he added.
The regular briefings stem from Security Council resolution 2334, adopted in December 2016, which demanded that Israel stop building new settlements on Palestinian land.

The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process on Wednesday expressed deep concern over the relentless expansion of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

Why shouldn't Israel build in their own capital?

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