The Voice of America has sold itself to the Jews

The Israelis are not on their own land and they are shooting Palestinian children

Only to get no answers on stupid nonsense makes stupid nonsense not real, Russian. The Hamas is the deadly threat - also for totally normal Arabs. And sure will happen so called "collateral damages" (big tragedies each of them) when the criminal Hamas terrorists for example fire rockets to Israel in front of a kíndergarten in Gaza.

In Afghanistan, Azerbaijan and also in "Hamasia" (ah sorry: Gaza) exists not the normal priority "first children and women and second men'. First come the warrriors - second are the future warriors - third are the bearers of the future warriors and last are the little girls (the future bearers of the future warriors). While an Israel soldier stands before women and children and shoots an Hamas-terrorist hides behind women and children and shoots.
Some aspects of some cultures are so unbelievable strange that not even a Russian propagator of totally stupid war nonsense - like you - should be able to accept this. It will be damned difficult to weaken the Hamas now and you are for sure on the totally wrong side of this part of all mankind - including very very most Israeli - who hate all forms of terror and like to stop this.

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Only to get no answers on stupid nonsense makes stupid nonsense not real, Russian. The Hamas is the deadly threat - also for totally normal Arabs. And sure will happen so called "collateral damages" (big tragedies each of them) when the criminal Hamas terrorists for example fire rockets to Israel in front of a kíndergarten in Gaza.
This illiterate collection of nonsense can be commented on with only 2 phrases. 1) The Philistines are not Arabs, 2) Jews shoot Palestinian children, including for political reasons. In this wild country, religion is not separated from the state; religious fanatics are at the head.
This illiterate collection of nonsense can be commented on with only 2 phrases. 1) The Philistines are not Arabs,

But Carthaginians for example had been Philistines - well known because of their sacrifice of children - also the own children.

2) Jews shoot Palestinian children,


including for political reasons.

What an absurde nonsense, Russian.

In this wild country, religion is not separated from the state; religious fanatics are at the head.

This comment here now shows to me that you have not any light idea about the difference between Jewish "fanatics" and Hamas-extremists (=terrorists). A main critics in Israel on orthodox Jews is: "They should go to the army."

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But Carthaginians for example had been Philistines - well known because of their sacrifice of children - also the own children.
Lies. The Semites sacrificed children. These motifs are in the Tanakh and even in Christian iconography, with the dismemberment of infants. As for the Philistines, these are the “peoples of the sea” - Indo-Aryans. Unlike savages, they did not have bloody rituals.
By the way, Stalin’s Jewish Bolshevism had exactly the same political order.
This comment here now shows to me that you have not any light idea about the difference between Jewish "fanatics" and Hamas-extremists (=terrorists). A main critics in Israel on orthodox Jews is: "They should go to the army."
You're wrong. Israel is not a secular country.

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