The War On Drugs

so youre OK jailing someone for choosing what they put in their own body??
I sure hope not cause thats pure evil/fascist,,,
I am for sobering addicted people up. You are of no value to society if you are a drug addict or even an alcohol addict. In fact, you are a drain on society. If done properly, which is almost impossible, I would allow rec use but addicts would be forcibly detained and helped so that they were no longer addicts anymore. And since, like alcohol, all it takes is one fall off the wagon, addicts would no longer be allowed rec use. And, yes, we keep addicts locked up in a treatment program for as long as it takes until there's a good chance we can let them out and they will no longer be users.
People on heroin and other opium based drugs are calm sometimes sleepy. People on meth and cocaine can be crazy violent. So while addiction is not good heroin is not the threat to society those drugs are.
same applies to cannabis,, they will forget to rob a store,,
I am for sobering addicted people up. You are of no value to society if you are a drug addict or even an alcohol addict. In fact, you are a drain on society. If done properly, which is almost impossible, I would allow rec use but addicts would be forcibly detained and helped so that they were no longer addicts anymore. And since, like alcohol, all it takes is one fall off the wagon, addicts would no longer be allowed rec use. And, yes, we keep addicts locked up in a treatment program for as long as it takes until there's a good chance we can let them out and they will no longer be users.
what you are for is using the power of government to control peoples personal lives and jail or kill them if they resist,, typical fascist attitude,,
I am for sobering addicted people up. You are of no value to society if you are a drug addict or even an alcohol addict. In fact, you are a drain on society. If done properly, which is almost impossible, I would allow rec use but addicts would be forcibly detained and helped so that they were no longer addicts anymore. And since, like alcohol, all it takes is one fall off the wagon, addicts would no longer be allowed rec use. And, yes, we keep addicts locked up in a treatment program for as long as it takes until there's a good chance we can let them out and they will no longer be users.
FYI I have been smoking weed almost constantly for 45 yrs and in that time I have help hundreds if not thousands of people take care of their homes and personal lives and ended up owning 3 houses with 12 acres of land worth close to 500K with 250K in tools and equipment and retired at 56 and now I grow food for family and those that choose to purchase it from me
I wouldnt call that no value to society,,
so youre OK with locking people up for choosing what they put in their own bodies,,

you know that makes you a fascist and worse than any dem dont you???

whats next?? sugar?? how about tobacco or alcohol?? if some one steals a car to buy cookies should they go to jail for having and eating cookies??
Now you are getting ridiculous. I'm just saying that if addicts are a drain on society or contribute to crime due to their addiction then they should be forcibly un-addicted and, yes that does include alcohol. Why should people be dying because an alcohol addict is free to drive around, legally or illegally?
FYI I have been smoking weed almost constantly for 45 yrs and in that time I have help hundreds if not thousands of people take care of their homes and personal lives and ended up owning 3 houses with 12 acres of land worth close to 500K with 250K in tools and equipment and retired at 56 and now I grow food for family and those that choose to purchase it from me
I wouldnt call that no value to society,,
Are you a criminal? Do you receive government benefits? Do you have problems with your personal relationships because you are addicted?
Now you are getting ridiculous. I'm just saying that if addicts are a drain on society or contribute to crime due to their addiction then they should be forcibly un-addicted and, yes that does include alcohol. Why should people be dying because an alcohol addict is free to drive around, legally or illegally?
I fear sane sober drivers far more than drunk drivers,, the drunks have an excuse,,

as long as you know youre an evil fascist that doesnt respect a persons right to their own body you can have any opinion you want,,
I just wish fuckers like you had the courage to hold the gun yourself instead of hiding behind the government,,
I fear sane sober drivers far more than drunk drivers,, the drunks have an excuse,,

as long as you know youre an evil fascist that doesnt respect a persons right to their own body you can have any opinion you want,,
I just wish fuckers like you had the courage to hold the gun yourself instead of hiding behind the government,,
So, you're saying that you are pro-choice?
Which is one reason why crime rates are soaring, even when talking about marijuana. A lot of bad people were locked up on Marijuana charges and now we're letting them roam around free. Now, if we could filter out just small time everyday American users who use marijuana like drinking alcohol, that's one thing and I'm all for it. But, if we need to keep bad dudes locked up, even those who repeatedly commit small crimes to get money for their habit, then we should be able to lock them up for marijuana use if we don't have enough evidence on them for their other crimes. Having a bunch of druggies running around free will just make crime rates soar even higher. People commit crimes to pay for their drug habits. This is totally unacceptable.
Black markets always cause more crime.

It's as if we learned not one goddamn thing from Prohibition.

No substance should be illegal to consume.
pro choice isnt killing the child in the womb,,, thats murder,,,

now stop being a dumbass by running from your comments with these stupid comparisons that always end up making you look more fascist,,,
But you specifically said that the government shouldn't be telling you what to do with your own body.

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