The War On Drugs

So, as long as you can justify breaking the law, then it is OK.
No, it's not okay. The laws do more harm than good for society and I advocate for changing the laws.
Pretty much everyone can justify breaking just about any laws there are, including murder. If a person is a bad person and the world would be better off without them anyway,

No, that's just not an argument. Extrajudicial executions base entirely on personal subjective opinion is ludicrous.
Most of those who are in favor of decriminalizing drugs claim that that would stop a lot of crime and illegal drug trading because it wouldn't be illegal anymore. According to this story out of California about weed, that hasn't worked so I find it unlikely that it would work if we decriminalized all drugs. Who wooda ever thunk that criminals could produce drugs cheaper than the government or private business?

After Prohibition was repealed, illegal bootlegging of alcohol continued for a long period after. It does not go away overnight like magic.

The War on Drugs™ has been a catastrophic failure. We are well into the Insanity column of doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.

It is way past time to try something different.
No, it's not okay. The laws do more harm than good for society and I advocate for changing the laws.

No, that's just not an argument. Extrajudicial executions base entirely on personal subjective opinion is ludicrous.
It is a justification, like why should I have to pay my taxes if the rich don't pay their taxes? I see people justify things that are wrong almost daily.
I am for sobering addicted people up. You are of no value to society if you are a drug addict or even an alcohol addict. In fact, you are a drain on society. If done properly, which is almost impossible, I would allow rec use but addicts would be forcibly detained and helped so that they were no longer addicts anymore. And since, like alcohol, all it takes is one fall off the wagon, addicts would no longer be allowed rec use. And, yes, we keep addicts locked up in a treatment program for as long as it takes until there's a good chance we can let them out and they will no longer be users.
Should we forcibly lock up alcoholics? Goose/gander.
Should we forcibly lock up alcoholics? Goose/gander.
Yes, we should. How many people have to die from drunk drivers because we don't lock them up? I mean there are tons of cases where someone is arrested for DUI, even multiple times, AND been caught driving after their license is taken away, sometimes more than once. So, what do we do? We give them a ticket and a court appearance. Meanwhile, they drive drunk again and kill a totally innocent person. That's insane.
Most of those who are in favor of decriminalizing drugs claim that that would stop a lot of crime and illegal drug trading because it wouldn't be illegal anymore. According to this story out of California about weed, that hasn't worked so I find it unlikely that it would work if we decriminalized all drugs. Who wooda ever thunk that criminals could produce drugs cheaper than the government or private business?

Which party says that people should be able to make bad choices and they are responsible if they do for the consequences of those choices again?

When I talk about things like that, I'm not like you, I mean it. If someone wants to fry their brains out in their own home on their own dime, let them. If they go out and say drive, introduce them to our legal system and consequences
If they go out and say drive, introduce them to our legal system and consequences
But we don't do that. You can get arrested for DUI many times, have your license get taken away, drive drunk with no license, and they still let you back out again, until you finally kill someone.
Most of those who are in favor of decriminalizing drugs claim that that would stop a lot of crime and illegal drug trading because it wouldn't be illegal anymore. According to this story out of California about weed, that hasn't worked so I find it unlikely that it would work if we decriminalized all drugs. Who wooda ever thunk that criminals could produce drugs cheaper than the government or private business?

Government would be too expensive. Private enterprise under government regulations would still be more than criminals without regs.
Here's the thing with drug laws.

It has never been illegal to use any drug it is the possession prohibited drugs that is illegal.
But we don't do that. You can get arrested for DUI many times, have your license get taken away, drive drunk with no license, and they still let you back out again, until you finally kill someone.

True, but I wasn't defending our system, I was attacking it
But drug decriminalization worked very well in Portugal


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