The Washington Post Admits Dem Field Can’t Beat Trump And They Want You Know Who


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
The left is starting to get very nervous and some in the media are trying to sound the alarm. On Tuesday night Annie Linskey and Matt Viser of the Washington Post published an article that they are worried about the current Democrat field.

Linskey and Viser cited that after 15 hours of debates and 10 months of campaigning the only emotion party leaders are feeling is “anxiety.”

“You can imagine much stronger candidates,” said Elaine Kamarck, a Democratic National Committee member. She pines for Sen. Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, who declined to run, or an outsider like retired admiral William McRaven, who oversaw the 2011 raid that killed al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

The Washington Post Admits Dem Field Can’t Beat Trump And They Want You Know Who – Red Right Daily
They're prepping Hitlery right now for her second ass kicking.
I guess it is good that the Washington Post realizes the inevitability of a second Trump Presidency.

Bad I guess that they are activists and not Journalists.

Good I guess that they have taken the masksoff and are not pretending any longer.
The old Elizabeth Warren, before she went full retard leftist 10 years ago... probably could beat him, and I would rather have her than Hillary 10 - 1.
Tulsi is the only one who isn't crazy, but she is non-establishment so the DNC has went into destroy mode using the full power of the media against her. And it made results... the sheep fell into line against her immediately. However she has some bad ideas that could never stick.

Other than that,... there is no one. And Hillary would have an even less chance than she did the first time.
They're prepping Hitlery right now for her second ass kicking.

Third if ya count an unknown and unqualified senator who also destroyed her.
The left is desperate beyond reason, because they know she can't beat Trump either. She'd actually get stomped worse the second time around.

She's got brand new legal problems with her email scandal and Benghazi. Judicial Watch has uncovered the smoking gun. She could still wind up in jail.
They want the New Hillary. You know, the one who seems to have become greater in all aspects, most notably her fatigue level, her dishonesty, her age, her weight, her delusion and her ability to consume alcohol. Yeah, she's a candidate.
They're prepping Hitlery right now for her second ass kicking.

Third if ya count an unknown and unqualified senator who also destroyed her.
The left is desperate beyond reason, because they know she can't beat Trump either. She'd actually get stomped worse the second time around.

She's got brand new legal problems with her email scandal and Benghazi. Judicial Watch has uncovered the smoking gun. She could still wind up in jail.

Sadly, she will never go to jail-
As a former first lady she is practically if not legally immune.
They're prepping Hitlery right now for her second ass kicking.

Third if ya count an unknown and unqualified senator who also destroyed her.
The left is desperate beyond reason, because they know she can't beat Trump either. She'd actually get stomped worse the second time around.

She's got brand new legal problems with her email scandal and Benghazi. Judicial Watch has uncovered the smoking gun. She could still wind up in jail.

Sadly, she will never go to jail-
As a former first lady she is practically if not legally immune.
Probably, but I wouldn't bet on it. Her problems could certainly be enough to keep her fat ass PERMANENTLY out of the White House though.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
Either Brown or McRaven look much better than anyone else I see onstage at the moment (present White House occupant included). For America at this time, a professional military person might be especially good, someone with a sound idea of strategy.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
"This portion" of our populace??
uh... and who exactly are you referring to? What portion?
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
"This portion" of our populace??
uh... and who exactly are you referring to? What portion?
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
"This portion" of our populace??
uh... and who exactly are you referring to? What portion?
You've pretty much blown your "middle of the road" persona clear out of the water lately, Mac.

I always figured you were a full blown leftist trying to pass yourself off as some reasonable independent. So much for that.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
"This portion" of our populace??
uh... and who exactly are you referring to? What portion?
You've pretty much blown your "middle of the road" persona clear out of the water lately, Mac.

I always figured you were a full blown leftist trying to pass yourself off as some reasonable independent. So much for that.
I've never claimed to be middle of the road, not once, never.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
The real problem for Democrats is in the primaries you have to jump to the far left to win. Then in the general you have to move to the center to gain the moderates, then you lose far left support that got you there in the first place.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.

Which candidate has inspired you to vote for them? So far they all seem and too far left for me.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
"This portion" of our populace??
uh... and who exactly are you referring to? What portion?
You've pretty much blown your "middle of the road" persona clear out of the water lately, Mac.

I always figured you were a full blown leftist trying to pass yourself off as some reasonable independent. So much for that.
I've never claimed to be middle of the road, not once, never.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Well... we've both been here quite a long time, and as I remember, you used to be much more level headed, that's all. But lately the democrat in you has been coming out. It's clear what side you're coming down on now.

The old Mac is gone.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.

Which candidate has inspired you to vote for them? So far they all seem and too far left for me.
Yang. He's the only candidate I've ever seen, ever, who has a solid grasp of the future of our economy as technology advances.
This thread is another great example of how the alternate universe operates.

The winger website called "Red Right Daily" (one of a growing list of faux news sites) links to a Washington Post article that reports on some in the Democratic Party who have concerns about their slate of candidates. The "Red Right Daily" headline says that the Washington Post "admits" that no one in the current Dem field can beat Trump.

First, nowhere in the Post article does it "admit" that. Second, the piece reports concerns, not anyone saying that they can't beat Trump. So the headline is a demonstrable lie. But the OP dutifully links to it as if it were a fact, and uses the "Red Right Daily" as a "news" source. Then, all the other Trumpsters jump in too.

This is just one of many daily examples here. While it's kind of amusing, it points to a real problem: Facts, opinion, rumor, conspiracy, assumption, projection, hyperbole and extrapolation have all become blurred in the Trumpiverse. These people literally believe this stuff as "fact", and they cannot be talked out it.

One of the primary drivers of our increasing division is the fact that this portion of our population is literally existing within its own separate fact and information reality. It began with talk radio but has simply exploded with the internet. That's difficult to fix.
"This portion" of our populace??
uh... and who exactly are you referring to? What portion?
Ahh... I see.
So "Trumpsters" as you define it? is who?
Anyone who you see as supporting Trump?
Or perhaps anyone who doesn't tow the line for the entire left media conglomerate?
Or... what?
There is so much misinformation rattling around on BOTH SIDES that calling out one side is a bit hypocritical and blind.

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