The Washington Post Admits Dem Field Can’t Beat Trump And They Want You Know Who

The real problem for Democrats is in the primaries you have to jump to the far left to win. Then in the general you have to move to the center to gain the moderates, then you lose far left support that got you there in the first place.
I don't think any democrat has a snow balls chance in hell of attracting any moderate votes. The dems are anything but moderate, and I think the vast majority of Americans know it.

Trump has forced them out into the open as the frothing, maniacal power mongers that they really are.....he's also forced a number of RINOS out into the open also.

Make no mistake about it... Pelosi has been talking to Republican Senators behind the scenes because a lot of them hate Trump and would jump at the chance to stab him in the back.....The Bushes still have a large contingent of loyal followers in high places.....they hate Trump as much as Hillary does.

Trump is fighting the two armies ( Clinton, Bush ) Single-handedly with a small band of iffy followers.

Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
Well Mac, there ya go... it appears you're being brain washed like the rest of the democrat trash.

After many years of unemployment and war, the U.S. economy has made a dramatic comeback. The credit can only be given to President Donald Trump's promised rollback of the tax and regulatory schemes implemented from 1993 until he was elected.

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don't over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.
With lower taxes, more jobs, no war, and a strong stock market, the U.S. may be poised to maintain the economic boom started by Trump. After a generation of war and unemployment problems, it is possible that the U.S. can have lasting prosperity if it continues to utilize common-sense economic strategies; however, the youth of our country must pay the $10 trillion of new debt created by Obama.

Because of technology and other efficient systems, inflation is remaining low. What is strange is that the Federal Reserve in this new era seems to unilaterally create artificial inflation rather than slow it down. Thus, we are in a new paradigm of the Trump Era and we are now competing with the other 180+ countries around the world to remain the most business friendly super power.

Can the economy blow up again? The answer is yes if there is a combination of forces of debt, lower productivity, higher taxes, higher interest rates, lower foreign investment, and less spending. The biggest problem is paying unfunded liabilities and the debt created by Obama. Thus, the only way out of this mess is to continue to create jobs, get people off of public assistance by allowing great jobs to be created, create more government revenue through lower taxes on a larger group of new producers, and lower the costs of running government.

Read Newsmax: 10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years |
Important: Find Your Real Retirement Date in Minutes! More Info Here
Newsmax. Of course. Another vivid example of my point.

Here are some real facts that you're not being told in the Trumpiverse:
  • We're at a 2.0% GDP, half of what Trump promised. That's the actual economy.
  • Bond yields have crashed, down over 50% in the last 12 months.
  • The Fed is having to step in to lower interest rates to deal with weakness in the economy.
  • There is virtually no growth-push inflation.
  • We are in a manufacturing recession.
I know. "Fake news".

By the way, where is that empirical evidence that Trump has the support of over half the country??????

You make me laugh....

The 2% growth number is a lowball manipulation of the actual growth....guess who makes the numbers?

2 Percent Economic Growth: Real or Apparent?

Bond yields are irrelevant....they are only a mirror of the Fed's latest policies which have been highly questionable as they are working against the
expansion of the economy for reasons they will not I smell Politics here? Geez is Lois Lerner giving blow jobs down at the reserve building?

The Fed's ultimate Job is to sell American Goods by making them more affordable to foreign buyers...they should always be looking to lower the rates you dupe.

You are right.....the Chinese owned American conglomerates are slowing their manufacturing right now because Trump has put a clamp on their masters. That's a good thing....American owned companies are filling in the Gap like nobody's business.....pain before gain boy.

Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
Well Mac, there ya go... it appears you're being brain washed like the rest of the democrat trash.

After many years of unemployment and war, the U.S. economy has made a dramatic comeback. The credit can only be given to President Donald Trump's promised rollback of the tax and regulatory schemes implemented from 1993 until he was elected.

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don't over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.
With lower taxes, more jobs, no war, and a strong stock market, the U.S. may be poised to maintain the economic boom started by Trump. After a generation of war and unemployment problems, it is possible that the U.S. can have lasting prosperity if it continues to utilize common-sense economic strategies; however, the youth of our country must pay the $10 trillion of new debt created by Obama.

Because of technology and other efficient systems, inflation is remaining low. What is strange is that the Federal Reserve in this new era seems to unilaterally create artificial inflation rather than slow it down. Thus, we are in a new paradigm of the Trump Era and we are now competing with the other 180+ countries around the world to remain the most business friendly super power.

Can the economy blow up again? The answer is yes if there is a combination of forces of debt, lower productivity, higher taxes, higher interest rates, lower foreign investment, and less spending. The biggest problem is paying unfunded liabilities and the debt created by Obama. Thus, the only way out of this mess is to continue to create jobs, get people off of public assistance by allowing great jobs to be created, create more government revenue through lower taxes on a larger group of new producers, and lower the costs of running government.

Read Newsmax: 10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years |
Important: Find Your Real Retirement Date in Minutes! More Info Here
Newsmax. Of course. Another vivid example of my point.

Here are some real facts that you're not being told in the Trumpiverse:
  • We're at a 2.0% GDP, half of what Trump promised. That's the actual economy.
  • Bond yields have crashed, down over 50% in the last 12 months.
  • The Fed is having to step in to lower interest rates to deal with weakness in the economy.
  • There is virtually no growth-push inflation.
  • We are in a manufacturing recession.
I know. "Fake news".

By the way, where is that empirical evidence that Trump has the support of over half the country??????

You make me laugh....

The 2% growth number is a lowball manipulation of the actual growth....guess who makes the numbers?

2 Percent Economic Growth: Real or Apparent?

Bond yields are irrelevant....they are only a mirror of the Fed's latest policies which have been highly questionable as they are working against the
expansion of the economy for reasons they will not I smell Politics here? Geez is Lois Lerner giving blow jobs down at the reserve building?

The Fed's ultimate Job is to sell American Goods by making them more affordable to foreign buyers...they should always be looking to lower the rates you dupe.

You are right.....the Chinese owned American conglomerates are slowing their manufacturing right now because Trump has put a clamp on their masters. That's a good thing....American owned companies are filling in the Gap like nobody's business.....pain before gain boy.

You're a good Trumpster.
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.

Emptying trash cans for financial professionals dosent really make it your profession.
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.

Emptying trash cans for financial professionals dosent really make it your profession.
But they're so heavy!
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
Well Mac, there ya go... it appears you're being brain washed like the rest of the democrat trash.

After many years of unemployment and war, the U.S. economy has made a dramatic comeback. The credit can only be given to President Donald Trump's promised rollback of the tax and regulatory schemes implemented from 1993 until he was elected.

Here are 10 facts since Trump was elected that prove this is the best overall economy in more than 50 years:

  1. Employment: PBS News Hour confirmed that this is the best labor market since 1969 with low unemployment, more jobs and rising wages.
  2. GDP: Trump is the first president to have GDP consistently higher than 3%, President Barack Obama was only the president to fail to achieve one year of 3% GDP growth.
  3. Wages: The Washington Post even surrenders to the fact that Trump is the first president to improve wages in a generation where income is at an all-time high.
  4. Stock Market: CNN says the stock market has roared more than 40% since Trump’s election.
  5. Gas and Fuel Prices: Gas prices are low in most U.S. states that don't over-tax fuel with local and state taxes. Many states have $2.15 per gallon gasoline right now. Gas prices may fall this summer according to the latest news.
  6. Ethnic Employment Success: The employment success for all ethnicities is at record high. Obama had difficulty creating jobs and many people gave up looking for work.
  7. Manufacturing Jobs: Manufacturing jobs are back in the U.S. for the first time in a generation. Trump created 284,000 manufacturing jobs in 2018. Forbes implied that millions of manufacturing jobs were lost during Obama’s first 2 years in office. Some 1 in 6 were lost between January 2008 and March 2010 and Obama never got those jobs back.
  8. Taxes and Regulatory: Corporate taxes were cut from 35% to 21%. America moved from worst tax system up to one of the most competitive in the world under Trump’s first 2 years in office. Lower tax rates allow U.S. companies to spend more money, buy more assets, pay more employee benefits, buy stock back to put money on Main Street and into state coffers, and even help pay better dividends to seniors who live paycheck to paycheck.
  9. Nasdaq: The Nasdaq stock market value finally exceeded the 1999 prices under Trump. This implies that companies were stagnant for 18 years until Trump took office.
  10. Level the Playing Field: With a mixed bag of tax-code improvements, removal of red tape, new trade agreements, and competitive tariffs, the U.S. economy is more insulated from failure. Even the Federal Reserve is willing to lower rates if other countries harm the U.S. trading environment.
With lower taxes, more jobs, no war, and a strong stock market, the U.S. may be poised to maintain the economic boom started by Trump. After a generation of war and unemployment problems, it is possible that the U.S. can have lasting prosperity if it continues to utilize common-sense economic strategies; however, the youth of our country must pay the $10 trillion of new debt created by Obama.

Because of technology and other efficient systems, inflation is remaining low. What is strange is that the Federal Reserve in this new era seems to unilaterally create artificial inflation rather than slow it down. Thus, we are in a new paradigm of the Trump Era and we are now competing with the other 180+ countries around the world to remain the most business friendly super power.

Can the economy blow up again? The answer is yes if there is a combination of forces of debt, lower productivity, higher taxes, higher interest rates, lower foreign investment, and less spending. The biggest problem is paying unfunded liabilities and the debt created by Obama. Thus, the only way out of this mess is to continue to create jobs, get people off of public assistance by allowing great jobs to be created, create more government revenue through lower taxes on a larger group of new producers, and lower the costs of running government.

Read Newsmax: 10 Reasons Trump Economy Is Best in 50 Years |
Important: Find Your Real Retirement Date in Minutes! More Info Here
Newsmax. Of course. Another vivid example of my point.

Here are some real facts that you're not being told in the Trumpiverse:
  • We're at a 2.0% GDP, half of what Trump promised. That's the actual economy.
  • Bond yields have crashed, down over 50% in the last 12 months.
  • The Fed is having to step in to lower interest rates to deal with weakness in the economy.
  • There is virtually no growth-push inflation.
  • We are in a manufacturing recession.
I know. "Fake news".

By the way, where is that empirical evidence that Trump has the support of over half the country??????

You make me laugh....

The 2% growth number is a lowball manipulation of the actual growth....guess who makes the numbers?

2 Percent Economic Growth: Real or Apparent?

Bond yields are irrelevant....they are only a mirror of the Fed's latest policies which have been highly questionable as they are working against the
expansion of the economy for reasons they will not I smell Politics here? Geez is Lois Lerner giving blow jobs down at the reserve building?

The Fed's ultimate Job is to sell American Goods by making them more affordable to foreign buyers...they should always be looking to lower the rates you dupe.

You are right.....the Chinese owned American conglomerates are slowing their manufacturing right now because Trump has put a clamp on their masters. That's a good thing....American owned companies are filling in the Gap like nobody's business.....pain before gain boy.

You're a good Trumpster.

Not really.....did I vote for him? Yes..... but I am not dedicated to him and I don't agree with all of his policies either.
I do agree with one thing though.... America far he is the ONLY CANDIDATE in the past fifty years who has even tried to keep that
message. Why is lefty so determined to see it the other way? Why are people like Pual Ryan And Mitt Romney even pretending to like America?

Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.
Then you don't pay attention.
I am anything but a Trumpster.
And Obama "got out of the way" to allow the Feds to save us? - Holy crap, sorry I had no idea you were among the clueless. The same clueless you admonish.
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.

You Dope....Clinton had no real economy....he was a destiny child at the far end of a tech bubble. It rained out and he pretended that it was his water.

Obama....did a half way decent job with aftermath of the Global currency correction....he at least did some thinking before acting.... Truth is that wasn't much anyone could have done to prevent it from coming.

Trump has the right idea.... Restart the American manufacturing base take back devaluation initiatives that have historically worked in America's favor.
This country was built on cheap labor not on money leveraging bank chicanery. It wasn't a Democrat thing or a republican thing it was the DC swamp versus the rest of the country thing. That's why Trump has enemies of both Republican and Democrat ilk.

Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.

The Clinton economy that ended in a recession?
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.

The Clinton economy that ended in a recession?
Yes, all good "economies" end in a recession.

That's the cyclical nature of a capitalist economy.

You know that, right?
You've pretty much blown your "middle of the road" persona clear out of the water lately, Mac.

I always figured you were a full blown leftist trying to pass yourself off as some reasonable independent. So much for that.
I've never claimed to be middle of the road, not once, never.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Well... we've both been here quite a long time, and as I remember, you used to be much more level headed, that's all. But lately the democrat in you has been coming out. It's clear what side you're coming down on now.

The old Mac is gone.
Yes, Trump horrifies me. He embarrasses me. His is a mockery of a presidency. And his dutiful Trumpsters only enable him as they retreat into their alternate reality.

And the you're-level-headed-when-you-agree-with-me routine is something I get regularly from both silly ends of the spectrum.

And you do realize that the "dutiful Trumpsters" are the MAJORITY of the nation, right? You do realize that you and your opinion are a minority? Why do you think that is?

"And you do realize that the "dutiful Trumpsters" are the MAJORITY of the nation, right?"

please explain the math that proves that 59.5 million is MORE than 62 million.

"You do realize that you and your opinion are a minority? "

Please explain the math that proves that MOST of the population is a "minority"

"Why do you think that is?"

I don't

I think it's not true.

according to the math Iearned in school 62 is MORE than 59.5
You've pretty much blown your "middle of the road" persona clear out of the water lately, Mac.

I always figured you were a full blown leftist trying to pass yourself off as some reasonable independent. So much for that.
I've never claimed to be middle of the road, not once, never.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Well... we've both been here quite a long time, and as I remember, you used to be much more level headed, that's all. But lately the democrat in you has been coming out. It's clear what side you're coming down on now.

The old Mac is gone.
Yes, Trump horrifies me. He embarrasses me. His is a mockery of a presidency. And his dutiful Trumpsters only enable him as they retreat into their alternate reality.

And the you're-level-headed-when-you-agree-with-me routine is something I get regularly from both silly ends of the spectrum.

And you do realize that the "dutiful Trumpsters" are the MAJORITY of the nation, right? You do realize that you and your opinion are a minority? Why do you think that is?

"And you do realize that the "dutiful Trumpsters" are the MAJORITY of the nation, right?"

please explain the math that proves that 59.5 million is MORE than 62 million.

"You do realize that you and your opinion are a minority? "

Please explain the math that proves that MOST of the population is a "minority"

"Why do you think that is?"

I don't

I think it's not true.

according to the math Iearned in school 62 is MORE than 59.5
Trump math.
You've pretty much blown your "middle of the road" persona clear out of the water lately, Mac.

I always figured you were a full blown leftist trying to pass yourself off as some reasonable independent. So much for that.
I've never claimed to be middle of the road, not once, never.

The second line of my sig: 2. >>> For the liars who pretend I claim to be a centrist/moderate/impartial/unbiased/fence-sitter: Come on Jake, man up, just this once.
Well... we've both been here quite a long time, and as I remember, you used to be much more level headed, that's all. But lately the democrat in you has been coming out. It's clear what side you're coming down on now.

The old Mac is gone.
Yes, Trump horrifies me. He embarrasses me. His is a mockery of a presidency. And his dutiful Trumpsters only enable him as they retreat into their alternate reality.

And the you're-level-headed-when-you-agree-with-me routine is something I get regularly from both silly ends of the spectrum.

And you do realize that the "dutiful Trumpsters" are the MAJORITY of the nation, right? You do realize that you and your opinion are a minority? Why do you think that is?
Calm down.

You appear to be claiming that a majority of the country supports Trump.

Do you have empirical evidence for that claim?

No, he does not!

ALL the actual evidence proves that MOST Americans do NOT support trumpler
Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.
Then you don't pay attention.
I am anything but a Trumpster.
And Obama "got out of the way" to allow the Feds to save us? - Holy crap, sorry I had no idea you were among the clueless. The same clueless you admonish.

They forget so soon the true nature of the 2008 global currency crisis, it's roots, the reason it got to be so bad and why it had less to do with Politics than it did with the entire international banking system....but then again lefty never fails to grab an opportunity to make a political lie when he can.

Our economy now is stronger and better than it has been for OVER FIFTY YEARS
That's just fantasy. It's demonstrably untrue.

But I do realize that's considered fact in the Trumpiverse. This is my point.
As it was also considered when Clinton was President, as was when Obama was President.
Your point is, well pointless unless you include that.
"Trumpsters" as you refer it, is nothing new. At all.
To this day "Obamabots" still believe he did a fantastic job concerning economics. As they also still do for Clinton.
No Obama supporters claimed that his economy was the greatest in 50 years. He did the right thing by getting out of the way and letting the Fed pull us out of the disaster he inherited. The Clinton economy was demonstrably better than today's economy.

I'm not going to burn any more time on this. This is my profession, and it gets tedious with Trumpsters.

Think whatever you want, whatever you're fed in the Trumpiverse.
Then you don't pay attention.
I am anything but a Trumpster.
And Obama "got out of the way" to allow the Feds to save us? - Holy crap, sorry I had no idea you were among the clueless. The same clueless you admonish.

They forget so soon the true nature of the 2008 global currency crisis, it's roots, the reason it got to be so bad and why it had less to do with Politics than it did with the entire international banking system....but then again lefty never fails to grab an opportunity to make a political lie when he can.


"but then again lefty never fails to grab an opportunity to make a political lie when he can"

very clever

I see you didn't fail to make a political lie when you had the opportunity....
Isn't it obvious that neither democrats nor morons in the media seem to care about the clown car and instead are pushing a Banana Republic agenda to overthrow the results of the last election?

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