The Weasel Worm Democratic Leadership Has a War on Women

Why didn't she make an issue of it when he was nominated for VP?
I was wondering about this myself. Obama picked him as his running mate and he was VP for eight years. One would think that she would have said something. This whole thing now is way, way too fishy.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
You are obviously a feminist who does not believe women, or only do so when it supports your agenda. Do you get the hypocrisy of the Democrat party, feminists in general and your own?

It is pretty disgusting.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
You are obviously a feminist who does not believe women, or only do so when it supports your agenda. Do you get the hypocrisy of the Democrat party, feminists in general and your own?

It is pretty disgusting.
Of course I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights and equal respect for all people. It doesn't mean that I have to fall for politically inspired bullshit.

Now explain the republican party's policies on issues involving women, reproductive health, and reproductive freedom. Explain its attempts to demolish Planned Parenthood, which has helped millions of women avoid unwanted pregnancies (yup, including me and we were successful!). Explain the republicans' opposition to giving kids a full, factual sex education that would help women and men avoid unwanted pregnancies. Explain the love affair that the republicans are having with religious cults that are against people planning the births of children.
Why didn't she make an issue of it when he was nominated for VP?
I was wondering about this myself. Obama picked him as his running mate and he was VP for eight years. One would think that she would have said something. This whole thing now is way, way too fishy.
She was still a democrat, so there was no point in saying anything. Now that Biden is the nominee instead of Bernie? Well, now there is some advantage to be gained. From what I have heard, she is a Bernie supporter.

It is the same reason all those women came out against Trump or Kavanaugh when they ran for their office, instead of when they were just citizens.

When folks see that it has some political use, THEN it will be used.
Why didn't she make an issue of it when he was nominated for VP?
I was wondering about this myself. Obama picked him as his running mate and he was VP for eight years. One would think that she would have said something. This whole thing now is way, way too fishy.
She was still a democrat, so there was no point in saying anything. Now that Biden is the nominee instead of Bernie? Well, now there is some advantage to be gained. From what I have heard, she is a Bernie supporter.

It is the same reason all those women came out against Trump or Kavanaugh when they ran for their office, instead of when they were just citizens.

When folks see that it has some political use, THEN it will be used.
But why try to help trump? We know his record, and particularly his record with women and the record of the entire republican party on issues affecting women, which is totally shabby, disrespectful, insulting, shameful, and hateful. We know pigpence's record on the same issues. Both are filthy towards women. Why would she protect such people who will only continue their attacks on female Americans?
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

How do you dream up this nonesense? Mushrooms?
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
You are obviously a feminist who does not believe women, or only do so when it supports your agenda. Do you get the hypocrisy of the Democrat party, feminists in general and your own?

It is pretty disgusting.
Of course I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights and equal respect for all people. It doesn't mean that I have to fall for politically inspired bullshit.

Now explain the republican party's policies on issues involving women, reproductive health, and reproductive freedom. Explain its attempts to demolish Planned Parenthood, which has helped millions of women avoid unwanted pregnancies (yup, including me and we were successful!). Explain the republicans' opposition to giving kids a full, factual sex education that would help women and men avoid unwanted pregnancies. Explain the love affair that the republicans are having with religious cults that are against people planning the births of children.
"Reproductive health?" They used to tell people that they were going to "work camps" during the Holacaust. People believed that rhetoric. You kill a living being inside or outside of's infanticide. Period. Murder.You should struggle with your selfish behavior and guilt for the rest of your life. Fuck you. No tears here for your self centered ass.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.

Worms like you are the hypocrites. I don't see you demanding Trump be held accountable for the dozen or so complaints against him. Trump is pro-alt-right in their attempted takeover of America. You offer us corporate statism in which corporations run the country and to hell with ordinary Americans. This woman has destroyed herself by telling 2 different stories. If you vote for Trump you are a brainless, weak minded fascist pig.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
You are obviously a feminist who does not believe women, or only do so when it supports your agenda. Do you get the hypocrisy of the Democrat party, feminists in general and your own?

It is pretty disgusting.
Of course I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights and equal respect for all people. It doesn't mean that I have to fall for politically inspired bullshit.

Now explain the republican party's policies on issues involving women, reproductive health, and reproductive freedom. Explain its attempts to demolish Planned Parenthood, which has helped millions of women avoid unwanted pregnancies (yup, including me and we were successful!). Explain the republicans' opposition to giving kids a full, factual sex education that would help women and men avoid unwanted pregnancies. Explain the love affair that the republicans are having with religious cults that are against people planning the births of children.
"Reproductive health?" They used to tell people that they were going to "work camps" during the Holacaust. People believed that rhetoric. You kill a living being inside or outside of's infanticide. Period. Murder.You should struggle with your selfish behavior and guilt for the rest of your life. Fuck you. No tears here for your self centered ass.

It is not infanticide. The question is when does it become a life. You have no special insight on when this happens. Women have a say in this. Fuck your ass.
Trumptard logic:

"Dang, our hero has been busted for just making everything up. And we've been busted again for pushing a fraud. What can we do?".

"I know, we can evade!".

"Stage one! Outright denial! We'll pretend that we and our hero weren't busted for making it all up!"

"And stage two! Escalate the lies! Make up stories of how those Democrats said that any accusation has to be believed absolutely, no matter what the evidence says!"

"Finally, stage three! Cry a lot! Focus on our overall general victimhood!'

Trumptards, just accept your beatings like men. You pushed some fraud again, you got busted for it again. Same old same old. Don't worry. Nobody expects you not to be frauds, so you didn't disappoint anyone. By this point, it's clear you all enjoy the humiliation (why else would you constantly seek it out?), so you should thank us for humiliating you again and move on.
Trump had nothing to do with this. I do not know of any Republican that wants Joe replaced. This is all on the DNC. It's democrats that panicked when Joe had such a poor showing. It's democrats that want Joe replaced, preferably by Andrew Cuomo. Dragging out a bimbo is a democrat tactic. Somewhat overused. It might still work. There is nothing in this entire incident that has anything to do with Trump or Republicans.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.

What democrat women don't understand......powerful democrat women serve up democrat women who have little or no power to democrat party males. This is one of the benefits of being a democrat to allow democrat women to kill their babies, and you can rape and assault women all you want....until, of course, you become useless to the party or can be exploited to attack Republican males......
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
You are obviously a feminist who does not believe women, or only do so when it supports your agenda. Do you get the hypocrisy of the Democrat party, feminists in general and your own?

It is pretty disgusting.
Of course I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights and equal respect for all people. It doesn't mean that I have to fall for politically inspired bullshit.

Now explain the republican party's policies on issues involving women, reproductive health, and reproductive freedom. Explain its attempts to demolish Planned Parenthood, which has helped millions of women avoid unwanted pregnancies (yup, including me and we were successful!). Explain the republicans' opposition to giving kids a full, factual sex education that would help women and men avoid unwanted pregnancies. Explain the love affair that the republicans are having with religious cults that are against people planning the births of children.
"Reproductive health?" They used to tell people that they were going to "work camps" during the Holacaust. People believed that rhetoric. You kill a living being inside or outside of's infanticide. Period. Murder.You should struggle with your selfish behavior and guilt for the rest of your life. Fuck you. No tears here for your self centered ass.

It is not infanticide. The question is when does it become a life. You have no special insight on when this happens. Women have a say in this. Fuck your ass.

Yeah, we do....when sperm hits the egg in the womb, life begins....
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

How do you dream up this nonesense? Mushrooms?

Liberty is never nonsense.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

How do you dream up this nonesense? Mushrooms?

Liberty is never nonsense.
Penis envy is strong with this one.
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Meltdown much? You pathetic fool!!!
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.

By defeating Hillary DJT saved the United States.
Saved the United States???? Bitch you are beyond mentally ill, you need a huge hug from a covid victim.
Biden is campaigning from his home -

Trump/Pence are campaigning on the streets without wearing masks -

Biden is 10 points ahead in polls -

Trump blows up on his campaign manager because WHY AGAIN ?

Donnie is one stupid sob -
You got the fat disgusting slob running around trying to get the economy back on track, cause that's all the fat bastard had going for him and you got his brain dead supporters suckin on the tits of minorities hoping we'd be the one's boosting the numbers.....good luck mf's cause we ain't biting!!
What a bunch of hypocrites and complete lying sacks of shit. They will stop at nothing to defeat Trump. He is Pro-American and stands in the way of their socialist agenda for the United States. Axelrod's fucking parents were communitst. So they want to destroy this woman to run cover for creepy Joe all in the name of going after Trump. If you vote Democrat you are a complete moron or a easily led spineless turd.
Remember when the Dems were the champions of women and the GOP was waging war on them?
Nothing has changed. I have yet to see anyone from the GOP explaining their party's actions against women and their love affair with the penis-worship cults in which women are nothing but sex objects and baby factories. The GOP refuses to deal with female people as adult free human beings and Americans. The GOPers need to grow up.

You should start a thread on the Republican misdeeds; that way we could spend this one evaluating those of the old white man, sexual abuser, that wants to be the next President of the United States.

I did not bring up the subject of the two parties' records on issues affecting women. Meathead did that in post #2. The records of both of these parties on these issues need to be scrutinized.
The "old white man" to whom you refer was Vice President for eight years and this woman never said anything. Moreover, we already have an "old white man, sexual abuser" who actually occupies the office of POTUS currently. Did you evaluate him?
You are obviously a feminist who does not believe women, or only do so when it supports your agenda. Do you get the hypocrisy of the Democrat party, feminists in general and your own?

It is pretty disgusting.
Of course I'm a feminist. I believe in equal rights and equal respect for all people. It doesn't mean that I have to fall for politically inspired bullshit.

Now explain the republican party's policies on issues involving women, reproductive health, and reproductive freedom. Explain its attempts to demolish Planned Parenthood, which has helped millions of women avoid unwanted pregnancies (yup, including me and we were successful!). Explain the republicans' opposition to giving kids a full, factual sex education that would help women and men avoid unwanted pregnancies. Explain the love affair that the republicans are having with religious cults that are against people planning the births of children.
"Reproductive health?" They used to tell people that they were going to "work camps" during the Holacaust. People believed that rhetoric. You kill a living being inside or outside of's infanticide. Period. Murder.You should struggle with your selfish behavior and guilt for the rest of your life. Fuck you. No tears here for your self centered ass.

What "selfish behavior" for which I am guilty? What self-centeredness? You don't even know me or anything about my life. If you are such a lowlife imbecile that you would try to make me feel guilty for having an abortion, you can stop now and shove it up your ass. I've never had an abortion, you filthy jerk.

Most of us don't an interest in the cults, and we don't obey cult leaders, but the GOP loves the cults. It's one of the several chief reasons that I will never vote for a republican.

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