The weather channel has just spent 27 minutes explaining their f--- up

I see the OP is still disappointed that Irma didn't kill shitloads of people.
TWC was great early on and we were around a lot of them
Then they decided to become home and garden with some weather
More people die in obscure tornadoes every year than the so-called "nuclear hurricane". This was a big hyped "Cat-5" that hit the Florida Keys and the best the hysterical reports can come up with is a couple of women who decided to stay and described it as "being in hell" but nobody died in the Keys. The only casualties involved carbon monoxide poisoning from a gasoline generator run inside a house and a guy who fell off a ladder putting up plywood over his windows. The casualties in the nursing homes are part of a criminal investigation. It's possible that media types might have been involved in fistfights trying to get the best street corner for a video shot. Apparently a Fox news guy was so desperate for a story that he found a semi flooded trailer park and a character with a parrot on his shoulder. The parrot tried to eat the microphone and the character said it wasn't so bad.
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Tornados cover a smaller area, but are usually have much more destructive power contained in a small area. Tornados have certainly left large areas without power.

Again what tornado left a state without power

Not an equal question.

Because nothing on Earth equals the destructive power of a hurricane, not even a volcanic event if you consider the area effected
Nothing? :badgrin:

Not even a volcanic event?

Are you seriously this dumb?


Tell the folks at Pompeii that. . . .


Last volcanic event in the mainland 48, we got lucky, it was small . . .


And there is another destructive event you forgot, thankfully the last time it happened now over one hundred years ago. However, should such an event occur over say, the Eastern Seaboard, or Continental Europe, or mainland China? The consequences would be catastrophic, not just for that locality, but for the world economy.


The Tunguska event was a large explosion that occurred near the Stony Tunguska River in Yeniseysk Governorate (now Krasnoyarsk Krai), Russia, on the morning of 30 June 1908 (N.S.).[1][2] The explosion over the sparsely populated Eastern Siberian Taiga flattened 2,000 km2 (770 sq mi) of forest yet caused no known human casualties. The explosion is generally attributed to the air burst of a meteoroid. It is classified as an impact event, even though no impact crater has been found; the object is thought to have disintegrated at an altitude of 5 to 10 kilometres (3 to 6 miles) rather than hit the surface of the Earth.[3]

The Tunguska event is the largest impact event on Earth in recorded history. Studies have yielded different estimates of the meteoroid's size, on the order of 60 to 190 metres (200 to 620 feet), depending on whether the body was a comet or a denser asteroid.[4]
Tunguska event - Wikipedia

The bodies at Pompei were right under the volcano, at it's base. The ash flakes that fell in other states after St Helens hurt NOTHING

U R dumb

Hurricanes travel thousands of miles and wipe out entire countries, and volcanoes erupt every what ten twenty thousand years....................Or Hawaii erupts every day and does no damage, people swim around it.


We're just going to have to disagree on volcano's. They vary a lot on size and strength, but I will agree with you, that depending on the magnetic and geothermal activity of the planet's core, volcanoes aren't really so much of a threat.

That said, however, once the pole shift comes under full swing and the eruptions, along with earth quakes happen more frequently, and with stronger force, one super volcano eruption could prove to be a near ELE.

In the short term though?

Actually, we're both wrong.

As far as lives lost and property damage, this was the largest natural disaster in near history. It wasn't a Hurricane/Typhoon, or a Volcano.

Worth several Irma's

It was the Earthquake/Tsunami in for the lead.
2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami - Wikipedia

The undersea megathrust earthquake was caused when the Indian Plate was subducted by the Burma Plate and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing 230,000–280,000 people in 14 countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 metres (100 ft) high.
It's all about the Global Warming Boogeyman. And if you refuse to go along, you're to be branded a 'Heretic.' I'm completely over the Global Warming Cultsters. To hell with em.
More people die in obscure tornadoes every year than the so-called "nuclear hurricane". This was a big hyped "Cat-5" that hit the Florida Keys and the best the hysterical reports can come up with is a couple of women who decided to stay and described it as "being in hell" but nobody died in the Keys. The only casualties involved carbon monoxide poisoning from a gasoline generator run inside a house and a guy who fell off a ladder putting up plywood over his windows. The casualties in the nursing homes are part of a criminal investigation.

Wrong. People died in the Florida Keys... and try looking at the pictures and tell me the place wasn't hell.

Irma death toll rises to 30 across 3 states
More people die in obscure tornadoes every year than the so-called "nuclear hurricane". This was a big hyped "Cat-5" that hit the Florida Keys and the best the hysterical reports can come up with is a couple of women who decided to stay and described it as "being in hell" but nobody died in the Keys. The only casualties involved carbon monoxide poisoning from a gasoline generator run inside a house and a guy who fell off a ladder putting up plywood over his windows. The casualties in the nursing homes are part of a criminal investigation.

Wrong. People died in the Florida Keys... and try looking at the pictures and tell me the place wasn't hell.

Irma death toll rises to 30 across 3 states

More do die in obscure tornadoes. The poster was correct. Despite what the Global Warming Hucksters are saying, 'End-Times' isn't happening. Sorry bout that. Better luck next time.
More people die in obscure tornadoes every year than the so-called "nuclear hurricane". This was a big hyped "Cat-5" that hit the Florida Keys and the best the hysterical reports can come up with is a couple of women who decided to stay and described it as "being in hell" but nobody died in the Keys. The only casualties involved carbon monoxide poisoning from a gasoline generator run inside a house and a guy who fell off a ladder putting up plywood over his windows. The casualties in the nursing homes are part of a criminal investigation.

Wrong. People died in the Florida Keys... and try looking at the pictures and tell me the place wasn't hell.

Irma death toll rises to 30 across 3 states

More do die in obscure tornadoes. The poster was correct. Despite what the Global Warming Hucksters are saying, 'End-Times' isn't happening. Sorry bout that. Better luck next time.

What does that have to do with what I said? They said "No one died in the Florida Keys." That's wrong.
More people die in obscure tornadoes every year than the so-called "nuclear hurricane". This was a big hyped "Cat-5" that hit the Florida Keys and the best the hysterical reports can come up with is a couple of women who decided to stay and described it as "being in hell" but nobody died in the Keys. The only casualties involved carbon monoxide poisoning from a gasoline generator run inside a house and a guy who fell off a ladder putting up plywood over his windows. The casualties in the nursing homes are part of a criminal investigation.

Wrong. People died in the Florida Keys... and try looking at the pictures and tell me the place wasn't hell.

Irma death toll rises to 30 across 3 states

More do die in obscure tornadoes. The poster was correct. Despite what the Global Warming Hucksters are saying, 'End-Times' isn't happening. Sorry bout that. Better luck next time.

What does that have to do with what I said? They said "No one died in the Florida Keys." That's wrong.

No one's disputing some folks died in these recent Hurricanes. But that poster was correct. On average, more people do die in obscure tornadoes. Y'all Global Warming Hucksters ain't getting your 'End-Times' with these Hurricanes. Sorry bout that.
They predicted disaster in Orlando and the Mouse House was up and running in two days.
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................

My parents live in northern Florida which didn't get hit nearly as hard as southern Florida and they just got their power back today.

Furthermore, what fuck up is if you are referring to?
This one

The Monster Surge That Wasn’t: Why Irma Caused Less Flooding Than Expected

The worst-case Irma scenario didn’t happen for much of Florida. Why?

It is the weathermans job to predict the dangerousness of the storms. It is not their fault that the models that they use aren't up to the task. Blame the model makers. The weather people did the best job they could with the tools they have.
Let's be real, the Global Warming jerks were hoping for a lot more death & destruction with these recent Hurricanes. They're deranged Cultists at this point.
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................

My parents live in northern Florida which didn't get hit nearly as hard as southern Florida and they just got their power back today.

Furthermore, what fuck up is if you are referring to?
This one

The Monster Surge That Wasn’t: Why Irma Caused Less Flooding Than Expected

The worst-case Irma scenario didn’t happen for much of Florida. Why?

Apparently, you don't know much about how severe weather works. Tornadoes, hurricanes, thunder storms can change direction at the drop of a hat and it's completely unpredictable.
Be honest, how old were you on August 16 1992 when Andrew decimated Florida.................
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................

My parents live in northern Florida which didn't get hit nearly as hard as southern Florida and they just got their power back today.

Furthermore, what fuck up is if you are referring to?
This one

The Monster Surge That Wasn’t: Why Irma Caused Less Flooding Than Expected

The worst-case Irma scenario didn’t happen for much of Florida. Why?

It is the weathermans job to predict the dangerousness of the storms. It is not their fault that the models that they use aren't up to the task. Blame the model makers. The weather people did the best job they could with the tools they have.

Dude the models were perfect, they got the track correct down to the width of Florida. The media lied for dramatic effect and to prove climate change...............

They fucked up
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................

My parents live in northern Florida which didn't get hit nearly as hard as southern Florida and they just got their power back today.

Furthermore, what fuck up is if you are referring to?
This one

The Monster Surge That Wasn’t: Why Irma Caused Less Flooding Than Expected

The worst-case Irma scenario didn’t happen for much of Florida. Why?

It is the weathermans job to predict the dangerousness of the storms. It is not their fault that the models that they use aren't up to the task. Blame the model makers. The weather people did the best job they could with the tools they have.

Dude the models were perfect, they got the track correct down to the width of Florida. The media lied for dramatic effect and to prove climate change...............

They fucked up

Yup, the Global Warming fanatics have infested the Media. They really were hoping for much more death destruction. They're sick Cultsters at this point.
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................
DittoTards have to defend their MessiahRushie's LIES!!! Amazing how 3" of water can swallow a car!!!


Water rises in a neighborhood after Hurricane Irma brought floodwaters to Jacksonville, Fla.
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................

My parents live in northern Florida which didn't get hit nearly as hard as southern Florida and they just got their power back today.

Furthermore, what fuck up is if you are referring to?

I live in North Central Florida (Lake City) and there there was no wide spread flooding. Sections of some streets were flooded, but that's all. The winds were not that bad, strong enough to knock down some trees, but nobody's house was destroyed by the wind.

The major problem was the loss of electricity. Over 95% of those who live in my county were without power. My power went out about 1:00 Monday morning and wasn't restored until about 5:15 Tuesday afternoon. We have Comcast and did not have television or Internet until this afternoon.

I was shocked to see one thing. For two days, the traffic lights were not working at major intersections and every time that previously happened there would be a patrol car there with a policeman directing traffic. This time, no cops were there and everyone had to wait until others let them cross. Apparently the police were simply overwhelmed with everything going on.
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................
DittoTards have to defend their MessiahRushie's LIES!!! Amazing how 3" of water can swallow a car!!!


Water rises in a neighborhood after Hurricane Irma brought floodwaters to Jacksonville, Fla.

Come on, face it. Y'all Global Warming fanatics were hoping for much more death & destruction. Y'all ain't right. :cuckoo:
Irma, the deadliest storm of all time with a 3 inch storm surge....................
DittoTards have to defend their MessiahRushie's LIES!!! Amazing how 3" of water can swallow a car!!!


Water rises in a neighborhood after Hurricane Irma brought floodwaters to Jacksonville, Fla.

Have no fear the dumb slobs that live there will rebuild so this can happen in another 5 or 10 years.

Is this my fault?

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