The "White Fragility" Book by Robin DiAngelo

This discussion/interview by Marc Lamont Hill w/Robin DiAngelo discussing her bestselling book "White Fragility" shines some much needed light on race in America.

Specifically addressing why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism.

You'd do well to take a listen...

Lmao at citing this charlatan with a straight face. What's your next recommendation, Ibram X Kendi?

Maybe try Coleman Hughes for a different, more nuanced perspective.
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Lmao at citing this charlatan with a straight face. What's your next recommendation, Ibram X Kendi?

Go listen to Coleman Hughes.
No, Ibram Kendi is correct. You need to read his book, Stamped from the Beginning. We aren't taking suggestions from whites on what we need to read or who we need to listen to.
Coleman Hughes?

LOL! That child still has milk on his breath.
No, Ibram Kendi is correct. You need to read his book, Stamped from the Beginning. We aren't taking suggestions from whites on what we need to read or who we need to listen to.
Lol. Of course.

Lol. Of course.
You talk about Coleman Young. LOL!

I won't be listening to someone half my age telling me the world I helped make for him is wrong. He is where he is due to people like me and he will learn just like every other young black person who gets used by the right wing just how wrong he is in time. The boy is 28 years old. He has yet to learn.
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You talk about Coleman Ypung. LOL!

I won't be listening to someone half my age telling me the world I helped make for him is wrong. He is where he is due to people like me and he will learn just like every other young black person who gets used by the right wing just how wrong he is in time. The boy is 28 years old. He has yet to learn.

Well, he's far more intelligent than you, already. That's pretty clear.
Well, he's far more intelligent than you already. That's pretty clear.
No, actually he's young and niave. But to the white racist he's intellligent. Because only the very dumbest people in our society are racists.
No, actually he's young and niave. But to the white racist he's intellligent. Because only the very dumbest people in our society are racists.

and Black people can't be racist, right?
It would help you the other right wing whites in here.
Like I said, "Lather, Rinse. Repeat." Here's a thread by you from Oct 23. Get some help.

“White people in North America live in a social environmentthat protects and insulates them from race-based stress. Thisinsulated environment of racial protection builds whiteexpectations for racial comfort while at the same timelowering the ability to tolerate racial stress, leading to whatI refer to as White Fragility. White Fragility is a state in whicheven a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable,triggering a range of defensive moves. These moves includethe outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leavingthe stress-inducing situation. These behaviors, in turn,function to reinstate white racial equilibrium.” – Dr. Robin DiAngelo

We see it here daily. Specifically from the right. They are just fine when they say things about blacks. But when the mirror is held up, it's time to whine, or in some cases close threads.

I hate to be Captain Obvious, but whites aren't the only people in America. And whites don't get to tell others what their experience has been in America. Seems that a while lot of whites on the right are ignorant of their own history. They believe a fairy tale about a nation that never existed. They owe what this nation is to the non whites they oppressed in the past. And the government owes reparations not only to blacks, but to native americans, all Asians and not just Japanese, and Hispanics.

This is on the government and no one gives a good goobly damn what right wing whites think about this. Our nation is running deficits because of white racism. Those social programs you right wingers whine about not having the money for would have the money if not for millions of white assholes like this:

“I can say for sure that happens because I did it. Before retirement, Iwas an Engineer. For the last 20 years of my career, I was a Manager and Director and I hired hundreds of people. I reviewed well over a thousand resumes for all kinds of positions. Everything from Secretaries to Engineering Managers. Both Salary and Hourly. I always culled out the resumes with Black Ethnic names. Never shortlisted anybody with a Black Ethnic name. Never hired them.

Since the Fortune 50 company I worked for had a stupid “affirmative action” hiring policies I never mentioned it to anybody and I always got away with it. A couple of times I was instructed to improve my departmental “diversity” demographics but I always ignored it and never got into any trouble. My stereotype is that anybody with a stupid ghetto Black ethnic name is probably worthless. I could have been wrong a couple of times but I was also probably right 99% of the time.

Glad I did it. I would do it again.”

And don't even try lying about how this is the only white person doing this. So while millions of whites do this, they simultaneously talk about how blacks don't want to work, or only want the government to give them free stuff. Now you can't tell me that people doing these things don't have a mental problem. Furthermore if you cannot see the loss of taxable income, or the decrease in consumer spending caused by people who do things like this, then there is no hope for you.

Try thinking about the real wealth this nation would have if we didn't have an existing subculture of racist white morons who thuink its cool to deprive people of income based on race. Reparations returns the lost income done by such people today and will enable blacks to start businesses so other blacks don't ever have to fdace people like Flash, Ray from Cleveland, Lisa, MaryL, Marathon Mike, Hector and a whole bunch of others who are practicing racism right now while declaring how white racism is a thing of the past.
Lmao at citing this charlatan with a straight face. What's your next recommendation, Ibram X Kendi?

Maybe try Coleman Hughes for a different, more nuanced perspective.
THIS Colmeman Hughes is who you think I should be listening to....!?!!??


  • Brilliant
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THIS Colmeman Hughes is who you think I should be listening to....!?!!??



LMBAO too!

Yep. Another Candace Owens.

These guys obviously forget that we are black when they try telling us about their Lawn Jockey of the moment as if we don't know about them.
LMBAO too!

Yep. Another Candace Owens.

These guys obviously forget that we are black when they try telling us about their Lawn Jockey of the moment as if we don't know about them.
These ignants THINK we don't know who they gonna try throw in our faces.

I have ALL the grifters and coons in my backpocket waiting for a MFer to bring them up.
These ignants THINK we don't know who they gonna try throw in our faces.

I have ALL the grifters and coons in my backpocket waiting for a MFer to bring them up.
Excellent work my brother. They just don't understand that we stay ahead of the game.
Lol. Of course.

Fuck John McWhorter. Another Uncle Tom. And I'm talking about the book written by Ibram X. Kendi who goes deep into the origins of white racism and pretty much traces it back to its beginnings and goes right up to now. We know that a black person is right on the mark when the white racists start trying to diss them. We also know that the blacks people like you choose to tell us to emulate are not the ones who are working for our best interests.
Fuck John McWhorter. Another Uncle Tom. And I'm talking about the book written by Ibram X. Kendi who goes deep into the origins of white racism and pretty much traces it back to its beginnings and goes right up to now. We know that a black person is right on the mark when the white racists start trying to diss them. We also know that the blacks people like you choose to tell us to emulate are not the ones who are working for our best interests.
Kendi is actually an EXCELLENT starting point when engaging in learning about race in America, fighting racism and being an anti-racist.

Only racists DON'T like and/or appreciate the Dr.'s work.
  • Brilliant
Reactions: IM2
Kendi is actually an EXCELLENT starting point when engaging in learning about race in America, fighting racism and being an anti-racist.

Only racists DON'T like and/or appreciate the Dr.'s work.
Kendi is actually an EXCELLENT starting point when engaging in learning about race in America, fighting racism and being an anti-racist.

Only racists DON'T like and/or appreciate the Dr.'s work.

Oh look, another double-digit IQ has joined in.

Kendi's a fraud. That weak little bitch won't debate anyone.
Oh look, another double-digit IQ has joined in.

Kendi's a fraud. That weak little bitch won't debate anyone.
No, you are the fraud. You might want to stop taking about IQ's. Because you don't have one. Kendi is right on time. And you suffer from white fragility.
This discussion/interview by Marc Lamont Hill w/Robin DiAngelo discussing her bestselling book "White Fragility" shines some much needed light on race in America.

Specifically addressing why it's so hard for white people to talk about racism.

You'd do well to take a listen...

Bah.. DiAngelo…she’s a sellout!

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