The Window of Opportunity for America's Adversaries


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
The inauguration of Biden & Company clearly signaled to America's adversaries that a window of opportunity had opened for them to act against our interests without fear of retaliation. Russia has invaded Ukraine, Iran is promoting its nuclear program, North Korea has resumed testing long-range missiles and China is threatening Taiwan. The question is how long this window of opportunity will stay open for them?

Are we consigned to sit by and watch America suffer an irreversible decline over the next three years? Even a massive change in Congress after the November elections will not replace the feckless ideologues permeating the Executive Branch of our government. What can be done to avoid this catastrophe?

One scenario would be where Biden resigns (for health reasons) before the elections. This would allow him to claim the distinction of having appointed our first Black Woman to the Presidency and sidestep an embarrassing repudiation at the polls. It might also save the Democrats a few congressional seats. On the downside for America, we would still have a know-nothing in the White House.

Another scenario would be that, after the upcoming elections, a new Congress decides to replace both Biden and Harris by impeachment or other means of replacement in cooperation with Democrats who want to end the current fiasco before they suffer further damage.

In the case of impeachment, might it be possible that enough Democrats in the Senate could abstain to allow for a 2/3 vote for conviction? Might it also be possible for Donald Trump to have been elected Speaker of the House and then assume the Presidency?

Before you laugh too hard, consider the fact that if he were to be sworn in before January 20, 2023, he would be Constitutionally prohibited from running for a third term in 2024. Wouldn't that give our country an opportunity for a fresh start?
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The inauguration of Biden & Company clearly signaled to America's adversaries that a window of opportunity had opened for them to act against our interests without fear of retaliation. Russia has invaded Ukraine, Iran is promoting its nuclear program, North Korea has resumed testing long-range missiles and China is threatening Taiwan. The question is how long this window of opportunity will stay open for them?

Are we consigned to sit by and watch America suffer an irreversible decline over the next three years? Even a massive change in Congress after the November elections will not replace the feckless ideologues permeating the Executive Branch of our government. What can be done to avoid this catastrophe?

One scenario would be where Biden resigns (for health reasons) before the elections. This would allow him to claim the distinction of having appointed our first Black Woman to the Presidency and sidestep an embarrassing repudiation at the polls. It might also save the Democrats a few congressional seats. On the downside for America, we would still have a know-nothing in the White House.

Another scenario would be that, after the upcoming elections, a new Congress decides to replace both Biden and Harris by impeachment or other means of replacement in cooperation with Democrats who want to end the current fiasco before they suffer further damage.

In the case of impeachment, might it be possible that enough Democrats in the Senate could abstain to allow for a 2/3 vote for conviction? Might it also be possible for Donald Trump to have been elected Speaker of the House and then assume the Presidency?

Before you laugh too hard, consider the fact that if he were to be sworn in before January 20, 2023, he would be Constitutionally prohibited from running for a third term in 2024. Wouldn't that give our country an opportunity for a fresh start?
That which you envision of America's adversaries is in fact their ability to build a strong defensive deterrent.

That's the way of the world now and it applies to America as well as all the others. However, the small 'others' have the option of becoming proxy protectorates for the large and powerful.

Venezuela, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc.
That which you envision of America's adversaries is in fact their ability to build a strong defensive deterrent.

That's the way of the world now and it applies to America as well as all the others. However, the small 'others' have the option of becoming proxy protectorates for the large and powerful.

Venezuela, Ukraine, Iraq, Iran, Israel, etc.
1. A strong defensive deterrent against what? Who is going to attack them?

2. It may be the way of the world since Biden's inauguration, but is that a good thing?

3. Do you think having "proxy protectorates" is good foreign policy? They were a cause of both world wars (and maybe a third).
1. A strong defensive deterrent against what? Who is going to attack them?
Which country, which attacker?
2. It may be the way of the world since Biden's inauguration, but is that a good thing?
It's the way of the world that is dictated to all by M.A.D.
3. Do you think having "proxy protectorates" is good foreign policy? They were a cause of both world wars (and maybe a third).
I don't see any alternative for Israel and many others. Face it, Venezuela is toast in the same way Iraq was toast.

And in fact N.K. too if it wasn't under China's protecting wings.

And the only reason why Cuba isn't back under US dictatorial rule is because it doens't have a very big cabbage crop.
Why all the far-fetched scenarios?

The Pillow Guy will reinstate the tangerine terror any day now.

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