Where did the "Race Relations" forum go?

What ever happened to wanting "an honest discussion about race?" Nothing more a dishonest "progressive" trope.

Too much time was spent having to moderate that forum. There were constant violations. A group decision was made not to deal with it any longer. You don't need a specific forum devoted to race to talk about race.
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What is the matter with our Mods?

We were within days of finally resolving our nations race relations issues once and for all.

USMB Mods had to ruin it
So it was a waste of bandwidth and the moderator's time.
the mistake was putting it in Zone 1.

few, if any, abided by the rules as posted in the rules and guidelines: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. No insults, name calling, or putting down other posters (flaming). Consider it a lesson in civics.

should have started it in Zone 3, Badlands, FZ, Rubber Room.
the mistake was putting it in Zone 1.

few, if any, abided by the rules as posted in the rules and guidelines: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. No insults, name calling, or putting down other posters (flaming). Consider it a lesson in civics.

should have started it in Zone 3, Badlands, FZ, Rubber Room.
Maybe. I think it turned into something that nobody wanted or approved of. I don't think it would matter where it was placed.

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