Among other things, here is what a vote for the trump/Vance ticket represents.

I give you the last Trump term as proof.

If someone came to you and said I have a plan to overthrow the power structure in the US and make myself a dictator and then told you

Im going to get elected President, Im going to foment unrest all over the country at the same time there is a global pandemic, BUT Im going to allow the election to proceed, one in which Im behind in all the polling the entire time, then Im going to lose that election, tell everyone that I didnt, then instigate an "insurrection" that will have no path to keeping me in power, when that "fails" I'll leave office, THEN after the person I lose to serves his term I'll get reelected and THEN, THEN I'll overthrow the Government and institute my authoritarian rule.

You'd look at that person and tell them they were an idiot. If you're intent is to become an authoritarian why not do it when the Pandemic is happening and everyone on the opposing side politically from you is begging you to be more authoritarian? Why wouldn't you use the pandemic, all the protests/civil unrest as a predicate to do this? You cant fear monger about what Trump will be like as President anymore, he's already been President. If his intent was to do all these things why would he wait? There's a much proof Biden plans to do all those things as there is that Trump is.
Dude, you need to get help.
Bless your heart
Trump's plot to destroy the republic began the day he rode his fat craven ass down the escalator.
How does one Ride an escalator.?
The way Biden probably would have been much more
comfy using a walker as Potus.Considering his athleticism
riding a bicycle.!
"If I had been vice president, I would have told the states, like Pennsylvania, Georgia and so many others, that we needed to have multiple slates of electors and I think the U.S. Congress should have fought over it from there,"
Trump was disputing the election results due to claimed election fraud by Democrats. The alternate electors existed to reflect the outcome if a recount discovers that Trump won.

Among other things, here is what a vote for the trump/Vance ticket represents.​

If the annoying orange vows to undo everything done the last four years, vacate every executive order, I might go vote for the first time since 2008
Dude, you need to get help.
Bless your heart
That the contention of everyone who's saying "Trump is Hitler" "Trump is a threat to Democracy" If either of those things were actually true why did Obama, Clinton, Biden all wish him well after the assassination attempt? Why did they pray for his speedy recovery? Would you wish Hitler well? Would you pray for his speedy recovery? If Trump being elected is the end of Democracy, if it' the end of the US as we know it and he's going to thrust us into an authoritarian hellscape, and you actually BELIEVE that you would cheer for the assassin. That they aren't should tell you that they don't believe it. Are you angry the shooter in PA missed?
Trump's plot to destroy the republic began the day he rode his fat craven ass down the escalator.
Democrats intend to, and have been destroying the republic ever since shitstain obama said he was going to transform the country.

Trump has been given a mandate to take a wrecking ball to the democrat delusion of direct democracy.

‘A roadmap for a coup’: inside Trump’s plot to steal the presidency

On 4 January, the conservative lawyer John Eastman was summoned to the Oval Office to meet Donald Trump and Vice-President Mike Pence. Within 48 hours, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 presidential election would formally be certified by Congress, sealing Trump’s fate and removing him from the White House.
Tucker Carlson condemned over ‘false flag’ claim about deadly Capitol attack
The atmosphere in the room was tense. The then US president was “fired up” to make what amounted to a last-ditch effort to overturn the election results and snatch a second term in office in the most powerful job on Earth.

Eastman, who had a decades-long reputation as a prominent conservative law professor, had already prepared a two-page memo in which he had outlined an incendiary scenario under which Pence, presiding over the joint session of Congress that was to be convened on 6 January, effectively overrides the votes of millions of Americans in seven states that Biden had won, then “gavels President Trump as re-elected”.

The Eastman memo, first revealed by Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in their book Peril, goes on to predict “howls” of protest from Democrats. The theory was that Pence, acting as the “ultimate arbiter” of the process, would then send the matter to the House of Representatives which, following an arcane rule that says that where no candidate has reached the necessary majority each state will have one vote, also decides to turn the world upside down and hand the election to the losing candidate, Donald Trump.

Biden campaign: J.D. Vance would do what Pence wouldn't on Jan. 6

Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), former President Trump's new running mate, told ABC News in February that he would not have certified the 2020 election on Jan. 6 had he been vice president instead of Mike Pence.

The Eastman memo is universally recognized as an unconstitutional theory whereby the VP exceeds his authority, refusing to maintain the tradition of peacefully transferring power to the new prez.

Trump's 'Eastman Memo' Proposed an Unconstitutional Power Grab by the Vice President

Earlier this week, CNN obtained a copy of a legal memorandum prepared for then-President Donald Trump that envisioned a "January 6 scenario" under which Trump could seek to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election, which he lost to Joe Biden.

Authored by conservative law professor John Eastman, the "Eastman Memo," as it has been dubbed in the press, argued that Vice President Mike Pence, while presiding over the joint session of Congress on January 6, 2021, possessed the sole power to count electoral votes and that Pence should use this power to reject pro-Biden votes and thus deliver the White House to Trump. "Howls, of course, from the Democrats," Eastman wrote. "The main thing here is that Pence should do this without asking for permission—either from a vote of the joint session or from the Court." According to Eastman, "the Constitution assigns this power to the Vice President as the final arbiter. We should take all of our actions with that in mind."
In reality, the Constitution assigns no such power to the vice president.

Meaning a vote for trump/Vance is a vote for ignoring the constitutional order when abiding by the Constitution is inconvenient. Or rulings by courts for that matter.

Vance has also gone further than nearly any other Republican official in arguing for expansive presidential authority over the executive branch, saying in 2021 that he would advise Trump to fire “every civil servant in the administrative state, replace them with our people,” and ignore courts that got in the way.

I just thought you should know who you are voting for beforehand. Cuz voting for someone promising to be your retribution (even though what you're really doing is enabling his) may feel good, but is it worth turning your back on what the country stands for?
How anyone. can vote for this grifter is beyond me?
Democrats intend to, and have been destroying the republic ever since shitstain obama said he was going to transform the country.

Trump has been given a mandate to take a wrecking ball to the democrat delusion of direct democracy.
So when Obama won two elections by winning the popular vote by large margins, something trump did not do, he didn't have a mandate?
The Jan. 6 certification was really a formality. The EC had already declared Biden the winner in mid Dec.

President-elect Joe Biden wins Electoral College vote, cementing his victory over Trump
WASHINGTON — The Electoral College voted Monday to cement President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump in this year’s presidential election.

The ballots were cast throughout the day by individual electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and they mirror their state’s popular vote.

Shortly before 5:30 p.m. ET, California electors cast their 55 votes for Biden, pushing him over the crucial threshold of 270 electoral votes. At approximately 7:15 p.m., Hawaii cast the final four electoral votes of the day for Biden, who won 306 total electoral votes. Trump won 232 votes.
The Jan. 6 certification was really a formality. The EC had already declared Biden the winner in mid Dec.
That's fine. That does not address claims by Republicans that the Democrats stole the 2020 election. You see, there are TWO SIDES to this story but you're only presenting the side that benefits you politically.
So when Obama won two elections by winning the popular vote by large margins, something trump did not do, he didn't have a mandate?
There's no such thing as the popular vote. No popular vote election, campaign, campaign ads, strategy, nothing. Nobody knows who may have won a popular vote election if there had been one. It's like claiming the Chiefs would have beat the Steelers in a game that never took place. :itsok:
That's fine. That does not address claims by Republicans that the Democrats stole the 2020 election. You see, there are TWO SIDES to this story but you're only presenting the side that benefits you politically.
There are not two factual sides to the story.

President-elect Joe Biden wins Electoral College vote, cementing his victory over Trump
WASHINGTON — The Electoral College voted Monday to cement President-elect Joe Biden’s victory over President Donald Trump in this year’s presidential election.

The ballots were cast throughout the day by individual electors in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, and they mirror their state’s popular vote.

Shortly before 5:30 p.m. ET, California electors cast their 55 votes for Biden, pushing him over the crucial threshold of 270 electoral votes. At approximately 7:15 p.m., Hawaii cast the final four electoral votes of the day for Biden, who won 306 total electoral votes. Trump won 232 votes.

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