The winner of Trump's fake news award is....

The whole world is laughing, what a circus led by a the orange clown!!!
His whole first year, all of 2017, has been a circus thanks to President Shithole. The US has fallen so low.
we were better threatening our own journalists? no.
we were better using illegal spy techniques on americans? no.
we were better demonizing our police and making "racist" a get out of jail free card? no.

so i have no idea of what you call "better" but i'm glad we're going in the wrong direction, to you.
It won't last long.
nothing ever does. "the other sides" sole mission is to fuck up "the other side". you extreme people who will only have it your way or fuck off need to ... in your own words, fuck off.
The whole world is laughing, what a circus led by a the orange clown!!!
His whole first year, all of 2017, has been a circus thanks to President Shithole. The US has fallen so low.
we were better threatening our own journalists? no.
we were better using illegal spy techniques on americans? no.
we were better demonizing our police and making "racist" a get out of jail free card? no.

so i have no idea of what you call "better" but i'm glad we're going in the wrong direction, to you.
It won't last long.
nothing ever does. "the other sides" sole mission is to fuck up "the other side". you extreme people who will only have it your way or fuck off need to ... in your own words, fuck off.
The top story on the FoxNews app is this . I am glad they have given up all pretense of being fair and balanced and have gone full Pravda.

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Just because a reporter or a news organization repeatedly reports their biased interpretations as factual and frequently gets caught reporting things that are factually incorrect doesn't mean a president can just call them fake news and make fun of them!

When a journalist is called out for lying, or, worse yet, referred to as "fake news", it hurts their feelings. When the president is the one hurling the labels, it doesn't just hurt their feelings, it hurts their feelings SYSTEMICALLY! And that's what fascism is! Insults are the first stage, next is mass imprisonment, followed by genocide! Stop the president now! If you don't join the resistance, the blood will be on your hands when Jim Acosta gets loaded into an oven in the back woods of Alabama.
/----/ Oh Dear.
View attachment 172153
^^^This kind of comment is so childish and stupid. We care about our country. Why don't you grow up and think and debate like an adult?
The whole world is laughing, what a circus led by a the orange clown!!!
His whole first year, all of 2017, has been a circus thanks to President Shithole. The US has fallen so low.
Yes, us being laughed at is something new..
My gawd man. Where have you idiots been the last couple of decades?
I have been living in 4 different countries around the world and travelling to a least 20-30 others where in quite a few I've spent as much as 3 months at a time. People around the world have not been laughing at us. They liked Obama. They didn't like Bush, but he was just inept, not a clown and not a racist, misogynistic pig, not a moron. They adored Bill Clinton.

We are now, because of President Shithole, the butt of the joke as far as world leadership. We are one of the greatest nations in the world but now with a 3rd world banana republic wannabe dictator for president.

It is nothing whatsoever like it has been in the past decades. Nothing.
The whole world is laughing, what a circus led by a the orange clown!!!
His whole first year, all of 2017, has been a circus thanks to President Shithole. The US has fallen so low.
Yes, us being laughed at is something new..
My gawd man. Where have you idiots been the last couple of decades?
I have been living in 4 different countries around the world and travelling to a least 20 others where in quite a few I've spent as much as 3 months at a time. People around the world have not been laughing at us. They liked Obama. They didn't like Bush, but he was just inept, not a clown and not a racist, misogynistic pig, not a moron. They adored Bill Clinton.

We are not the butt of the joke as far as world leadership. We are one of the greatest nations in the world but now with a 3rd world banana republic wannabe dictator for president.

It is nothing whatsoever like it has been in the past decades. Nothing.
Lol ok....
Soo... in the Entertained States of America the president has introduced an brand new award. His audience, of course, is ecstatic.

In the future this award will be handed out at a annual event along with other awards, such as military medals of bravery.

More good news: the game show leader will approve upon those boring old medals!
Soldiers might be some what uncharismatic at times and some what crippled. No fun. To ensure the right soldiers are given the award the game show president will host a reality show - all nominated (yes there will be a nomination!) soldiers battle it out on a deserted island in a shit hole country for $500K and the medal. Audience will vote and losers will be sent off to sweep mines in said country.

McCain nailed it

“The phrase ‘fake news’ – granted legitimacy by an American president – is being used by autocrats to silence reporters, undermine political opponents, stave off media scrutiny and mislead citizens,” McCain wrote.

Trump’s 'fake news' mantra a hit with despots
/-----/ What were you democRATS saying about Senator McCain when he had the audacity to run against Obama?
McCain nailed it

“The phrase ‘fake news’ – granted legitimacy by an American president – is being used by autocrats to silence reporters, undermine political opponents, stave off media scrutiny and mislead citizens,” McCain wrote.

Trump’s 'fake news' mantra a hit with despots
/-----/ What were you democRATS saying about Senator McCain when he had the audacity to run against Obama?
That he was a good man, but no Republican was going to win after 8 years of Bush and the economic recession.
McCain nailed it

“The phrase ‘fake news’ – granted legitimacy by an American president – is being used by autocrats to silence reporters, undermine political opponents, stave off media scrutiny and mislead citizens,” McCain wrote.

Trump’s 'fake news' mantra a hit with despots
/-----/ What were you democRATS saying about Senator McCain when he had the audacity to run against Obama?
That he was a good man, but no Republican was going to win after 8 years of Bush and the economic recession.
/---/ The Bush recession was mild and would have been over in about 6 months. Obama saw it as an opportunity to fundamentally change the country and turned it into an 8 year recession. The economic boom of the last year has proven that Obama had his foot on the throat of the US economy.
McCain nailed it

“The phrase ‘fake news’ – granted legitimacy by an American president – is being used by autocrats to silence reporters, undermine political opponents, stave off media scrutiny and mislead citizens,” McCain wrote.

Trump’s 'fake news' mantra a hit with despots
/-----/ What were you democRATS saying about Senator McCain when he had the audacity to run against Obama?
That he was a good man, but no Republican was going to win after 8 years of Bush and the economic recession.
/---/ The Bush recession was mild and would have been over in about 6 months. Obama saw it as an opportunity to fundamentally change the country and turned it into an 8 year recession. The economic boom of the last year has proven that Obama had his foot on the throat of the US economy.

I agree, without Obama, the Bush recession would have been over in six months
It would have been replaced with the Bush Depression
McCain nailed it

“The phrase ‘fake news’ – granted legitimacy by an American president – is being used by autocrats to silence reporters, undermine political opponents, stave off media scrutiny and mislead citizens,” McCain wrote.

Trump’s 'fake news' mantra a hit with despots
/-----/ What were you democRATS saying about Senator McCain when he had the audacity to run against Obama?
That he was a good man, but no Republican was going to win after 8 years of Bush and the economic recession.
/---/ The Bush recession was mild and would have been over in about 6 months. Obama saw it as an opportunity to fundamentally change the country and turned it into an 8 year recession. The economic boom of the last year has proven that Obama had his foot on the throat of the US economy.

I agree, without Obama, the Bush recession would have been over in six months
It would have been replaced with the Bush Depression
/----/ That's idiotic. You don't even know the definition of a depression. Now run along and Google it so you can pretend you knew.

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